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Genesis 1 - God created the heaven, the earth, plants, animals and man in six days.
Genesis 2 - God blessed the seventh day; extra details of creation and the newly created earth.
Genesis 3 - The serpent deceived Adam and Eve to eat the forbidden; God curses the earth; Adam and Eve sent out of the Garden of Eden.
Genesis 4 - Cain kills Abel; God curses Cain; Cain’s descendants and family history.
Genesis 5 - Family history of the line of sons from Adam to Noah.
Genesis 6 - Wickedness in the earth increased; God declares to destroy the world; God Commands Noah to build an ark.
Genesis 7 - Noah, his family, and animals enter ark; flood covers whole earth; all humans and land creatures outside ark destroyed.
Genesis 8 - The flood ends and the waters recede; Noah, his family and the animals exit the ark; Noah made a burnt offering to God.
Genesis 9 - God blesses Noah & family, outlines new diet, makes ‘anti-world flood’ covenant; Noah gets drunk; Noah dies.
Genesis 10 - Family history of Shem, Ham and Japheth, the sons of Noah.
Genesis 11 - Tower of Babel built; LORD scatters & confounds the people from Babel; family history of Shem’s descendants to Abram.
Genesis 12 - LORD calls Abram out of his own country; Abram moves to Canaan, Bethel & Egypt; Abram lies to Egyptians about Sarai.
Genesis 13 - Abram moves back to Bethel; Lot departs to Jordan; Abram moves to Canaan; LORD promises land & many descendants to Abram.
Genesis 14 - War between kings in vale of Siddim; Lot taken captive in the war; Abram brought back Lot; Melchizedek blesses the LORD.
Genesis 15 - Our LORD’s Word comes to Abram; Our LORD Tells Abram the future of his descendants; Our LORD makes covenant with Abram.
Genesis 16 - Sarai barren; Hagar given to Abram; Hagar conceives; Hagar flees to wilderness, then returns; Ishmael born to Hagar & Abram.
Genesis 17 - Abram becomes Abraham; Sarai becomes Sarah; circumcision introduced to Abraham’s household.
Genesis 18 - The Lord & two angels appear to Abraham; they said Sarah would have a son; Abraham reasoned with the Lord about Sodom.
Genesis 19 - Two angels met Lot in Sodom; Lot & family leave Sodom; Sodom & Gomorrah destroyed; Lot’s daughters give birth.
Genesis 20 - Abraham moved to Gerar, said to Abimelech (king of Gerar) that Sarah was his sister; Abimelech gave gifts to Abraham.
Genesis 21 - Isaac born; Ishmael mocks; Hagar & Ishmael sent away; Ishmael grows up; Abraham makes covenant with Abimelech.
Genesis 22 - God asks Abraham to sacrifice Isaac, but God prevents it, and ram sacrificed instead; descendants of Nahor, Abraham’s brother.
Genesis 23 - Sarah died; Abraham purchases field of Ephron to use the cave as a burying place for Sarah; Sarah buried.
Genesis 24 - Abraham’s eldest servant takes Rebekah from Abraham’s original home country as wife for Isaac and they are married.
Genesis 25 - Abraham remarries; Abraham dies; Ishmael’s family history; Jacob and Esau born; Esau sells birthright to Jacob.
Genesis 26 - Isaac goes to Gerar, lies about Rebekah; Lord blesses Isaac; Abimelech and Isaac make peace covenant; Esau marries.
Genesis 27 - Isaac grows old & requests meat from Esau; Jacob pretends to be Esau, tricks Isaac & obtains Esau’s blessing; Esau hates Jacob.
Genesis 28 - Isaac blesses Jacob & sends him to Laban in Haran; Esau marries again; Jacob sleeps at Bethel & dreams about ladder to Heaven.
Genesis 29 - Jacob meets Laban; Jacob works for Laban to marry Leah & Rachel; Laban tricks Jacob; Leah bares Reuben, Simeon, Levi & Judah.
Genesis 30 - Dan, Naphtali, Gad & Asher born to maids; Leah bares Issachar, Zebulun & Dinah; Rachel bares Joseph; Jacob’s cattle increase.
Genesis 31 - Jacob secretly leaves Laban for Canaan; Rachel steals Laban’s images; Laban chases Jacob; Jacob & Laban make peace covenant.
Genesis 32 - Angels of God meet Jacob; Jacob fears Esau; Jacob gives to Esau; Jacob wrestles with God; Jacob’s name changed to Israel.
Genesis 33 - Jacob and Esau meet; Esau receives Jacob’s gift; Esau returns to Seir; Jacob journeys to Succoth, then Shalem and erects altar.
Genesis 34 - Shechem son of Hamor lies with Dinah; Hamor asks for Dinah; males in Shechem’s city circumcised, later killed by Simeon & Levi.
Genesis 35 - Jacob moves to Bethel; God promises to Jacob, changes name to Israel; Deborah dies; Rachel bares Banjamin then dies; Isaac dies.
Genesis 36 - Esau marries Adah, Aholibamah & Bashemath from Canaan, has children, many cattle, dwells in Mt Seir; descendants of Esau named.
Genesis 37 - Jacob dwells in Canaan; Joseph has dreams, hated by brothers, visits brothers in Dothan, sold to Ishmeelites, taken to Egypt.
Genesis 38 - Judah sleeps with Shuah, bares Er, Onan & Shelah; Er marries Tamar; Er dies; Tamar acts as harlot, lies with Judah, bares twins.
Genesis 39 - Joseph taken to Egypt, bought by Potiphar, made overseer, tempted by Potiphar’s wife, he refused, was jailed, prospered in jail.
Genesis 40 - Pharaoh’s baker & butler offend king, cast into prison, have dreams; Joseph interprets dreams; butler restored; baker killed.
Genesis 41 - Pharaoh dreams, is troubled, calls Joseph; Joseph interprets dreams, made ruler of Egypt, marries, has 2 children; 7 yrs famine.
Genesis 42 - Joseph’s ten brothers go to Egypt to buy corn; Joseph accuses his brothers of being spies & requests Benjamin to come to Egypt.
Genesis 43 - Joseph’s brothers go with Benjamin & double money to Egypt again; Joseph has feast with his brothers, favors Benjamin.
Genesis 44 - Joseph accuses brothers of stealing his silver cup, requires Benjamin to stay in Egypt; Judah offers to take Benjamin’s place.
Genesis 45 - Joseph reveals himself to his brothers, offers gifts & land of Goshen to his father & brothers; his brothers return to Canaan.
Genesis 46 - God reveals to Israel to go to Egypt; Jacob & all his household move to Egypt; Descendants of Israel listed; Joseph sees Israel.
Genesis 47 - Pharaoh meets Joseph’s father & brothers, offers them best land in Egypt; famine worsens; Egyptians trade cattle, land for food.
Genesis 48 - Joseph & his two sons, Manesseh & Ephraim, meet Jacob; Jacob blesses Joseph’s two sons, saying the younger shall be greater.
Genesis 49 - Jacob gathers his 12 sons, commands, blesses & prophecies concerning them, charges them to bury him with his father; Jacob dies.
Genesis 50 - Jacob is embalmed, mourned for; Joseph, family & Egyptians bury Jacob in Canaan; Joseph forgives his brothers; Joseph dies.

Exodus 1 - Children of Israel multiply in Egypt, are dreaded by new king of Egypt, made slaves by new king who tries to kill all baby boys.
Exodus 2 - Moses born, raised, served Pharaoh, killed an Egyptian, fled to Midian, married, bares Gershom; God hears Israel’s cry.
Exodus 3 - God calls Moses from burning bush to ask king of Egypt to let Israel go, to say ‘I AM’ has sent you; God will deliver Israel.
Exodus 4 - Moses resists God’s call; God gives signs to Moses; Moses returns to Egypt, performs signs to Israel, who believed & worshiped.
Exodus 5 - Moses asks Pharaoh to let Israel go; Pharaoh refuses, increases work of Israel; Israel blames Moses; Moses asks God why.
Exodus 6 - God tells Moses He will deliver Israel, keep His covenant, asks him to speak with Pharaoh; descendants of Israel listed.
Exodus 7 - God speaks with Moses; Moses & Aaron see Pharaoh; rods becomes serpents; waters of Egypt become blood; Pharaoh’s heart hardened.
Exodus 8 - Plague of frogs, plague of lice & plague of flies come on Egypt; Pharaoh says Israel can go, but changes his mind.
Exodus 9 - God instructs Moses; plague of livestock, plague of boils, plague of hail; Pharaoh admits sin but later hardens his heart.
Exodus 10 - Moses talks with Pharaoh; plague of locusts; Pharaoh repents, hardens heart; plague of darkness; Pharaoh threatens Moses.
Exodus 11 - God speaks with Moses; Moses tells Pharaoh that the firstborn Egyptians will die, Israel will go free; God speaks with Moses.
Exodus 12 - Passover; Firstborn of Egypt die; Pharaoh tells Israel to go; God delivers Israel out of Egypt; Feast of Unleavened Bread
Exodus 13 - LORD speaks Consecration of Firstborn of Israel & Feast of Unleavened Bread, leads Israel in wilderness by cloud & fire.
Exodus 14 - Israel camps by Red Sea, pursued by Pharaoh, complains, protected by cloud, miraculously cross Red Sea; Egyptians drown in Sea.
Exodus 15 - Israel sings victory song; Miriam & women dance; bitter water at Marah made sweet; God promises health; Israel comes to Elim.
Exodus 16 - Israel comes to Wilderness of Sin, complain about lack of food; God sends quails and manna; some Israelites ignore manna rules.
Exodus 17 - Israel comes to Rephidim, complains about no water; Moses strikes rock, water comes out; Israel wins battle against Amalek.
Exodus 18 - Jethro brings Moses family back to him, visits Moses; Moses shares God’s leading with Jethro, delegates leadership to rulers.
Exodus 19 - Israelites camp at Mt Sinai; Moses meets God on Sinai, carries messages between Israelites & LORD; LORD descends on Mt Sinai.
Exodus 20 - God speaks Ten Commandments to Israel.
Exodus 21 - God speaks to Moses laws of slaves, killing, striking, beating, fighting, hurting & repayment for humans & animals; eye for eye.
Exodus 22 - God speaks to Moses laws of theft, restitution, trespassing, borrowing, betrothal, sorcerers, oppression, loans, first-fruits.
Exodus 23 - God speaks to Moses laws of justice, 7th year, 7th day, 3 annual feasts, other gods; the Angel & promise to overcome nations.
Exodus 24 - Moses tells Israel God’s laws; Israel agrees; Moses & elders see God on mount; Moses alone ascends into the mountain to God.
Exodus 25 - God speaks to Moses: Israel to bring offerings; make a sanctuary; description of Ark of Testimony, Table of Showbread & Lampstand.
Exodus 26 - God describes to Moses the design of tabernacle curtains, roof, rods & boards, Holy & Most Holy places, & furniture location.
Exodus 27 - God describes to Moses the design of alter of sacrifice & utensils, courtyard curtains & pillars; God requests oil from Israel.
Exodus 28 - Aaron & sons chosen as priests; God describes to Moses the priests’ garments: breastplate, ephod, robe, tunic, turban & sash.
Exodus 29 - God describes to Moses the consecration of Aaron & sons as priests, including offerings; morning & evening sacrifice described.
Exodus 30 - God tells Moses description, design & usage of alter of incense, census ransom offering, Laver & holy ointment.
Exodus 31 - God tells Moses who He chose as artisans for tabernacle, explains Sabbath, gives two stone tablets of the Testimony to Moses.
Exodus 32 - Aaron leads Israel in making golden calf & false worship; God displeased; Moses pleads for Israel; Levi chooses God; 3000 die.
Exodus 33 - God Commands Israel to depart to Canaan, calls Israel stiff-necked; Moses meets God in tabernacle, finds grace in God’s sight.
Exodus 34 - Lord’s name proclaimed; God’s covenant with Israel; feasts reviewed; new stone tablets for Ten Commandments; Moses’ face shines.
Exodus 35 - Moses tells Israel about Sabbath, asks for sanctuary offerings; offerings given; Bezaleel & Aholiab called to make sanctuary.
Exodus 36 - Children of Israel bring too many offerings for the sanctuary; construction of outer parts of sanctuary begins.
Exodus 37 - Bezalel makes ark, mercy seat, cherubim, table, Lampstand, incense altar & holy oil; design of inside furniture described.
Exodus 38 - Bezalel makes altar of burnt offering & utensils, laver, courtyard curtains & gate; tabernacle materials & amounts listed.
Exodus 39 - Garments of ministry, ephod, breastplate, robe, tunic & crown made; tabernacle & materials completed, brought to Moses.
Exodus 40 - Moses sets up the tabernacle, install furniture, anoints priests; LORD fills tabernacle; cloud covers tabernacle, leads Israel.

Leviticus 1 - LORD tells Moses the description and instructions for burnt offerings of bulls, sheep, goats and birds.
Leviticus 2 - LORD tells Moses the description and instructions for grain offerings & firstfruits: unleavened with oil, salt & frankincense.
Leviticus 3 - LORD tells Moses the description and instructions for peace offerings of cattle, sheep and goats.
Leviticus 4 - LORD tells Moses the description and instructions for sin offerings for the priest, assembly, rulers and common people.
Leviticus 5 - LORD tells Moses the description and instructions for trespass offerings, and laws regarding swearing & touching unclean things.
Leviticus 6 - LORD tells Moses laws regarding deceit, & laws regarding trespass, burnt, meat, sin & priest’s anointing offerings.
Leviticus 7 - LORD tells Moses laws regarding trespass, burnt, sin, peace, heave & wave offerings, & eating of fat & blood.
Leviticus 8 - Aaron & sons washed, dressed, anointed & consecrated as priests for 7 days; sin, burnt, consecration & wave offerings made.
Leviticus 9 - All Israel meets at tabernacle; atonement offerings made; LORD’s glory appears to Israel; fire from LORD consumes offering.
Leviticus 10 - Nadab & Abihu offer strange fire to LORD; LORD’s fire devours Nadab & Abiju; more offerings made by priests.
Leviticus 11 - LORD speaks to Moses and Aaron the law of beasts, fowls & living creatures (clean or unclean to eat or touch).
Leviticus 12 - LORD speaks to Moses the law of conception and human births.
Leviticus 13 - LORD speaks to Moses & Aaron the law of plague of leprosy (skin disease) on humans or clothing.
Leviticus 14 - LORD speaks to Moses & Aaron the law of leper being clean and of clean & unclean houses.
Leviticus 15 - LORD speaks to Moses & Aaron the law of issues and discharges relating to the human reproductive system.
Leviticus 16 - LORD speaks to Moses the instructions for the clothing, sacrifices and procedures for the annual atonement.
Leviticus 17 - LORD speaks to Moses statutes regarding killed or dead animals, sacrifices, and not eating blood.
Leviticus 18 - LORD speaks to Moses statutes regarding forbidden sexual relations between various relatives, persons, or animals.
Leviticus 19 - LORD tells Moses laws regarding holiness, sacrifices, honesty, justice, sexuality, agriculture, diet, spirits, hospitality.
Leviticus 20 - LORD tells Moses laws & penalties regarding Molech, mediums & spirits, respect, adultery, nakedness, clean & unclean, holiness.
Leviticus 21 - LORD tells Moses laws for priests & high priest regarding touching dead people, hair or skin marks, marriage, physical defects.
Leviticus 22 - LORD tells Moses laws for regarding clean & unclean, who can eating holy offerings, acceptable offerings without defects.
Leviticus 23 - LORD tells Moses: Sabbath, Passover, Atonement, Feasts of Unleavened Bread, Firstfruits, Ingathering, Trumpets, Tabernacles.
Leviticus 24 - LORD tells Moses instructions for candlestick & showbread; woman’s son blasphemes God, stoned; laws regarding killing, injury.
Leviticus 25 - LORD tells Moses: 7th year Sabbath, year of jubilee, laws regarding hospitality, purchasing & redeeming property & slaves.
Leviticus 26 - LORD tells Moses: laws regarding idols, Sabbaths, sanctuary; blessings if Israel obeys God; curses if Israel disobeys God.
Leviticus 27 - LORD tells Moses laws regarding tithe, and vows, value, redemption & sanctification of people, animals, houses & land.

Numbers 1 - God asks Moses to number tribes of children of Israel, excluding Levites; Levites in charge of tabernacle.
Numbers 2 - God speaks to Moses and Aaron the numbers and arrangements of the tribes’ tents around the tabernacle, excluding Levites.
Numbers 3 - Aaron descendants; God speaks to Moses ministry & tent locations of Levites according to families; Levites replace firstborn.
Numbers 4 - Levites numbered according to families; instructions given them regarding the relocation of the tabernacle.
Numbers 5 - God tells Moses laws of lepers & unclean put outside camp, laws of recompense, holy things, & jealousy (if adultery is suspected).
Numbers 6 - God tells Moses law of the Nazarite, including vows, offerings & forbidden actions; priests’ blessing from God on Israel.
Numbers 7 - Princes of Israel offer wagons & oxen, & meat, burnt, sin & peace offerings for dedication of alter; God speaks to Moses.
Numbers 8 - Aaron lights the seven candlesticks; Levites wash, shave, make offerings, & are purified & dedicated to the service of the LORD.
Numbers 9 - LORD speaks to Moses about Passover & strangers; cloud by day & fire by night above tabernacle lead Israelites’ journeys.
Numbers 10 - LORD speaks to Moses about trumpets; Israelites journey from Sinai to Paran; Moses invites father-in-law to join Israelites.
Numbers 11 - Israelites complain about food; 70 elders share Moses burden; Israelites each quails, receive plague, move to Hazeroth.
Numbers 12 - Miriam & Aaron speak against Moses; Lord rebukes them; Miriam gets leprosy but is then healed; Israelites move to Paran.
Numbers 13 - Moses sends 12 Israelite spies into Canaan; spies return after 40 days; Caleb said to possess it; other spies were afraid.
Numbers 14 - Israelites rebel against Moses; Moses pleads to the LORD to forgive Israelites; Israelites to wander 40 years in wilderness.
Numbers 15 - LORD tells Moses instructions for offerings & ignorance; man gathers sticks on Sabbath & is stoned; put blue ribbon on clothes.
Numbers 16 - Korah, Dathan, Abiram & leaders rebel against Moses, are destroyed by God; Israel complains; 14000 men die from plague from God.
Numbers 17 - Twelve rods (one for each tribe) brought to tabernacle; only Aaron’s rod blossomed, signifying the Levites role in ministry.
Numbers 18 - LORD speaks to Aaron the duties of Levites, Aaron’s sons & himself in tabernacle; inheritance & tithes of Levites.
Numbers 19 - LORD tells Moses & Aaron procedure of Eleazar’s sacrifice of an heifer, & laws of uncleanness relating to touching dead people.
Numbers 20 - Israel moves to Zin; Miriam dies; water came from rock; Israel avoids Edom, moves to Mt Hor; Aaron dies; Eleazar is high priest.
Numbers 21 - Israel defeats Arad, complains, bitten by serpents, moves to many places, defeats & inherits land of Amorites & Bashan.
Numbers 22 - Balak fears Israel, asks Balaam to curse Israel; Balaam mistreats donkey; donkey speaks; angel appears; Balaam meets Balak.
Numbers 23 - Balak and Balaam offer sacrifices; Balaam seeks God’s will; Balaam blesses Israel against Balak’s request; This is repeated.
Numbers 24 - Balaam does not curse, but blesses Israel; Balak is angry; Balaam predicts a Star out of Jacob; Balaam & Balak departs.
Numbers 25 - Israelites commit whoredom with Moabites; 24000 Israelites die from plague; Phinehas kill Zimri & Cozbi; LORD’s wrath removed.
Numbers 26 - Census of male adult Israelites totals 601730, excluding Levites; tribes & families of Israel listed; land divided among Israel.
Numbers 27 - Daughters of Zelophehad request & are given inheritance; Moses lays hands on & appoints Joshua as leader of Israel.
Numbers 28 - LORD tells Moses morning & evening sacrifices, Sabbath & monthly sacrifices, passover sacrifices, firstfruit sacrifices.
Numbers 29 - LORD tells Moses description of sacrifices for holy meetings during 7th month: meetings of trumpets, atonement & tabernacles.
Numbers 30 - Moses speaks commands regarding vows, vows made by young daughters or wives, & ability of fathers or husbands to void the vows.
Numbers 31 - Our LORD Commands Israel to war against Midian; Israel kills all males & adult females, destroys cities, takes over property.
Numbers 32 - Children of Reuben & Gad request land for cattle on this side of Jordan; request granted, if men enter promised land first.
Numbers 33 - List of journeys & places stayed by children of Israel; God Commands Israel to take over the land of Canaan.
Numbers 34 - LORD tells Moses the borders of the land of inheritance; one prince from each tribe of Israel chosen to divide the land.
Numbers 35 - Israel gives 48 cities & suburbs to Levites; laws regarding murder, manslaughter, revenge, & the six cities of refuge.
Numbers 36 - Fathers of Gilead speak with Moses about daughters’ inheritance; LORD gives laws regarding daughters’ marrying & inheritance.

Deuteronomy 1 - Moses recounts history of Israel: defeat Amorites, appoint leaders, twelve spies, afraid to enter promised land.
Deuteronomy 2 - Moses recounts history of Israel: pass by children of Esau, pass through Kadeshbarnea & Moab, defeat Sihon king of Heshbon.
Deuteronomy 3 - Moses recounts history of Israel:  Og king of Bashan defeated, Reubenites, Gadites & half Manasseh given land east of Jordan.
Deuteronomy 4 - Moses recounts history of Israel:  God made Israel a great nation, Ten Commandments, avoid idolatry, obey God, cities of refuge.
Deuteronomy 5 - Moses recounts: God speaks to & makes covenant with Israel, gives Ten Commandments, Israel promises to follow God’s Commandments.
Deuteronomy 6 - Moses recounts:  Keep, remember & teach God’s Commands, love God with your whole heart, don’t forget God, worship only God.
Deuteronomy 7 - Moses speaks to Israel:  Do not make agreements with other nations, God chose Israel, God will bless Israel if they follow Him.
Deuteronomy 8 - Moses speaks to Israel:  Remember God’s Commandments, God protected Israel, God will give Israel a good land, do not forget God.
Deuteronomy 9 - Moses speaks to Israel:  God brought Israel into Canaan because other nations’ wickedness, not because of Israel’s righteousness.
Deuteronomy 10 - Moses speaks to Israel:  Recounts tables of stone, Israel’s journeys, God of gods, command of God to serve Him, love strangers.
Deuteronomy 11 - Moses speaks to Israel:  God’s greatness against Egypt, good things in promised land, teach your children, choose to obey God.
Deuteronomy 12 - Moses speaks to Israel:  Destroy other nations’ gods; bring offerings to the place God chooses; do not follow other gods.
Deuteronomy 13 - Moses speaks to Israel:  Gives God’s Commandmentss regarding false gods, false worship, false prophets, false miracles, false dreams
Deuteronomy 14 - Laws regarding cutting your body, eating unclean animals, giving & using tithes & offerings.
Deuteronomy 15 - Laws regarding hospitality, debt cancellation & release of slaves after 7 years, firstborn offerings.
Deuteronomy 16 - Laws regarding feasts of Passover, weeks & tabernacles, judges & officers, trees near alters, images.
Deuteronomy 17 - Laws regarding pure sacrifices, false worship, judging difficult decisions, rulership of Israel’s king.
Deuteronomy 18 - Laws regarding Levites inheritance, occult practices, witches & false prophets; a true Prophet promised.
Deuteronomy 19 - Moses speaks to Israel:  3 cities of refuge; matters established by 2 or 3 witnesses; false witnesses; judging controversies.
Deuteronomy 20 - Laws regarding wars & battles, don’t fear the enemy, reasons for leaving the army, rules of engagement.
Deuteronomy 21 - Laws regarding mystery deaths, marrying captive women, firstborn inheritance, rebellious sons, hanging.
Deuteronomy 22 - Laws regarding lost property, various household rules, virginity, engagement, marriage & sexual laws.
Deuteronomy 23 - Laws regarding entering God’s assembly, treaties, uncleanness, sanitation, money, property & promises.
Deuteronomy 24 - Laws regarding marriage, divorce, leprosy, loans, oppression, punishment, judging, harvesting & sharing.
Deuteronomy 25 - Laws regarding judging, brother-in-law marrying wife of dead brother, fighting men & wife, honesty.
Deuteronomy 26 - Laws regarding offerings of first fruits, tithing, worship, & prayers of thanksgiving.
Deuteronomy 27 - Command to build altar to God, Levites speak curses to people who disobey God, Israel agrees.
Deuteronomy 28 - Moses speaks to Israel:  Blessings if Israel obeys God, curses if Israel disobeys God, with regards to life, prosperity, et cetera.
Deuteronomy 29 - Review of Israel’s origin & history, explains God’s covenant & consequences for disobeying.
Deuteronomy 30 - Moses speaks to Israel:  After Israel disobeys & is scattered, God will bring them back to prosper; Israel chooses life or death.
Deuteronomy 31 - Moses 120 years old; Israel be strong; Israel will disobey; God gives Moses a song; law placed in side of ark; Joshua given charge.
Deuteronomy 32 - Moses teaches God’s song to Israel & encourages Israel; God says to Moses to go up Mt Nebo, view promised land, & then die.
Deuteronomy 33 - Moses blesses children of Israel before his death, names each tribe of Israel; God is Israel’s refuge and strength.
Deuteronomy 34 - Moses goes up Mt Nebo, views promised land, dies 120 yrs old; Israel mourns for Moses; Joshua succeeds Moses as Israel’s leader.


Joshua 1 - Joshua leads Israel; God speaks to Joshua; be strong & courageous; Joshua speaks to Israel; Israel prepares to cross Jordan.
Joshua 2 - Joshua sends two spies to Jericho; Rahab protects the spies; men of Jericho searched for spies; spies return safely to Israel.
Joshua 3 - Israel moves from Shittim to Jordan, prepares to cross Jordan; Israel miraculously crosses Jordan river as water is stopped.
Joshua 4 - Israel sets up 12 stones as a memorial of crossing Jordan; Joshua made great before Israel; Israel camps at Gilgal.
Joshua 5 - Canaanite kings fear Israel; Israelite men circumcised; Passover observed; manna ceases; God’s army’s captain appears to Joshua.
Joshua 6 - Joshua leads Israel becomes famous; Israel marches around Jericho 7 days; Israel destroys Jericho, but Rahab & family saved.
Joshua 7 - Achan takes forbidden possessions from Jericho; 36 Israelites killed during battle at Ai; Achan stoned & burnt by Israel.
Joshua 8 - God Commands Joshua to take city of Ai; Joshua leads Israel to capture, ambush and conquer Ai; Joshua builds alter in Mt Ebal.
Joshua 9 - Kings west of Jordan join together to fight Israel; Gibeon deceives, makes treaty with Israel; Gibeon becomes Israel’s servants.
Joshua 10 - Joshua leads Israel in conquering Jerusalem, Jarmuth, Lachish, Eglon, Hebron, Debir & others; sun miraculously stands still.
Joshua 11 - Jabin king of Hazor with many kingdoms in the north fight against Israel; Joshua leads Israel in destroying these kingdoms.
Joshua 12 - List of kingdoms which Israel defeated: first, many on east side of Jordan River, then 31 kings on west side in promised land.
Joshua 13 - Joshua is old; much land remains to be conquered; territories defined for Reuben, Gad & half of Manasseh; Levi inherits no land.
Joshua 14 - Land of Canaan distributed to tribes of Israel; Caleb & children of Judah request & receive from Joshua the mountain of Hebron.
Joshua 15 - Land allocation of tribe of Judah defined; Caleb gives his daughter to Othniel; Caleb gives extra land to his daughter.
Joshua 16 - Land allocation of children of Joseph defined separately for Manasseh & Ephraim; Canaanites in Gezar remain servants of Ephraim.
Joshua 17 - Ephraim’s & Manasseh’s territory defined & expanded; daughters of Zelophehad given land; Israel forces some Canaanites to work.
Joshua 18 - Israel assembles at Shiloh & sets up tabernacle; 7 tribes have no inheritance; remaining land divided; Benjamin’s land defined.
Joshua 19 - Simeon, Zebulun, Issachar, Asher, Naphtali & Dan allocated land; Dan expands; Joshua given inheritance; land division completed.
Joshua 20 - Kadesh, Shechem, Kirjatharba, Bezer, Ramoth & Golan appointed as cities of refuge for manslayers who accidentally kill people.
Joshua 21 - Levites given 48 cities from other tribes as inheritance; LORD gave Israel all promised things; no enemies stood before Israel.
Joshua 22 - Reuben, Gad & half Manasseh return to east side of Jordan, build alter of Ed as a witness; Israel concerned, but later pleased.
Joshua 23 - Israel rests for a long time; Joshua becomes old; Joshua speaks to leaders of Israel regarding following God & consequences.
Joshua 24 - Joshua speaks to Israel to serve God; Israel decides to obey God; Joshua dies; Eleazar dies; Israel continues to serve God.


Judges 1 - Judah & Simeon fight against Canaanites, take Jerusalem; tribes of Israel expand territory but did not drive all Canaanites out.
Judges 2 - Israel disobeys God, does not remove other nations, worships other gods; God raises up judges to deliver Israel from disobeying.
Judges 3 - Israel intermarries & worships false gods, serves other nations; Othniel, Ehud & Shamgar deliver Israel from other nations.
Judges 4 - Israel does evil; Israel serves king Jabin; Deborah judges Israel; Barak leads battle against Sisera; Jael kills Sisera.
Judges 5 - Deborah & Barak sing song to LORD about battle with kings of Canaan; Israel delivered from other nations, rests for 40 years.
Judges 6 - Israel does evil, serves Midian 7 yrs; angel of LORD appears to Gideon; Gideon destroys alter of Baal; God gives sign to Gideon.
Judges 7 - Gideon gathers Israelite men to fight; men reduced to only 300 soldiers; God delivers Midian into hand of Gideon & Israel.
Judges 8 - Succoth & Penuel deny support for Gideon; Gideon conquers 120000 men of Midian; Israel has peace 40 years, turns from God.
Judges 9 - Abimelech kills brothers, rules over Shechem 3 yrs; Jotham warns Abimelech & Shechem; Abimelech destroys cities & is killed.
Judges 10 - Tola & Jair judge Israel; Israel forgets God & serves Baalim; Philistines takes over Israel; Israel cries to God for help.
Judges 11 - Jephthah leaves home; Ammonites wars against Israel; Jephthah helps Israel defeat Ammonites; Jephthah’s daughter sacrificed.
Judges 12 - Ephraim fights against Gilead; Gilead defeats Ephraim; Jephthah judges Israel 6 yrs; Ibzan, Elon & Abdon judge Israel.
Judges 13 - Philistines rule Israel; angel appears to Manoah & his wife, says they will have a son who will deliver Israel; Samson is born.
Judges 14 - Samson wants to marry a Philistine; Samson kills a lion, makes a feast, shares riddle, marries a Philistine, kills 30 men.
Judges 15 - Samson burns Philistine’s property with foxes, captured by Judah, handed to Philistines, kills 1000 men, judges Israel 20 years.
Judges 16 - Samson escapes from Gaza; Samson likes Delilah; Samson loses strength, captured, regains strength, dies with many Philistines.
Judges 17 - Micah takes & returns silver from his mother; idol made from silver; Micah has house of gods; young Levite stays with Micah.
Judges 18 - Dan sends spies to find land; spies meet Micah; spies & 600 men from Dan take Micah’s idols & priest, conquer Laish, build city.
Judges 19 - A Levite marries a lady from Judah; they separate but later travel & stay 1 night in Gibeah; men of Gibeah rape her; she dies.
Judges 20 - Because some men of Gibeah of Benjamin raped the Levite’s concubine, 400000 men of Israel fight against Benjamin & win.
Judges 21 - Israel gathers at Mizpah, feel sorry for tribe of Benjamin’s separation; young women given to Benjamin; Israel has no king


Ruth 1 - Elimelech, Naomi & sons move to Moab; sons marry Moabites Orpah & Ruth; Elimelech & sons die; Naomi & Ruth return to Bethlehem.
Ruth 2 - Ruth gleans barley in Bethlehem from Boaz’s field until end of harvest; Boaz is Naomi’s kinsmen; Boaz shows kindness to Ruth.
Ruth 3 - Ruth visits Boaz during night, lies at Boaz’s feet until morning; Boaz accepts Ruth & gives her extra barley; Ruth returns home.
Ruth 4 - Naomi’s kinsman doesn’t redeem land; Boaz redeems land; Boaz marries Ruth; Ruth gives birth to Obed, grandfather of King David.

1 Samuel 1 - Elkanah & 2 wives visit Shiloh yearly; Hannah has no children, prays to God, gives birth to Samuel, gives him to God in Shiloh.
1 Samuel 2 - Hannah praises God, brings yearly clothes to Samuel; Samuel grows & serves God; Eli’s sons sin against God; God warns Eli.
1 Samuel 3 - Samuel ministers in temple of God, hears God’s voice; God reveals to Samuel the future of Eli; Samuel grows, gains respect.
1 Samuel 4 - Israel fights with Philistines; Israel loses; ark of covenant captured by Philistines; Eli, sons & daughter-in-law die.
1 Samuel 5 - Philistines take ark of God to false god Dagon; Dagon falls down before ark; people of Ashdod, Gath & Ekron become sick or die.
1 Samuel 6 - Philistines return ark of God to Israel with a trespass offering of 5 gold mice & tumors; people of Beth Shemesh receive Ark.
1 Samuel 7 - Ark brought to Kirjathjearim; Samuel speaks to Israel; Israel repents; Philistines attack Israel; Israel defeats Philistines.
1 Samuel 8 - Elders of Israel request from Samuel to have a king; God displeased; Samuel warns Israel; elders insist on having a king.
1 Samuel 9 - Saul goes looking for father’s sheep, visits Samuel; God tells Samuel that Saul will be king; Samuel tells Saul he will be king.
1 Samuel 10 - Samuel anoints Saul as king; Saul prophesies; Samuel calls Israel together; Saul hides from Samuel; Samuel proclaims Saul king.
1 Samuel 11 - Ammonites try to take over Jabeshgilead of Israel; Saul calls Israel to fight against Ammonites; Israel wins; Saul made king.
1 Samuel 12 - Samuel speaks to Israel about Israel’s history, desire for a king & serving God; God sends thunder & rain; Israel repents.
1 Samuel 13 - Saul reigns over Israel; Philistines make war with Israel; Saul disobeys God; Israel prepares for battle against Philistines.
1 Samuel 14 - Jonathan & 600 men fight against Philistines; Saul & Israel join Jonathan; Israel wins; Israelites eat with blood; Saul rules.
1 Samuel 15 - Saul leads Israel in destroying Amalekites; Israel saves some animals; Saul disobeys, repents, not recognized as king anymore.
1 Samuel 16 - God leads Samuel to Bethlehem to choose & anoint David as next king of Israel; Saul has evil spirit; David plays music for Saul.
1 Samuel 17 - Philistines gather against Israel; Philistine giant Goliath challenges Israel; David defeats Goliath with a sling & stones.
1 Samuel 18 - Jonathan & David are friends; David leads army of Israel; Saul tries to kill David; David behaves wisely, marries Michal.
1 Samuel 19 - Saul tries to kill David many times; Jonathan & Michal protect David; David flees to Ramah; Saul & servants prophesy.
1 Samuel 20 - David avoids feast with Saul; Saul angry with Jonathan & David; Jonathan & David make covenant; David flees from Saul.
1 Samuel 21 - David comes to priest Ahimelech in Nob, asks for holy bread & sword, flees to king Achish of Gath, pretends to be mad.
1 Samuel 22 - David escapes to cave Adullam & then Hareth forest; Saul asks Benjamites of David; Saul orders 85 priests to be killed.
1 Samuel 23 - David fights with Philistines; Saul continues to hunt David; David hides; Jonathan encourages David; David remains safe.
1 Samuel 24 - Saul hunts David in Engidi; David cuts off part of Saul clothing, spares his life; Saul repents & accepts David; Saul returns.
1 Samuel 25 - Samuel dies; David requests things from Nabal; Nabal declines; David annoyed; Nabal dies; David marries Abigail & Ahinoam.
1 Samuel 26 - Saul looks for David in Ziph; David & Abishai the Hittite take Saul’s sword while he slept; Saul repents & accepts David.
1 Samuel 27 - David, wives & 600 men flee to & lives in Gath of Philistines; David invades the Geshurites, Gezrites and Amalekites.
1 Samuel 28 - Philistines plan to fight Israel; Saul visits fortune teller, Saul talks with Samuel’s spirit; which says Israel will be defeated.
1 Samuel 29 - Philistines gather against Israel; David gathers with Achish; Philistines send David & his men away from battle.
1 Samuel 30 - David & men come to Ziklag; Amalekites take Ziklag captive; David & men pursue after Amalekites, recover people & possessions.
1 Samuel 31 - Philistines fight against Israel, kill Saul’s sons; King Saul commits suicide; Israel flees from Philistines; Saul buried.

2 Samuel 1 - Amalekite man kills Saul, tells David, is killed; David mourns & writes song about the death of Saul & Jonathan.
2 Samuel 2 - David anointed king of Judah; Abner makes Ishbosheth king of Israel; Abner & David’s servants fight, later make peace.
2 Samuel 3 - David strengthens; Ishbosheth weakens; David has many sons; Michal returns to David; Abner supports David, killed; David mourns.
2 Samuel 4 - Saul’s son’s captains, sons of Rimmon, Baanah & Rechab, kill Ishosheth, tell & displease David, are killed by David’s command.
2 Samuel 5 - David anointed king of Israel, rules over Israel from Jerusalem, marries more wives, wins two battles against Philistines.
2 Samuel 6 - David brings ark of God to Jerusalem; Uzzah touches ark & dies; David dances before God; Micah displeased with David’s dancing.
2 Samuel 7 - Israel ceases war; David desires to build a temple for God; God tells David through Nathan that David’s son will build a temple.
2 Samuel 8 - David takes over Methegammah of Philistines, Moab, Hadadezer, Syrians of Damascus, Edom; David reigns over & judges Israel.
2 Samuel 9 - David shows kindness to Mephibosheth son of Jonathan; Saul’s land restored to Mephibosheth; Mephibosheth eats at kings table.
2 Samuel 10 - David’s servants comfort Hanun of Ammon; Hanun sends them away; Ammon & other nations fight against Israel; Israel wins.
2 Samuel 11 - David lies with Bathsheba who conceives; David plans Uriah’s death; Bathsheba becomes David’s wife; LORD displeased with David.
2 Samuel 12 - Nathan reveals David sin; David repents, is forgiven; Bathsheba’s child dies; Solomon is born; Israel conquers Rabbah.
2 Samuel 13 - Amnon, David’s son, rapes Tamar, his half sister; Absalom, Tamar’s brother, kills Amnon, flees to Geshur; David mourns.
2 Samuel 14 - Joab asks woman to speak to David about Absalom; David calls Absalom to Jerusalem; Absalom visits David; David kisses Absalom.
2 Samuel 15 - Absalom wins the hearts of people of Israel; Absalom plans to take over Israel; David flees Jerusalem; Hushai spies for David.
2 Samuel 16 - Ziba brings supplies to David; Shimei curses David; Ahithophel advises Absalom; Absalom sleeps with David’s concubines.
2 Samuel 17 - Ahithophel & Hushai counsel Absalom; Absalom pursues David; David advised of Absalom’s threat; David flees across Jordan river.
2 Samuel 18 - David’s men fight with Absalom’s men of Israel; Israel’s men slaughtered; Absalom is killed; David mourns for his son Absalom.
2 Samuel 19 - David mourns, forgives enemies; men of Judah meet David at Jordan; David & his men cross Jordan; men of Judah & Israel argue.
2 Samuel 20 - Sheba leads Israel against David; Joab kills Amasa; Joab’s men pursue Sheba; woman of Abel kills Sheba; Joab’s men return home.
2 Samuel 21 - Famine in Israel because Saul killed some Gibeonites; David makes peace with Gibeonites; Israel wins battles with Philistines.
2 Samuel 22 - David writes song after LORD saves him from enemies: the LORD is my rock, fortress & deliverer.
2 Samuel 23 - David’s last words: rulers must be just & God will David’s children; David’s leading soldiers listed & briefly recounted.
2 Samuel 24 - David counts people of Israel & Judah; David repents; LORD sends plague; 70000 men die; David makes sacrifice; plague stopped.

1 Kings 1 - David grows old, given Abishag for warmth; Adonijah proclaims himself king; Solomon chosen & anointed as next king of Israel.
1 Kings 2 - David advises Solomon, dies; Solomon reigns as king in Israel; Adonijah wants Abishag, is killed; Joab & Shimei killed.
1 Kings 3 - Solomon makes alliance with Egypt, asks & receives wisdom from God, uses wisdom to judge between two women & their babies.
1 Kings 4 - Solomon’s princes listed; Judah & Israel have peace & prosperity under Solomon’s rule; Solomon’s wisdom, proverbs & songs noted.
1 Kings 5 - Solomon plans to build the temple to God, asks Hiram king of Tyre for cedar wood from Lebanon; Solomon & Hiram work together.
1 Kings 6 - Solomon builds temple; description of temple dimensions, design & method of construction; God promises He would dwell in Israel.
1 Kings 7 - Solomon builds his & his wife’s house; description & construction of outside the temple; Solomon ends temple building.
1 Kings 8 - Solomon calls Israel to Jerusalem; ark of covenant brought into new temple; temple dedicated; LORD enters temple; Solomon prays.
1 Kings 9 - LORD promises prosperity to Solomon if he follows God; Solomon gives cities to Hiram, employs non-Israelites, builds fleet.
1 Kings 10 - Queen of Sheba visits & tests Solomon, is impressed, exchanges gifts; kingdom of Israel expands & is very rich & powerful.
1 Kings 11 - Solomon has many wives, worships false gods; God raises up enemies & Jeroboam rebels against Solomon; Solomon dies.
1 Kings 12 - Rehoboam becomes king, doesn’t listen to Israel; Israel splits from Judah, makes Jeroboam king, begins false worship.
1 Kings 13 - Man of God speaks against Jeroboam; Jeroboam’s hand withers; man of God disobeys God, dies; Jeroboam does false worship, sins.
1 Kings 14 - Jeroboam’s wife visits Ahijah who speaks against Jeroboam; Jeroboam dies; Judah sins; Egypt takes Judah’s wealth, Rehoboam dies.
1 Kings 15 - Abijam & Asa reign over Judah; Asa follows God; Nadab & Baasha reign over Israel; Israel fights against Judah.
1 Kings 16 - Baasha dies; Elah rules over Israel; Zimri kills Elah, rules, dies; Omri rules, does evil, dies; Ahab rules, does evil.
1 Kings 17 - Elijah declares 3 year drought to Ahab, goes to Brook Cherith, fed by ravens, stays with widow in Zarephath, heals widow’s son.
1 Kings 18 - Obadiah meets Elijah; Elijah & prophets of Baal sacrifice on Mt Carmel; fire consumes Elijah’s sacrifice; rain falls in Israel.
1 Kings 19 - Elijah threatened by Jezebel, flees, wants to die, given food by angel, visits Horeb, spoken to quietly by LORD, anoints Elisha.
1 Kings 20 - Benhadad threatens Ahab; Israel wins battle against Syria twice; Ahab spares Benhadad; prophet predicts Ahab’s death.
1 Kings 21 - Ahab asks Naboth for vineyard; Naboth refuses; Jezebel kills Naboth, gives vineyard to Ahab; Elijah rebukes Ahab; Ahab repents.
1 Kings 22 - False prophets predict victory; Micaiah warns Ahab; Ahab dies in battle; Ahaziah reigns; Jehoshaphat dies; Jehoram reigns.

2 Kings 1 - Moab rebels against Israel; Ahaziah is injured, sends messengers to Baalzebub; Elijah prophecies against Ahaziah; Ahaziah dies.
2 Kings 2 - Elisha follows Elijah; Elijah taken to heaven; Elisha receives spirit of Elijah; Elisha heals water; bears maul mocking youths.
2 Kings 3 - Jehoram of Israel & Jehoshaphat fight against Moab; Elisha predicts victory for Israel; water miraculously comes; Moab defeated.
2 Kings 4 - Elisha prophecies & works miracles; widow’s jars of oil pay debt, Shunammite woman’s son rasied to life, stew & bread feed many.
2 Kings 5 - Naaman of Syria gets leprosy, asks Elisha for healing, washes in Jordan 7 times, is healed; Elisha’s servant lies, gets leprosy.
2 Kings 6 - Elisha makes ax head float; Elisha advises Israel of Syria’s moves; Syria besieges Samaria; Israel’s king wants to kill Elisha.
2 Kings 7 - Elisha predicts end to siege; God causes Syria to flee Samaria; 4 lepers of Samaria find Syrians gone; siege of Samaria ends.
2 Kings 8 - Shunemite woman reclaims her own land; Hazael kills Benhadad of Syria; Jehoram reigns, dies; Ahaziah reigns in Judah.
2 Kings 9 - Elisha calls a prophet’s son who anoints Jehu king of Israel; Jehu kills Joram king of Israel, Ahaziah king of Judah, & Jezebel.
2 Kings 10 - Jehu arranges for the killing of Ahab’s sons & Ahaziah’s brothers, gathers all Baal worshippers in Israel & kills them.
2 Kings 11 - Athaliah kills royal family & reigns; Joash saved; Jehoiada makes Joash king, plans Athaliah’s death, ends false worship.
2 Kings 12 - Joash rules in Jerusalem 40 years, obeys God, rebuilds temple, gives temple items to Hazael of Syria, is killed by his servants.
2 Kings 13 - Jehoahaz reigns, does evil, dies; Jehoash reigns, does evil, dies; Elisha is sick, dies; Israel oppressed then is delivered.
2 Kings 14 - Amaziah & Azariah of Judah, & Jehoash & Jeroboam of Israel reign; Amaziah fights Jehoash, loses; Jonah prophecies, Judah grows.
2 Kings 15 - Zachariah, Shallum, Menahem, Pekahiah & Pekah reign in Israel & disobey God; Azariah & Jotham reign in Judah & obey God.
2 Kings 16 - Ahaz rules Judah, attacked by Syria & Israel, asks Assyria for help, builds new false alter like Damascus alter, dies.
2 Kings 17 - Hoshea rules Israel, disobeys God; Assyria takes Israel as captives to Assyria; others move to Samaria; Israel’s sins explained.
2 Kings 18 - Hezekiah rules Judah, obeys God; Assyria takes Israel captive; Assyria comes up against Judah, threatens it, defies God.
2 Kings 19 - Hezekiah prays to God; Isaiah speaks for God to Hezekiah; angel kills Assyrian army; Sennacherib is killed; God saves Israel.
2 Kings 20 - Hezekiah is very sick, told he will die, asks God for more life, given 15 yrs more life; sun moves backwards; Hezekiah dies.
2 Kings 21 - Manasseh rules Judah, worships other gods; prophets predict Jerusalem’s destruction; Amon rules Judah, turns from God.
2 Kings 22 - Josiah rules Judah, rebuilds temple; Hilkiah finds & reads book of law; Josiah repents; Huldah speaks words from God to Josiah.
2 Kings 23 - Josiah reads book of covenant to all Judah, turns to God, ends false worship; Jehoahaz & Jehoiakim rule Judah, disobey God.
2 Kings 24 - Jehoiakim serves Babylon, rebels; Jehoiachin rules Judah; Nebuchadnezzar takes Jerusalem captive; Zedekiah rules Judah, rebels.
2 Kings 25 - Nebuchadnezzar besieges Jerusalem, destroys temple & city, takes valuables & people to Babylon; Evilmerodach rules Babylon.

1 Chronicles 1 - Ancestors from Adam to Abraham; Noah’s sons’, Abraham’s, Ishmael’s, Esau’s families listed; Edom’s tribles & kings listed.
1 Chronicles 2 - Descendants of Jacob, Judah & Jesse to King David, & descendants of Hezron, Jerahmeel, Caleb listed.
1 Chronicles 3 - King David’s sons & concubines, King Solomon’s decendants to Jehoiakim, & King Jehoiakim’s decendants listed.
1 Chronicles 4 - Descendants, towns & occupations of Judah, Caleb, Shelah, Simeon & others listed; prayer of Jabez.
1 Chronicles 5 - Leaders, places lived, events, activities & battles of descendants of Reuben, Gad & Manasseh.
1 Chronicles 6 - Family relations of Levi, Aaron, Moses, Samuel, Heman & Asaph listed; list of lands & cities given to Levities to live in.
1 Chronicles 7 - Children, leaders, lands & numbers of descendants of Issachar, Benjamin, Naphtali, Manasseh, Ephraim, Joseph & Asher listed.
1 Chronicles 8 - Descendants of Benjamin listed, together with King Saul’s family line, cities & other major events.
1 Chronicles 9 - People who lived in Jerusalem listed: children of Judah, priests, Levites, gatekeepers, servants, singers & others.
1 Chronicles 10 - Philistines fight against Israel; Israel flees; Saul’s sons die; Saul kills himself; Philistines invade Israel; Saul buried.
1 Chronicles 11 - David anointed king of Israel, conquers Jebusites, rules from Jerusalem; mighty men of David named and described.
1 Chronicles 12 - David lives in Ziklag to escape Saul, joined by many experienced soldiers; David’s leaders named, numbered, described.
1 Chronicles 13 - David gathers Israel together, brings ark from Abinadab; Uzza touches ark; God kills Uzza; ark remains with Obededom.
1 Chronicles 14 - God blesses David’s kingdom; David has children; Philistines battle against David; David asks for God’s advice, David wins.
1 Chronicles 15 - David pitches tent for Ark, gathers Israel; Levites bring ark to tent; Israel celebrates; David dances; Michal dispises David.
1 Chronicles 16 - David offers sacrifices before God; David writes song to God; Israel praises God; ministers remain; people return home.
1 Chronicles 17 - David wants to build temple; God speaks through Nathan that David’s son will build temple; David accepts God’s plan.
1 Chronicles 18 - David defeats & plunders Philistines, Moabites, Zobah, Syrians, Edomites; God protects David; David receives gifts.
1 Chronicles 19 - King of Ammon dies; David sends kind messengers who are shamed by princes of Ammon; Israel wins battle against Ammon & Syria.
1 Chronicles 20 - Joab of Israel besieges Rabbah, conquers Ammon; David & his men kill 3 giants: Sippai, Lahmi & 12-fingered man.
1 Chronicles 21 - David does census of Israel; God displeased; 70000 Israelites die from disease; David repents, sacrifices; disease is stopped.
1 Chronicles 22 - David begins preparing material to build the temple, commands Solomon to build the temple in Jerusalem.
1 Chronicles 23 - David makes Solomon king of Israel; princes, priests & Levites numbered & listed by David; job types & roles listed.
1 Chronicles 24 - Levites, sons of Aaron, their descendants, their offices, services & orderings listed during the time of David.
1 Chronicles 25 - Sons of Asaph, Jeduthun & Heman lead 24 groups of musicians for praising God; lots drawn, groups ordered & listed.
1 Chronicles 26 - Names of Levite guards, officers, judges & workers of the temple & its service listed.
1 Chronicles 27 - Monthly officers, princes of tribes, treasure keepers, king’s famers, counsellors, companions & army generals listed.
1 Chronicles 28 - David speaks to Israel’s leaders about Solomon building the temple, instructs Solomon to build temple & serve God.
1 Chronicles 29 - David speaks to Israel; Israel gives & rejoices; David bless Israel, praises God; Solomon made king again, David dies.

2 Chronicles 1 - Solomon reigns as Israel’s king; Solomon ask for & receives wisdom from God; God gives wealth & strength to Solomon & Israel.
2 Chronicles 2 - Solomon plans to build temple, requests Huram king of Tyre for assistance, assigns workers to build the temple.
2 Chronicles 3 - Solomon begins building temple in Jerusalem on Mount Moriah; description, materials & size of temple, porch, rooms, angels, et cetera.
2 Chronicles 4 - Solomon makes the alter, tank, basins, candlesticks, tables, golden alter, and other furniture & for the temple.
2 Chronicles 5 - Temple completed; leaders of Israel gather, sing & worship; priests bring ark into temple; Lord’s glory fills the temple.
2 Chronicles 6 - Solomon blesses Israel; Solomon’s temple dedication prayer: Solomon asks the Lord to fill the temple, have mercy & forgive.
2 Chronicles 7 - Lord’s accepts offerings; Israel worships LORD; Israel has a feast for 7 days; LORD appears & speaks advice to Solomon by night.
2 Chronicles 8 - Solomon expands Israel, sets rulers over Israel, makes house for Egyptian wife, offers sacrifices, regularly collects gold.
2 Chronicles 9 - Queen of Sheba visits & questions Solomon; Solomon as the wisest & richest kings on the earth; Solomon dies.
2 Chronicles 10 - Jeroboam & Israel speak to Rehoboam; Rehoboam speaks harshly to Israel; Israel rebels, except Judah who serves Rehoboam.
2 Chronicles 11 - Rehoboam plans to take Israel but stops plan; he builds defence cities, has many wives & children; Levites come to Judah.
2 Chronicles 12 - Rehoboam strengthens Israel, turns away from God, attacked by king of Egypt, turns back to God, wars with Jeroboam, later dies.
2 Chronicles 13 - Abijah becomes king of Judah, speaks to & wars with Jeroboam, wins battle with God’s help, has many children, later dies.
2 Chronicles 14 - Asa becomes king of Judah, follows the LORD, has peace, strengthens Judah, is attacked by Ethiopia, wins battle, defeats Gerar.
2 Chronicles 15 - Prophet Azariah speaks to King Asa; Asa encouraged, sacrifices, makes covenant with LORD, removes Queen Maachah & false gods.
2 Chronicles 16 - King Baasha of Israel attacks Asa; king of Syria helps Asa defeat Baasha; Asa rebuked by Hanani, is angry, becomes sick, dies.
2 Chronicles 17 - Jehoshaphat becomes king of Judah, follows the LORD, strengthens Judah, teaches the LORD’s law, has peace with other countries.
2 Chronicles 18 - Ahab has peace with Jehoshaphat, asks him for help to fight Syria; prophet Micaiah warns Ahab; Ahab dies in battle.
2 Chronicles 19 - Jehoshaphat spoken to by prophet Jehu, calls Judah back to LORD, appoints & instructs judges & priests to govern Judah.
2 Chronicles 20 - Moab & Ammon attack Judah; Judah prays to God, sings in battle, wins; Judah has peace; Jehoshaphat’s reign ends.
2 Chronicles 21 - Jehoram reigns in Judah, kills brothers, disobeys God, fights Edom, attacked by Philistines & Arabians, becomes very sick, dies.
2 Chronicles 22 - Ahaziah reigns in Judah, does not follow God, joins Jehoram king of Israel, killed; Athaliah kills heirs; Joash saved.
2 Chronicles 23 - Priest Jehoiada gathers leaders, proclaims & annointes Joash king of Judah; Athaliah protests, is killed; Jerusalem is quiet.
2 Chronicles 24 - Joash obeys God, has family, repairs temple; Jehoiada dies; Joash disobeys God, kills prophet, attacked by Syria, is killed.
2 Chronicles 25 - Amaziah reigns in Judah, follows God, later serves other gods, attacks Israel, defeated, turns from God, still reigns, dies.
2 Chronicles 26 - Uzziah reigns in Judah, follows God, strengthens Judah, wins battles, was proud, burnt incencse, got leprosy, later dies.
2 Chronicles 27 - Jotham reigns in Judah, follows God, builds up Judah, fights with Ammon & wins, becomes strong, rules 25 years, later dies.
2 Chronicles 28 - Ahaz reigns in Judah, worships other gods, defeated by Syria & Israel, is attacked again, closes temple, later dies.
2 Chronicles 29 - Hezekiah reigns in Judah, follows God, reopens temple, makes new covenant with God, has special worship service with singing.
2 Chronicles 30 - Hezekiah invites Judah & Israel for Passover; many come, are purified, confess, sacrifice, worship, sing & rejoice at Passover.
2 Chronicles 31 - Israel destroys images of false worship; Hezekiah instructs priests & Levites in temple services; Hezekiah reforms Judah.
2 Chronicles 32 - Sennacherib or Assyria attacks Judah but God causes Israel to win; Hezekiah becomes proud, sick, is tested; then dies.
2 Chronicles 33 - Manasseh reigns in Judah, worships other gods, is captured, is humble, serves God; Amon is king; does evil; is killed.
2 Chronicles 34 - Josiah reigns in Judah, follows God, repairs temple; Moses’ books found; Josiah & people renew covenant to follow the Lord.
2 Chronicles 35 - Josiah & Judah keep passover in Jerusalem; Josiah fights against king of Egypt, is injured, dies; people lament Josiah’s death.
2 Chronicles 36 - Jehoahaz, Jehoiakim, Jehoiachin & Zedekiah reign in Judah & disobey God; Babylon destroys Jerusalem & takes Judah captive.

Ezra 1 - Emperor Cyrus of Persia commands & helps Judah to return to & rebuild Jerusalem & temple, gives back temple items.
Ezra 2 - Israel returns from exile in Babylon to Jerusalem & Judah; lists of returnees; freewill offerings made to help rebuild temple.
Ezra 3 - Jerusalem Temple altar rebuilt; sacrifices & festivals begin again; temple rebuilding begins, everyone sings & praises the LORD.
Ezra 4 - Enemies of Judah oppose rebuilding the temple, write to Emperor who orders rebuilding to stop; temple rebuilding ceases.
Ezra 5 - Prophets & leaders of Jews begin rebuilding the temple again; Persian officials write to Persian Emperor Darius in opposition.
Ezra 6 - Emperor Darius searches royal records & orders rebuilding of temple to continue; temple completed, dedicated; Passover kept.
Ezra 7 - Ezra gains Artaxerxes’ favour, returns from Babylon to Jerusalem; Artaxerxes commands Ezra to teach & Jews to return to Israel.
Ezra 8 - Ezra, priests, Levites & leaders plan & return from Babylon to Jerusalem with gifts for temple; people & gifts recorded.
Ezra 9 - Some Jews marry non-Jews; Ezra grieves, prays to God in front of people, confesses sins, humbles himself, intercedes for Jews.
Ezra 10 - Meeting about Jews marrying foreign women; Jews confess sin, investigate mixed marriages; foreign women & children sent away.

Nehemiah 1 - Nehemiah hears of Jews’ struggle to rebuild Jerusalem, prays to God, confesses, asks God for mercy, help & Emperor’s favor.
Nehemiah 2 - Nehemiah is sad, gets permission from Emperor to return to & rebuild Jerusalem, returns, inspects city, begins rebuilding.
Nehemiah 3 - Wall of Jerusalem is rebuilt by Levites, priests, & other Jewish people; list of sections of the wall & who built them.
Nehemiah 4 - Sanballat mocks Jews rebuilding Jerusalem, become angry, plan to attack; Jews make progress building, prepare defenses.
Nehemiah 5 - Some Jews financially oppress other Jews; Nehemiah calls meeting; leaders cancel debts; Nehemiah helps people & rebuilding.
Nehemiah 6 - Sanballat tries to trick, trap & kill Nehemiah; Nehemiah is not distracted; wall completed in 52 days; Jews’ enemies lose face.
Nehemiah 7 - Nehemiah gives orders to guard Jerusalem; list of leaders, priests, Levites, singers, animals who returned from Babylon.
Nehemiah 8 - Ezra reads law to Israel in Jerusalem; Israel worships, cries, holds festival, later keeps Feast of Tabernacles.
Nehemiah 9 - Israel gather, fast, repent, read law, confess sin, worship LORD, pray about God’s mercy & Israel’s journey through history.
Nehemiah 10 - Israel sign agreement to live according to God’s Law; list of leaders who signed the law; list of laws Israel promises to keep.
Nehemiah 11 - People settle in Jerusalem & other places; lists of people groups who stayed in Jerusalem; list of other towns throughout Israel.
Nehemiah 12 - Records of priests, Levites & temple duties; Jerusalem wall dedicated with marching, music & sacrifice; people give to temple.
Nehemiah 13 - Nehemiah restores laws & practices regarding temple services, Sabbath & mixed marriages; Nehemiah asks God to remember him.

Esther 1 - Xerxes rules Persia, holds feast, asks Queen Vashti to come; Queen Vashti refuses, makes Xerxes angry, is removed from palace.
Esther 2 - Xerxes looks for new queen; many virgin women come before Xerxes; Esther is chosen & made queen; Mordecai saves Xerxes’ life.
Esther 3 - Haman promoted, gains respect; Mordecai does not bow to Haman; Haman angry, wants to kill Mordecai, writes law to kill all Jews.
Esther 4 - Mordecai & Jews learn about death law & mourn; Mordecai informs Esther of law, advises her to speak with king; Jews fast 3 days.
Esther 5 - Esther risks death & visits king; king welcomes Esther; Esther invites king & Haman to feast; Haman plans to kill Mordecai.
Esther 6 - King learns that Mordecai previously had saved the king but that Mordecai was not rewarded; king asks Haman to honour Mordecai.
Esther 7 - Esther tells Xerxes of Haman’s plan to kill Jews; Xerxes angry; Haman begs Esther for mercy; Xerxes commands Haman to be hung.
Esther 8 - Esther given Haman’s property; Mordecai made ruler; Esther begs Xerxes save Jews; law made allowing Jews to defend themselves.
Esther 9 - Jews defend themselves, kill 75000 enemies; Haman’s sons hung; Jews celebrate victory; Purim declared an annual festival.
Esther 10 - Xerxes empire is strong; Mordecai’s story recorded in offical records; Mordecai is well-liked powerful ruler under King Xerxes.

Job 1 - Job lives as a good rich man; Satan meets with God, destroys Job’s property, kills his children; Job mourns, praises the LORD.
Job 2 - Satan & LORD discuss Job; Satan gives Job skin disease; Job’s wife discourages Job; Job stays faithful; Job’s friends visit him.
Job 3 - Job speaks to friends; he curses the day of his birth, regrets that he ever lived, talks about how suffering people still live.
Job 4 - Eliphaz speaks to Job; indicates Job may be weak & guilty; talks about a dream which showed him man’s unholiness & mortality.
Job 5 - Eliphaz speaks to Job; people bring trouble on themselves; encourages Job to turn to God; God is willing to save & help people.
Job 6 - Job speaks to friends; Job expresses his great grief & weakness; God has caused Job’s pain; Job’s friends are not helping him.
Job 7 - Job speaks to friends; his life is difficult, purposeless & miserable; Job is bitterr & angey, complains to God about hard life.
Job 8 - Bildad speaks to Job; Job & children must have sinned to cause Job’s trouble; tells Job to turn to God; talks about evil people.

Job 9 - Job speaks:  How can a man dispute with God? His power is vast!  But He destroys the innocent.  If only there were a Mediator between us!

Job 10 - Job speaks:  God, why do You reject the work of Your hands?  You know that I am not guilty!  Why did You bring me out of the womb?  Leave me alone.

Job 11 - Zophar speaks:  Should your babble go unanswered?  God exacts less than your guilt deserves!  Reach out to Him and you will find hope.

Job 12 - Job Speaking:  Who does not know all these things?  With God are wisdom and power.  He brings darkness into light. He destroys nations.

Job 13 - Job continues:  I want to argue my case with God.  Be quiet and I will speak.  Though He slay me, I will hope in Him.  God, why do you hide your face?

Job 14 - Job continues:  Man is like a fleeting shadow.  If a tree is cut down, it will sprout again, but will a man live again?  You overpower him forever.

Job 15 - Eliphaz speaks:  Your own mouth condemns you!  Why do you turn against God?  The wicked will be like a vine stripped of unripe grapes.

Job 16 - Job speaks:  You are miserable comforters!  God has torn me and shattered me.  But my prayer is pure.  Even now, my advocate is on high!

Job 17 - Job continues:  My spirit is broken.  He has made me a byword.  But come again all of you.  I will not find a wise man among you.  Where is my hope?

Job 18 - Bildad speaks:  Why are we stupid in your sight?  Indeed, the light of the wicked goes out.  His roots dry up and his branches wither.

Job 19 - Job speaks:  How long will you torment me?  God counts me as an enemy.  My closest friends abhor me.  But I know that my Redeemer lives!

Job 20 - Zophar speaks:  My understanding inspires me to answer.  The triumph of the wicked is short.  His food will turn sour in his stomach.

Job 21 - Job speaks:  Listen to me.  Why do the wicked grow mighty?  How often do they have trouble?  Who repays them?  Your answers are empty.

Job 22 - Eliphaz speaks:  Is not your wickedness great?  You withheld bread from the hungry.  Is not God high?  Submit to Him and be at peace.

Job 23 - Job speaks:  If only I knew where to find God.  When He has tested me, I shall come forth as gold.  But He does whatever He pleases.

Job 24 - Job continues:  The wounded cry out, but God charges no one with wrong.  Some rebel against the light; they are exalted a while, and then are gone.

Job 25 - Bildad speaks:  Dominion and awe belong to God.  Who can be righteous before Him?  Even the stars are not pure in His sight.

Job 26 - Job speaks:  How you have helped the weak.  Sheol is naked to God.  The pillars of Heaven tremble.  These are the fringes of His ways.

Job 27 - Job continues:  My heart does not reproach me.  Let my enemy be as the wicked.  His many sons are for the sword.  The wind sweeps him from his place.

Job 28 - Job continues:  There is a mine for silver, but where is wisdom found?  It is hidden from the eyes of all living.  The fear of the Lord is wisdom.

Job 29 - Job continues:  Oh, for the days when God watched over me.  When I took my seat in the square.  I was father to the needy and comforted the mourners.

Job 30 - Job continues:  But now younger men mock me.  They do not hesitate to spit at me.  God has cast me into the mire.  When I expected good, evil came.

Job 31 - Job continues:  Does God not see my ways?  Have I lied?  Have I refused to help the poor?  Have I put my trust in money?  Let the Almighty answer me.

Job 32 - Elihu was angry with Job and his three friends.  He said, I am young, but it is not only the old who are wise.  I will have my say.

Job 33 - Elihu continues:  Job, please listen to my words.  God does speak, perhaps in a dream or through pain.  He does this to deliver a person from the pit.

Job 34 - Elihu continues:  It is unthinkable that God would do wrong.  Can one who hates justice govern?  God shows no partiality.  Job speaks like the wicked.

Job 35 - Elihu continues:  Even if you are righteous, what do you give to God?  He does not answer because of the pride of evil men.  You must wait for Him.

Job 36 - Elihu continues:  I have more to say on God’s behalf.  He is mighty but does not despise any.  Who is a teacher like Him?  Remember to extol His work.

Job 37 - Elihu continues:  God thunders with His voice.  By the breath of God, ice is made.  Do you know His wondrous works?  He is great in power and justice.

Job 38 - Then the LORD speaks:  I will question you.  Where were you when I founded the earth?  Who enclosed the sea?  Can you bind the Pleiades?

Job 39 - God continues:  Do you mark when the deer is born?  Will the wild ox serve you?  Do you give the horse his might?  Does the hawk fly by your wisdom?

Job 40 - Job speaks:  I have no answer; The LORD speaks:  Will you condemn Me?  Behold now, Behemoth, which I made.  Can anyone pierce his nose?

Job 41 - God continues:  Can you catch Leviathan with a hook?  Everything under heaven is Mine.  His breath sets coals ablaze.  He is king over all the proud.

Job 42 - Job speaks:  I repent in ashes; The LORD speaks to Eliphaz, You have not spoken rightly of Me, as Job has; God restores Job’s fortunes.


Psalm 1 - Decisions Determine Destiny.

Psalm 2 - The Ultimate Victory Of God’s Anointed.

Psalm 3 - How To Deal With Your Adversaries.

Psalm 4 - A Cry In Distress.

Psalm 5 - A Morning Prayer; Give ear to my prayer.

Psalm 6 - A Prayer For Healing.

Psalm 7 - Song Of A Slandered Saint.

Psalm 8 - The Astronomer’s Song.

Psalm 9 - A Hymn Of Triumph.

Psalm 10 - When God Seems Far Off.

Psalm 11 - Fear And Flight or Faith and Fight.

Psalm 12 - Watch Your Words.

Psalm 13 - How long wilt thou forget me, O Lord.

Psalm 14 - The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God.

Psalm 15 - God’s Guests.

Psalm 16 - Preserved By God.

Psalm 17 - Show Your marvelous loving-kindness.

Psalm 18 - Distress And Deliverance.

Psalm 19 - The Revelation of God.

Psalm 20 - The Day Of Trouble.

Psalm 21 - A Prayer Of Thanks For Victory.

Psalm 22 - The Agony And The Ecstasy; Our Lord Crucified.

Psalm 23 - The Good Shepherd.

Psalm 24 - The King Of Glory.

Psalm 25 - A Daily Prayer; keep my soul, and deliver me.

Psalm 26 - Judge Me, Oh Lord.

Psalm 27 - A Divine Strategy In Dark Times.

Psalm 28 - Cry To The Rock.

Psalm 29 - The Voice God.

Psalm 30 - In Celebration Of Healing.

Psalm 31 - From Despair To Deliverance.

Psalm 32 - The Blessed Man.

Psalm 33 - Rejoice In The Lord.

Psalm 34 - Taste And See.

Psalm 35 - A Cry For Help.

Psalm 36 - Wicked Man And A Good God.

Psalm 37 - Responding To Wicked Men.

Psalm 38 - The Burden Of Sin.

Psalm 39 - The Measure Of Our Days.

Psalm 40 - Waiting Patiently For The Lord.

Psalm 41 - The Blessed Man’s Hope.

Psalm 42 - Thirsting For God.

Psalm 43 - Perplexity.

Psalm 44 - Where Is God?

Psalm 45 - A Wedding Song.

Psalm 46 - God Our Fortress.

Psalm 47 - God Is King.

Psalm 48 - The God Of Jerusalem.

Psalm 49 - A Proverb About Wealth.

Psalm 50 - The Lord Our Judge.

Psalm 51 - A Psalm Of Repentance; Take not Thine Holy Spirit from me; Restoring Your Relationship With God.

Psalm 52 - A Contrast Of The Godless And Godly.

Psalm 53 - The Fool.

Psalm 54 - Save Me Oh God!

Psalm 55 - On The Wings Of A Dove.

Psalm 56 - I Will Trust In Thee.

Psalm 57 - A Plea And Praise.

Psalm 58 - Justice Will Triumph.

Psalm 59 - Surrounded But Saved.

Psalm 60 - A National Prayer.

Psalm 61 - Prayer Of An Exile.

Psalm 62 - The Rock Of Defense.

Psalm 63 - Longing Of A Soul.

Psalm 64 - A Prayer For God’s Protection.

Psalm 65 - Thank You God.

Psalm 66 - A Call To Praise.

Psalm 67 - God Shall Govern The Earth.

Psalm 68 - A Triumphant Leader.

Psalm 69 - Save me, O God; I sink in deep mire.

Psalm 70 - Hurry Up God!

Psalm 71 - The Aged Saint.

Psalm 72 - The Messiah’s Reign.

Psalm 73 - God Is Good; I have put my trust in the Lord GOD.

Psalm 74 - O God, why hast thou cast us off for ever?

Psalm 75 - Thanks To God.

Psalm 76 - God Is Known.

Psalm 77 - The Day Of Trouble.

Psalm 78 - Lest We Forget.

Psalm 79 - The Heathen.

Psalm 80 - Return And Turn Us.

Psalm 81 - Oh My People!

Psalm 82 - Judgment Day.

Psalm 83 - A National Prayer For Help.

Psalm 84 - Longing For The Courts Of The Lord.

Psalm 85 - What God Has Done And Will Do.

Psalm 86 - Bow down Thine ear, O Lord, hear me: for I am poor and needy; Preserve my soul; for I am holy:  O Thou my God, save thy servant that trusteth in Thee.

Psalm 87 - The City Of God.

Psalm 88 - The Depths Of Despair.

Psalm 89 - The Covenant.

Psalm 90 - Our Dwelling Place.

Psalm 91 - Dwelling In the Secret Place.

Psalm 92 - It Is Good To Praise The Lord.

Psalm 93 - The Lord reigneth, He is clothed with majesty.

Psalm 94 - The God Of Vengeance.

Psalm 95 - Singing To God.

Psalm 96 - A New Song.

Psalm 97 - The Lord reigneth; let the earth rejoice.

Psalm 98 - O sing unto the Lord a new song; for He hath done marvelous things.

Psalm 99 - The Lord reigneth; let the people tremble: he sitteth between the cherubims.

Psalm 100 - Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all ye lands; Serve the Lord with gladness: come before His presence with singing.

Psalm 101 - A Psalm Of Intent.

Psalm 102 - A Prayer In Affliction.

Psalm 103 - A Psalm Of Praise; forget not all His benefits.

Psalm 104 - In Celebration Of Creation.

Psalm 105 - The Majesty And Miracles Of God.

Psalm 106 - Corruption And Compassion.

Psalm 107 - The Song Of The Redeemed.

Psalm 108 - Wake Up And Praise Him!

Psalm 109 - Song Of The Slandered.

Psalm 110 - The King Is Coming.

Psalm 111 - Celebrating The Works Of The Lord.

Psalm 112 - The Blessings Of Those Who Fear God.

Psalm 113 - Who Is Like The Lord?

Psalm 114 - The Exodus; When Israel went out of Egypt.

Psalm 115 - To God Be The Glory.

Psalm 116 - Love The Lord For What He Has Done.

Psalm 117 - A Psalm Of International Praise.

Psalm 118 - A Song Of National Thanksgiving.

Psalm 119 - Psalm 119 is written in acrostic form:  22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet, eight verses for each letter, which gives 176 verses as follows:  Aleph: 1-8; Beth: 9-16; Gimel: 17-24; Daleth: 25-32; He: 33-40; Waw: 41-48; Zayin: 49-56; Heth: 57-64; Teth: 65-72; Yod: 73-80; Kaph: 81-88; Lamed: 89-96; Mem: 97-104; Nun: 105-112; Samek: 113-120; Ayin: 121-128; Pe: 129-136; Tsadde: 137-144; Qoph: 145-152; Resh: 153-160; Shin: 161-168; Tau: 169-176; Blessed are they that keep His Commandments, and that seek Him with the whole heart.

Psalm 120 - The Deceitful Tongue.

Psalm 121 - The Source Of Our Help.

Psalm 122 - Standing in the gates of Jerusalem.

Psalm 123 - God Is Our Source of mercy.

Psalm 124 - The Lord Is On Our Side.

Psalm 125 - The Lord Surrounds His People.

Psalm 126 - The Lord Has Done Great Things.

Psalm 127 - The House God Builds.

Psalm 128 - Blessed is every one that feareth the Lord; that walketh in His ways

Psalm 129 - Plea Of The Persecuted.

Psalm 130 - Out Of The Depths.

Psalm 131 - A Childlike Faith.

Psalm 132 - For the Lord hath chosen Zion.

Psalm 133 - For brethren to dwell together in unity!

Psalm 134 - Bless ye the Lord; Lift up your hands in the sanctuary, and bless the Lord.

Psalm 135 - Praise the Lord; for the Lord is good: sing praises unto his name; for it is pleasant.

Psalm 136 - O give thanks unto the Lord; for He is good; for His mercy endureth for ever.

Psalm 137 - By the rivers of Babylon; Exiled.

Psalm 138 - In The Midst Of Trouble.

Psalm 139 - Our Value To God.

Psalm 140 - The Godly verses the godless.

Psalm 141 - Lord, I cry unto thee: make haste unto me; give ear unto my voice, when I cry unto Thee.

Psalm 142 - When Refuge Fails.

Psalm 143 - Hear my prayer, O Lord, give ear to my supplications: in Thy faithfulness answer me, and in

Thy righteousness.

Psalm 144 - A Victory Prayer.

Psalm 145 - Every day will I bless Thee.

Psalm 146 - Hope In the Lord.

Psalm 147 - God Sustains His Creation.

Psalm 148 - All Creation Praises God!

Psalm 149 - Praise ye the Lord.  Sing unto the Lord a new song, and His praise in the congregation of saints; let the children of Zion be joyful in their King.

Psalm 150 - The Grand Finale of praises.


Proverbs 1 - The purpose of the proverbs is for the reader to receive wisdom, justice, judgment and equity; A son is advised against the influence of sinners; The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; A personified Wisdom is imagined in the streets, crying out against fools and scorners; Wisdom has called out, but been rejected; The will eventually laugh at the inevitable calamities that befall; Those who reject her counsel will eat the fruit of their own way.

Proverbs 2 - Advice to son to seek wisdom; The Lord keeps the paths of wisdom; The unrighteous walk in the ways of darkness; Their ways are crooked; A shadowy strange woman is invoked, the apparent antithesis of Wisdom, whose house inclines unto death.
Proverbs 3 - Further advice to seek wisdom, and not be wise in your own eyes; Whom the Lord loves He corrects; The blessings of wisdom are long days and prosperity; Do not envy the oppressor, or choose his ways; The wise shall inherit glory:  but shame shall be the promotion of fools.

Proverbs 4 - The pedigree of wisdom:  the author too was taught by a father; Wisdom shall give to ones head an ornament of grace:  a crown of glory shall she deliver to you; Avoid the paths of evil men; They eat the bread of wickedness, and drink the wine of violence; Be careful in the path you tread.
Proverbs 5 - The lips of a strange woman drop as an honeycomb, and her mouth is smoother than oil:  but her end is bitter as wormwood, sharp as a two-edged sword; Come not to her house; Do not associate with strangers.
Proverbs 6 - Don’t be surety for thy friend; How long wilt thou sleep, O sluggard; The six things hated by the Lord are:  a proud look, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, a false witness, and he that sows discord among brethren; Keep the commandment of your parents, which is like a lamp; Keep from the evil woman, and do not lust after her; He who commits adultery destroys his own soul.

Proverbs 7 - Wisdom should be thy sister; A young man is mentioned, who is seduced into committing adultery by a strange woman; Her house is the way to hell.
Proverbs 8 - Wisdom cries at the gates of the city; She declares the righteousness of her own words, and speaks of the proper hatred of evil; Through her, kings and princes reign; She leads in the way of righteousness; The Lord possessed her in the beginning; she was set up from everlasting; Before the mountains were settled, she was brought forth; Her presence at primordial creation is continually emphasized; He who sins against wisdom wrongs his own soul.
Proverbs 9 - Wisdom hath built and prepared her house; The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; A sharp distinction is drawn between the wise, who grow wiser by instruction and who listen to rebukes, and the scorners, who do not; The simple may come, eat of wisdom’s bread and drink of her wine; Wisdom’s house is contrasted with that of a foolish clamorous woman.
Proverbs 10 - Sundry proverbs:  The difference between the wise and the foolish, the righteous and the wicked, the diligent and the idle; The difference is often couched in terms of what the wise and foolish say:  there is a contrast between the good and the evil tongue, and between the slanderer and the peacemaker.

Proverbs 11 - A parallel of the advantages of the righteous and wise, opposed to the miseries of the wicked and the foolish; True and false riches; Parallelistic verse, using “He who. . .but he who,” or “He who. . .and” formulae.
Proverbs 12 - Of the benefit of instruction, and the cultivation of piety; The virtuous woman; The different lot of the just and unjust; The humane man; The industrious man; The fool and the wise man; The uncharitable; The excellence of the righteous; The slothful is in want; Righteousness leads to life.
Proverbs 13 - Various moral sentences; the wise child; continence of speech; ill-gotten wealth; delay of what is hoped for; the bad consequences of refusing instruction; providing for one’s children; the necessity of correcting.
Proverbs 14 - Various moral observations; The antithesis between wisdom and folly, and the different effects of each.
Proverbs 15 - The soft answer; Useful correction; Stability of the righteous; The contented mind; The slothful man; The fool; The covetous; The impious; The wicked opposed to the righteous, to the diligent, and to the man who fears the Lord.
Proverbs 16 - Man prepares, but God governs; God has made all things for Himself; God hates pride; The judgments of God; The administration of kings; their justice, anger, and clemency; God has made all in weight, measure, and due proportion; Necessity produces industry; The patient man; The lot is under the direction of the Lord.
Proverbs 17 - Contentment; The wise servant; The Lord tries the heart; Children are a crown to their parents; We should hide our neighbor’s faults; The poor should not be despised; Litigations and quarrels are to be avoided; Wealth is useless to a fool; The good friend; A fool may pass for a wise man when he holds his peace.
Proverbs 18 - The man who separates himself and seeks wisdom; The fool and the wicked man; Deep wisdom; Contention of fools; The talebearer and the slothful; The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous runs into it; Pride and presumption because of riches; Hastiness of spirit; The wounded spirit; The influence of gifts; The lot; The offended brother is hard to be won; The influence of the tongue; A wife is a good from God; The true friend.
Proverbs 19 - The worth of a poor upright man; Riches preserve friends; False witnesses; False friends; A king’s wrath contrasted to his favors; The foolish son; The prudent wife; Slothfulness; Pity for the poor; The fear of the Lord; The spendthrift son; Obedience to parents.
Proverbs 20 - Against wine and strong drink; We should avoid contentions; The sluggard; The righteous man; Weights and measures; Tale-bearers; The wicked son; The wise king; The glory of young men; The beauty of old men; The benefit of correction.
Proverbs 21 - The king’s heart is in the hand of God; We should practice mercy and justice; The lying tongue; The quarrelsome woman; The punishment of the wicked; The uncharitable; The private gift; The happiness of the righteous; The wicked a ransom for the righteous; The treasures of the wise; He who guards his tongue; Desire of the sluggard; The false witness; Salvation is of the Lord.
Proverbs 22 - A good reputation; The rich and the poor; The idle; Good habits formed in infancy; Injustice and its effects; The providence of God; The lewd woman; The necessity of timely correction; Exhortation to wisdom; Rob not the poor; Do not be friends with an angry man; The slothful man. Be honest; The industrious shall be favored.
Proverbs 23 - Sobriety in eating and drinking, especially at the tables of the great; Have no fellowship with the covetous; Remove not the ancient landmark; Children should receive due correction; Avoid the company of wine-bibbers; Obedience to parents; Avoid lewd connections; The effect of an unfeeling conscience.
Proverbs 24 - Do not be envious; the house wisely built; Counsel necessary in war; Save life when thou can; Of honey and the honey-comb; The just falls seven times, but rises again; We should not rejoice at the misfortune of others; Ruin of the wicked; Fear God and the king; Prepare thy work; The field of the sluggard and the vineyard of the foolish described.
Proverbs 25 - The proverbs of Solomon which the men of Hezekiah king of Judah copied out; God’s mysteriousness is glorious; Observations concerning kings; Avoid contentions; Opportune speech; The faithful ambassador; Delicacies to be sparingly used; Avoid familiarity; Amusements not grateful to a distressed mind; Do good to your enemies; The misery of dwelling with a scold; The necessity of moderation and self-government.
Proverbs 26 - Honor is not seemly in a fool; The correction and treatment suitable to such; Of the slothful man; Of him who interferes with matters which do not concern him; Contentions to be avoided; Of the dissembler and the lying tongue.
Proverbs 27 - Tomorrow is uncertain; Self-praise forbidden; Anger and envy; Reproof from a friend; Want makes us feel the value of a supply; A good neighbor; Beware of supreme rulers; Suspicious praise; The quarrelsome woman; One friend helps another; Man insatiable; The incorrigible fool; Domestic cares; The profit of flocks for food and clothes.
Proverbs 28 - The timidity of the wicked; Quick succession in the government of a country is a punishment to the land; Of the poor who oppress the poor; The upright poor man is preferable to the wicked rich man; The unprofitable conduct of the usurer; The prosperity of the righteous a cause of rejoicing; He is blessed who fears always; A wicked ruler is a curse; The murderer generally excused; The faithful man; The corrupt judge; The foolishness of trusting in one’s own heart; The charitable man; When the wicked are elevated, it is a public evil.
Proverbs 29 - We must not despise correction; The prudent king; The flatterer; The just judge; Contend not with a fool; The prince who opens his ears to reports; The poor and the deceitful; The pious king; The insolent servant; The humiliation of the proud; Of the partner of a thief; The fear of man; The Lord the righteous judge.
Proverbs 30 - The words of Agur the son of Jakeh; Of wicked generations; Things that are never satisfied:  the grave, the barren womb, the earth that is not filled with water, and fire; Of him who despises his parents; Four wonderful things:  the flight of an eagle, the way of a serpent, the way of a ship, the way of a man with a maid; Three things that disquiet the land:  a servant who reigns, a fool filled with meat, an odious woman married, and a handmaid that is heir to her mistress; Four small but resourceful animals:  ants, rabbits, locusts, spiders; Four things that go well:  a dominant lion, a greyhound, a he-goat and a king against whom there is no rising up; A man should cease from doing foolishly, and from strife.
Proverbs 31 - The words and prophecy of King Lemuel, about what his mother taught him; Debauchery and much wine to be avoided; Kings should administer justice soberly; The praise of a virtuous woman and good housewife, in her economy, prudence, watchfulness, and assiduity in labor; Her price is above rubies.


Ecclesiastes 1 - Solomon looks back over all the wealth he has; his accomplishments; his possessions; to him it all seems meaningless; he believes that serving God is the most important option; he separates wisdom into two categories: 1) Human knowledge, reasoning, or philosophy and 2) The wisdom that can only comes from God.

Ecclesiastes 2 - Solomon conducted his search for life’s meaning as an experiment; the first thing he tried to satisfy himself with was pleasure; he surrounded himself with jesters, singers, and many beautiful women; this still did not satisfy him; he refers to it as chasing after the wind; he believes that we must not base ourselves on the pursuit of happiness, but on the solid foundation of God; because our accomplishments, wealth, and materials mean nothing after death.

Ecclesiastes 3 - Solomon believes that there is a time and place for everything, whether it be good or bad; he believes that you must seek guidance from God to truly know what your path in life is.

Ecclesiastes 4 - Solomon believes that going to the extremes of being lazy or a workaholic is foolish and irresponsible; the answer is to work hard but with moderation; he believes that you should take time to enjoy God’s other gifts and realize that He gives us assignments and rewards, not man; Solomon believes that a person should seek God’s approval above all and not recognition from man.

Ecclesiastes 5 - We should be open to God; we should be ready to listen and not be so hasty to dictate what we want God to do; Solomon believes that it was not wise to make a vow to God and not keep it; it is better to not make a vow than to make one to God and not keep it; Solomon says that riches are meaningless; people who obsess over it never find the true happiness that it promises; loving money leads to sin; don’t depend on money to make you happy; instead, use what you have for the Lord.

Ecclesiastes 6 - Even though a person has lived a long and prosperous life, it is ultimately meaningless; Solomon says this because everything that a person has accumulated is left behind at death; many people strive to prolong life and keep in good physical health, but people don’t spend nearly enough time improving their spiritual health; Solomon also believes that human beings cannot take charge of their own destiny.

Ecclesiastes 7 - Enjoy what you have while you can, but realize that adversity and hard times can strike at any moment; because of this, life is short; death is inevitable; we shouldn’t ignore it because it makes sense to plan ahead to experience God’s mercy rather than His justice; People who are too righteous and too wise are blind to their own faults; there will always be things that we don’t understand; thinking that you have attained enough wisdom is a sure sign that you haven’t.

Ecclesiastes 8 - True wisdom comes from knowing and trusting God, not merely the way to find Him; knowing God will lead to understanding and then to sharing that knowledge with others; even though a man could have all of the world’s wisdom, he would still know very little; no one can fully comprehend God.

Ecclesiastes 9 - Solomon believes in enjoying life as God’s gift; the world is finite, and sin has twisted life, making it something other than what God intended; society honors many things above wisdom such as attractiveness, wealth, popularity, and success; Solomon believes that wisdom is the greatest asset even though it often goes unrecognized.

Ecclesiastes 10 - By describing circumstances that are unfair or don’t make sense, Solomon is saying that wisdom alone can’t bring justice; everything we have is nothing without God; however, when God uses what little we have, it becomes all we could ever want or need; if you lack skills, you should sharpen them through training and practice; this will make you more effective for God’s work.

Ecclesiastes 11 - Because life has no guarantees, we should seize available opportunities and not play it safe; even though life is uncertain, it doesn’t mean that you should let it pass you by; don’t wait for conditions that many never exist; we should enjoy everyday but remember that the afterlife is eternal.

Ecclesiastes 12 - Solomon concludes by giving his antidotes for the two main ailments that he talked about; people who lack purpose and direction in life should fear God and keep His Commandments first; the people who think that life is unfair should remember that God will go back and look at everyone’s lives and make His judgment.


Song Of Solomon 1-8 - Solomon and his bride, her beauty, her wedding, his and her love.

Isaiah 1 - Isaiah prophesied in the days of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah; The Lord visualizes a people laden with iniquity; Your cities are overthrown by strangers; left a very small remnant; do well; care for the needy; The faithful city has become a harlot; the city will become the city of righteousness once more.

Isaiah 2 - In the last days, the Lord’s house shall be established on Zion; all nations shall flow unto it; The Lord shall judge the nations; they shall beat their swords into ploughshares; nation shall not lift up sword against nation; The Lord shall level the land, including the mountains, the towers, and the proud.
Isaiah 3 - The Lord will take away all people of status from Jerusalem and Judah, and give babes to rule over them; The Lord will punish pride, including that of the daughters of Zion; The Lord will smite them with scabs and other afflictions; The men and the mighty shall fall in war.

Isaiah 4 - The calamities of war will be so great that seven women shall be left to one man; purged of filth, the Lord will bless the remnant, and the pillar of cloud by day and fire by night will be created in every dwelling place.

Isaiah 5 - Israel is like a vineyard, which will be abandoned because it produced only wild grapes; woes are promised for a variety of sins; wrath against His people; the Lord will allow a foreign nation to devastate the land.

Isaiah 6 - A vision in the year that king Uzziah died; the Lord on His throne, and above it the seraphim’s; each one had six wings; with two they cover their faces; with two they cover their feet; and with two they fly; Isaiah fears he is undone because he is a man of unclean lips; one of the seraphim’s lays a lump of burning coal in his mouth; his sins are burnt away; Isaiah receives his prophetic commission; the people do not understand, and are not healed; The Lord will remove men far away, but a tenth shall return.

Isaiah 7 - In the days of Ahaz Israel and Syria join in a league against Judah; the Lord tells Ahaz not to fear, for the attack will not succeed; Israel will no longer be a nation in 65; The Lord will give a sign; a virgin will conceive; called Immanuel; God with us; both Israel and Syria will be defeated; the Assyrians will inflict heavy calamities upon Judah; Isaiah counsels against an Judah-Assyria alliance to counter the threat from the Israel-Syria one.

Isaiah 8 - Isaiah has a son; name Maher-Shalal-Hash-Baz; riches of Damascus and Israel will be taken away by Assyria; the Assyrian army is compared to water which will overflow its banks and flood Judah with violence and destruction; Judah can prepare for the invasion by fearing God rather than Assyria; seek the Lord’s light and Word, not the darkness of the occult.

Isaiah 9 - Judah will not suffer as greatly as Israel; unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given; and the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.  Because of their unholy pride, Israel will be defeated by her enemies; the people of Israel will also attack each other; exile and slaughter will be a punishment for social injustice.

Isaiah 10 - Woe to Assyria, the instrument in the hand of the Lord; it will be punished for its arrogant superiority; do not be afraid of the Assyrians; the Lord will preserve a remnant of the house of Jacob; the proud of Judah will be humbled.

Isaiah 11 - A shoot shall come forth from the rod of Jesse, possessing the seven spirits of God; God will judge the poor with equity, and slay the wicked; righteousness shall be the belt of His loins, and faithfulness the belt of His waist; the wolf shall dwell with the lamb; the gentiles shall seek Him; the Lord will gather together the scattered of Israel; peace will reign, and neighboring nations will be subdued.

Isaiah 12 - Praise will be offered to the Lord when His anger has passed away; Praise Song; great is the Holy One of Israel in your midst.

Isaiah 13 - An army comes against Babylon; a day of the Lord is promised; great slaughter shall occur, and mortals be more rare than gold; the Medes will be stirred up against Babylon; Babylon will be laid waste, and populated only by wild beasts.

Isaiah 14 - Israel will be settled in its own land, and rule over strangers; the whole earth will rejoice at the fall of the king of Babylon; the pomp of Babylon shall come to nothing, and be received in hell; how are you fallen from Heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning; the nations will be amazed at the complete reversal of fortune; the king of Babylon will be cast out of his grave; Assyria and Philistia will also be crushed.

Isaiah 15 - The cities and soldiers of Moab fall under a night attack; refugees will flee from Moab; refugees and the remnant of Moab will be attacked by lions.

Isaiah 16 - Moab shall send a lamb as tribute to Jerusalem; Judah is to be a place of refuge and protection for the Moabites; Moab is counseled to be a refuge for Israel; Moab shall wail at the judgment of God against it; Judgment will come in three years.

Isaiah 17 - Damascus will become a ruinous heap, and Israel (the northern kingdom, referred to as Ephraim, its dominant tribe) will wane; God’s judgment will bring man’s work to nothing; many nations will rush against Syria and Israel like the rush of many waters; these nations will also be rebuked.

Isaiah 18 - Ethiopian help is not required to deal with Assyria; the Lord will cut off Assyria’s sprigs with pruning hooks; Ethiopians will come to Zion to worship God.

Isaiah 19 - The Lord strikes Egypt by giving them over to civil war and submission to a cruel master; the Nile will be dried, and the Egyptian economy thereby ruined; foolish counsel has caused Egypt to stagger like a drunken man in his vomit; Judah will be a terror to Egypt; the Egyptians will turn to the Lord, and a savior shall deliver them; there will be a peace between the three former enemies of Egypt, Assyria and Israel.

Isaiah 20 - The Philistine king Ashdod falls at the hands of the Assyrians; the Lord Commands Isaiah to go naked; so shall the Egyptians and Ethiopians be led away naked as captives by Assyria; on this day, Judah will be ashamed that it once trusted to these nations.

Isaiah 21 - A army from Elam (Persia) marches against Babylon; a report will come to the watchman:  Babylon is fallen, is fallen; the brief against Dumah (Edom); the watchman will report that the morning comes, and also the night; Arabia, within a year, and all the glory of Kedar will fall.

Isaiah 22 - An army is coming against Jerusalem (the Valley of Vision) which there is no deliverance; instead of turning their hearts in humble repentance to the Lord, the inhabitants of Jerusalem say:  Let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we die; Shebna (Hezekiah’s chief steward) is denounced; Shebna will be replaced by Eliakim; he will be given the key to the house of David.

Isaiah 23 - Tyre’s sailors will agonize when they hear about the destruction of their homeport; the pride of Tyre will be dishonoured; Tyre will be forgotten for seventy years; God will allow Tyre (symbolized by a prostitute) to continue her gross materialism with all the kingdoms of the world; but her gain and her pay will be set apart for the Lord.

Isaiah 24 - The land will be emptied and laid waste; the earth will mourn and fade away, because people have transgressed laws and broken the everlasting covenant; all rejoicing shall cease; the glory of God is contrasted with the woe of man; the earth shall reel to and fro like a drunkard; after judgment and punishment, the Lord will reign on Mount Zion, in Jerusalem.

Isaiah 25 - God is praised for His righteous judgment, and for assisting the needy; a feast will be prepared on Zion; death will be swallowed up forever, and all tears wiped away; people will proclaim a God they have waited for, and Who has saved them; the pride of Moab will be brought down, as the Lord spreads out his hands like a swimmer reaches out to swim.

Isaiah 26 - The strength of the city will be celebrated; the Lord is the source of the city’s strength; the Lord will bring down those who dwell on high; the upright will desire the Lord, and the wicked shall remain unaware as the fire of enemies devours them; all masters other than the Lord are dead; we have been in pain, as if in labor; the dead shall rise; the day of the Lord’s judgment will come.

Isaiah 27 - Leviathan will be defeated; Israel shall blossom and bud, and fill the face of the world with fruit; in the Kingdom of the Lord, the city of man lies desolate; the Lord will be worshipped at the holy mount in Jerusalem.

Isaiah 28 - The drunkards of Ephraim will be trampled underfoot; the beauty of the Lord will replace the faded beauty of Ephraim; Judah also suffers from the corruption of drunkenness; weaned from milk; scornful men have made a covenant with death; God will lay in Zion a Stone for a foundation; the bed is too short to stretch out on, and the covering so narrow that one cannot wrap himself in it; the timing of a farmer is compared to the timing of the Lord.

Isaiah 29 - Woe to Ariel (Jerusalem); its pride shall be humbled; the humbled Jerusalem will be protected from its enemies; Jerusalem suffers from spiritual drunkenness and illiteracy; the spiritually blind will see, and justice for the wicked will be administered.

Isaiah 30 - Woe to the rebellious children who look to Egypt to protect them from Assyria; the people do not want seers to see, and want prophets to prophesy deceits rather than right things; Judah will be broken like a potter’s vessel; blessed are those who wait for the Lord; He shall respond to His people who cry to Him from Jerusalem; the Lord’s people will throw away their graven images of gold and silver; nature will bring forth abundance; there is a place in Tophet (the dump outside of Jerusalem) for the Assyrian king; the breath of the Lord shall kindle it.

Isaiah 31 - Woe to those who look to Egypt rather than the Lord; the Lord is mightier than the Egyptians; the Lord will defend Jerusalem; the children of Israel are invited to repent.

Isaiah 32 - Behold, a king will reign in righteousness, and princes will rule with justice; people will see, hear and understand; the foolish man will be exposed as foolish; women at ease are called upon to repent; the Spirit will be poured out upon a humbled people, who will enjoy peace and security.

Isaiah 33 - The plundering Assyria will itself be plundered; Zion will be filled with wisdom and righteousness; the earth will mourn and lie waste; the breath of the Lord will devour like fire; sinners shall be afraid, but the righteous will see the king in His beauty; Zion, the city of appointed feasts, will be blessed and delivered.

Isaiah 34 - The indignation of the Lord is against all nations; the sword of the Lord will make a great slaughter in Edom; the land will be inhabited only by animals of the wilderness.

Isaiah 35 - Lands will be restored, and the desert blossom; the weak will be strengthened, the sick and diseased healed; abundance shall replace lack; there shall be a Way of Holiness; a road leading to Zion.

Isaiah 36 - Officials from King Hezekiah’s government meet Rabshakeh, general of the armies of Assyria; Rabshakeh speaks against Judah’s trust in an alliance with Egypt, and says the Lord will not save them; Rabshakeh speaks directly to the people of Jerusalem in Hebrew, seeking to demoralize them.

Isaiah 37 - Hezekiah tears his clothes and covers himself with sackcloth; Isaiah speaks words of assurance to Hezekiah, and tells him that Rabshakeh’s blasphemy will be repaid; the Ethiopians move against Assyria; Hezekiah prays, and Isaiah further prophesies against Assyria and gives assurances that the Lord will protect Jerusalem; the angel of the Lord strikes 185,000 Assyrian soldiers dead; Sennacherib is killed by his sons back in Assyria.

Isaiah 38 - The sick Hezekiah is given an assurance by Isaiah that he will not die, but live a further fifteen years; the shadow on a sundial goes backwards, as a sign to confirm the promise; Hezekiah thanks the Lord for his deliverance.

Isaiah 39 - Hezekiah entertains the envoys from the king of Babylon, showing them all his treasures; Isaiah reproves him, saying that all treasures will be taken to Babylon at a future date; Hezekiah is relieved that he himself will not see this happen.

Isaiah 40 - Comfort ye, my people; a voice in the wilderness cries, Prepare the way of the Lord; every valley shall be exalted, and the glory of the Lord shall be revealed; the grass withers, the flower fades, but the Word of our God stands forever; Zion and Jerusalem, who bring good tidings, are invited to tell the cities of Judah to behold their God; the Lord will feed His flock like a shepherd; God’s greatness surpasses all nations and all idols; He brings the princes and the judges of the earth to nothing; the weak shall be strengthened.

Isaiah 41 - The people from the coastlands are invited to approach for judgment; along with everybody else; Who raised up one from the East? (Abraham? Cyrus?) The Lord did; the people of the coastlands approach with fear; Israel has been chosen, and gathered from the ends of the earth; fear not, you will be strengthened and your enemies will be ashamed; you will thresh and winnow the mountains; God will supply water and other resources; one will come from the north who shall conquer; the Lord judges idols and deems them worthless.

Isaiah 42 - The Lord’s servant will bring justice to the gentiles and establish justice on earth; a Light to the gentiles; sing to the Lord a new song; the Lord will unleash His devastating power against idolaters; the deaf and the blind come to the servant; the Lord’s people have been robbed, plundered and punished because they have not walked in the ways of the Lord.

Isaiah 43 - The Lord has redeemed His people from slavery; He will protect them from waters and from fire; the Lord has chosen His servant, and commissioned Israel as His witnesses; Before the day was, I am He; the Lord will judge Babylon and supply roads and water for His people in the wilderness; Jacob (Israel) has not offered sacrifices and has been full of iniquity; nonetheless, the Lord will forgive previous sins.

Isaiah 44 - The Lord’s Spirit will be poured onto the descendants of Jacob, and they will spring up like grass; I Am the first and the last; besides Me, there is no God; idols and idol makers achieve nothing; Israel’s transgressions have been blotted out, as with a thick cloud; Jacob has been redeemed; Cyrus is the Lord’s shepherd, who will help to rebuild Judah and Jerusalem.

Isaiah 45 - The Lord calls upon Cyrus to subdue nations; Cyrus and Israel will know the Lord, Who formed the light and created darkness; the skies are commanded to rain down righteousness and the earth to bring forth salvation; resisting the Creator is foolish; God’s role as the Creator of Heaven and earth is emphasized alongside the deliverance of Israel via Cyrus; when the Lord is revealed as the true God, idolaters will submit and God’s people will be saved; the Lord has not concealed Himself, but let Himself be known; Look to Me and be saved, all you ends of the earth.

Isaiah 46 - False gods are carried away on carriages; the Lord will carry His people into old age; golden idols are mute and incapable of offering help; the Lord knew the end from the beginning; a bird of prey shall be called from the East; salvation will be placed in Zion, and glory in Israel.

Isaiah 47 - Babylon is depicted as a degraded woman, naked and uncovered; the pride and arrogance of Babylon is rebuked; the stargazers and sorcerers of Babylon will be unable to help.

Isaiah 48 - The Lord rebukes Israel for mechanical religious observance; the Lord made sure that He was revealed rather than concealed, but Israel did not see or hear; the Lord defers His anger for His name’s sake; He is the First and the Last; the Lord wishes that His people had obeyed Him in the past; Exodus from Babylon conforms with that from Egypt; the rock in the wilderness flowed with water.

Isaiah 49 - The Servant speaks in His Own voice; He has been called from the womb; His mouth has been made like a sharp sword; He will be a light to the gentiles; He will release prisoners, and those in darkness; the Lord cannot forget Israel, as a nurse cannot forget her nursing child; the Lord will protect Israel from her enemies, who will be humbled and defeated.

Isaiah 50 - Israel has brought its misfortunes on itself; the servant is obedient, and has been given a wise tongue; I gave My back to those who struck Me, and My cheeks to those who plucked out the beard; He has faith that the Lord will justify Him and that His adversaries will grow old like a garment and be eaten up by moths; people will be kindled by fire from His hand.

Isaiah 51 - The Lord will comfort; the wilderness shall become an Eden; the Lord’s salvation and righteousness are forever; fear God, not man; God defeated Rahab (the sea monster) and parted the seas; the cup of the Lord’s fury will be taken from Israel, and given to its enemies.

Isaiah 52 - Put on your beautiful garments, O Jerusalem, the holy city; you shall be redeemed for no money; Israel’s oppressors will wail; all the ends of the earth shall see the salvation of our God; when departing the Lord will be the rear guard; the Lord’s Servant will be both exalted and humiliated; nations will be cleansed and astonished by Him.

Isaiah 53 - He is despised and rejected by men; a Man of sorrows and acquainted with grief; surely He has borne our grief’s and carried our sorrows; He was bruised for our iniquities; by His stripes we are healed; we all like sheep have gone astray; He was led as a lamb to the slaughter; the Lord made His soul an offering for sin; the Righteous Servant shall justify many; He bares the sins of many.

Isaiah 54 - Israel will be restored like a barren woman who bears many children; Israel will be restored like a widow who is rescued from her reproach; the Lord has shown temporary wrath and will now show everlasting kindness; covenant with Noah cited as a precedent; the city shall be built with precious stones; Peace and protection are promised.

Isaiah 55 - The Lord invites those who are thirsty to come and be richly fed; the everlasting covenant is talked about in terms of the sure mercies of David; the wicked will be forgiven if they forsake their ways; the Lord’s thoughts are higher than men’s thoughts; the Lord’s Word shall make the earth fertile; image of the mountains and hills breaking forth in singing.

Isaiah 56 - A call is made to be righteous, and not defile the Sabbath; the foreigner and the eunuch will not be separated from the Lord; the Lord will judge the blind watchmen.

Isaiah 57 - The righteous are persecuted; God’s people have committed spiritual adultery; he who puts his trust in the Lord shall possess the land and inherit His holy mountain; contrast to those who trust in idols; the stumbling block shall be removed; the Lord will restore; there is no rest for the wicked.

Isaiah 58 - God’s people ask why their prayers go unanswered; their ritual observance was shallow and did not proceed from the heart; God is more pleased to see people help the oppressed and poor; the light of the true worshipper shall break forth like the morning; he shall be as a watered garden; those who keep the Sabbath will ride on the high hills of the earth.

Isaiah 59 - The problem is not that the Lord’s hand is shortened, so it cannot save; the problem is the sins of the people; darkness comes and the people growl like bears and moan sadly like doves; in the absence of righteousness the Lord Himself became a righteous warrior He lifts up his standard before the enemy; the Redeemer shall come to Zion.

Isaiah 60 - Arise, shine, for your light has come; the gentiles shall come to your light; great treasures will come to Israel from many lands; the sons of those who afflicted Israel shall come bowing; the walls shall be called Salvation and the gates Praise; the Lord will be an everlasting light to replace the sun and the moon; the days of mourning shall be ended.

Isaiah 61 - The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me, because the Lord has anointed me; the servant will preach good tidings to the poor, proclaim liberty to the captives, comfort those who mourn; ruined cities will be rebuilt; shame will replace honor; the covenant will endure for future generations, and be famous among the gentiles; he is clothed in the garment of salvation, and the robe of righteousness; righteousness and praise will spring forth.

Isaiah 62 - Zion’s righteousness shall go forth as brightness; The gentiles shall witness its glory; The Lord loves Zion as a bridegroom loves a bride, and will protect it against enemies; build the highway for the Lord; Zion shall be peopled with the redeemed of the Lord.
Isaiah 63 - Who is this who comes from Edom with dyed red garments; He has trodden the winepress furiously; nobody was by to help Him; a Savior redeemed His people, though afflicted; His people rebelled and grieved His Holy Spirit, so He turned against them; an exile’s plea for restoration; where is the God of Moses, who redeemed His people.

Isaiah 64 - A prayer for God to intervene, shaking the mountains and making His name known to His adversaries; sinfulness is confessed, and acknowledged as an obstacle; a plea is made to forget iniquity; God is asked to act because Zion is a wilderness, and Jerusalem a desolation.

Isaiah 65 - I was sought by those who did not ask for me; these people are contrasted with God’s rebellious people; blessings are promised for the true servants of the Lord, and a chastisement for false or shallow servants; God will create a new Heaven, and a new earth, and there shall be no more weeping; people will live so long that if someone dies being one hundred years old, people will consider that one accursed; they shall provide for themselves; the wolf and the lamb shall feed together.

Isaiah 66 - Heaven is the Lord’s throne, and the earth His footstool; the Lord will look on one who is poor and of a contrite spirit; empty religious rituals are rejected; the Lord repays His enemies; after labor pains, Zion experiences the joy of birth; the Lord will come in judgment, to judge all flesh; gentiles will come to know of the Lord, and some of them will even become priests and Levites; all flesh shall worship before the Lord; for those who transgress, their corpses will be looked upon; their worm shall not die, nor their fire quenched.


Jeremiah 1 - The Lord tells Jeremiah he was sanctified in the belly to serve; Jeremiah is anxious he is a child, and cannot speak; the Lord touches his mouth, so he will be a prophet unto the nations; the Lord’s plans are compared to the branch of an almond tree; it comes to fruit quickly; Jeremiah sees a boiling pot facing the north; an evil shall break forth from the north against the inhabitants of Judah; Jeremiah will be protected as he prophesies.

Jeremiah 2 - Israel has forsaken the Lord and gone after other gods; its own backslidings will be its punishment; from a right seed, Israel has become a degenerate vine; Israel says to wood, you are my father, and to stone, you gave me birth; Israel sinfully presumes itself to be innocent.

Jeremiah 3 - Israel is compared to an adulterous husband; in the days of Josiah, the Lord complains about the high places in Israel, and about how Israel was punished; Judah, far from taking Israel as a cautionary tale, played the harlot also, and turned to the Lord only feignedly; appeal for Israel to acknowledge transgressions, and be restored; all nations shall be gathered to Jerusalem.
Jeremiah 4 - The Lord appeals to the men of Judah and Jerusalem to circumcise their hearts; mourn and repent; an evil is coming from the north; the land will be debased; the Lord creates the universe.

Jeremiah 5 - Judah’s iniquities recounted; it will be destroyed by a strange nation whose tongue is unknown; the Lord will not protect it.

Jeremiah 6 - Jerusalem will be made desolate, and punished for its transgressions by a nation from the north; this nation is cruel and will have no mercy; repent.

Jeremiah 7 - Jeremiah told to stand at the temple gates and order those entering to repent; the Lord complains that the temple has become a den of robbers; the Lord will do to the temple what he did to Shiloh; the people perform offerings in an unacceptable foreign manner; there are high places in Judah; the voice of mirth shall go from Judah and Jerusalem.

Jeremiah 8 - The bones of the kings, princes and priests of Judah shall be exhumed and left for dung upon the face of the earth; the stork in the heaven knows her appointed times; and the turtle and the crane and the swallow observe the time of their coming; but My people know not the judgment of the Lord; the land will become barren; serpents and cockatrices shall bite; since My people are crushed, I Am crushed; I mourn, and horror grips Me.

Jeremiah 9 - Oh that My head were waters, and mine eyes a fountain of tears, that I might weep day and night for the slain of the daughter of My people; the people will be scattered among the heathen, and given wormwood and gall for sustenance; let not the wise or the mighty glory in their powers; let he who glories glory in the Lord; the circumcised will be punished alongside the uncircumcised; Israel is uncircumcised in its heart.

Jeremiah 10 - The house of Israel acts idolatrously, consulting the heavens, worshipping trees, making graven images; false gods have not made the heavens and the earth; the Lord suffers woe and hurt; the Lord is full of destructive anger.

Jeremiah 11 - The Lord reminds Judah of the consequences of breaking the Mosaic covenant; Judah is a green olive tree which will be burnt, and its branches broken; the Lord will punish by sword and famine the men of Anathoth who seek Jeremiah’s life.

Jeremiah 12 - The wicked take root and grow; the Lord has left His heritage, which has been spoiled; His people have sown wheat, but shall reap thorns; after they have been plucked from the land, they will be restored to their heritage; conditional upon obedience.

Jeremiah 13 - The Lord tells Jeremiah to place his girdle in the hole of a rock at the Euphrates; after a couple of days, it is marred; after this manner the Lord will mar the pride of Judah; the house of Israel and Judah cleaved unto me as a girdle cleaves unto a man, but is now good for nothing; the elite of Judah will destroy each other in drunkenness; give glory to the Lord, before he changes light to darkness; can an Ethiopian change his skin, or the leopard his spots.

Jeremiah 14 - Jeremiah surveys the famine, and admits iniquities on behalf of his people, providing a model of repentance; the Lord tells Jeremiah not to pray for (H)his people; false prophets are rebuked; Jeremiah prays on behalf of the people once more.

Jeremiah 15 - The sword, famine and captivity are promised, as punishment for the sins of Manasseh, son of Hezekiah; widows shall mourn and languish; Jeremiah complains about being made to deliver such unwelcome messages, for which also he is reproved; Jeremiah pleads his sincerity, and asks pardon; God promises to protect him.

Jeremiah 16 - Due to the evils which threaten, Jeremiah is forbidden to marry or have a family, or to share in the joys and sorrow of his neighbors, which will be forgotten in the calamities that their sins will bring on them; a future restoration is intimated; the conversion of the Gentiles is foretold.

Jeremiah 17 - Judah is fatally inclined to idolatry; the happiness of the man that trusts in the Lord is contrasted with the man that trusts in man; God alone knows the deceit and wretchedness of the heart of man; a comparison is made between a bird’s hatching the eggs of another species, which will soon forsake her, and the vanity of is ill-acquired riches; Jeremiah talks of his sincerity, and prays that the evil intended him by his enemies may revert on their own heads; an appeal to observe the Sabbath is made.

Jeremiah 18 - The house of Israel is like clay in the hands of a potter; the inhabitants of Judah and Jerusalem are invited to repent; their refusal is as unnatural as someone preferring the snowy Lebanon or barren rock to a fruitful plain, or other waters to the cool stream of the fountain; a conspiracy is formed against Jeremiah, who appeals to God, and curses his enemies.

Jeremiah 19 - Judah and Jerusalem will be broken as a potter’s vessel, because they have forsaken the Lord; the land will be made desolate and the people will eat the flesh of their children.

Jeremiah 20 - Pashur, governor of the temple, smites Jeremiah and places him in the stocks; when Jeremiah is taken from the stocks, he curses Pashur, and tells him he will die in captivity; Jeremiah resolves to prophesy no more, but the Word of the Lord is in his heart like a burning flame, and he is not able to forbear; Jeremiah curses the day he was born.

Jeremiah 21 - Vision when Zedekiah was king; advice to submit to Nebuchadnezzar’s forces and live, rather than fight against them and die; those who stay in the city shall die, but those who go out and submit to the Chaldeans shall live.

Jeremiah 22 - The king of Judah must execute judgment and righteousness and protect the needy; if he does not, his house shall become a desolation; thou, Judah, are Gilead to Me; all nations shall marvel at the desolation; Shallum (=Jehoahaz) the son of Josiah will die a captive; Coniah (=Jeconiah) the son of Jehoiakim will be given to them that seek his life, and his seed will be forever excluded from the throne.

Jeremiah 23 - Woe to those that have scattered the sheep of the Lord’s pasture; a King shall arise from the branch of David, and he shall be called the King of Righteousness; mine heart within me is broken because of the prophets; I reel like a drunken man; the priests and prophets of Judah are wicked; Divine vengeance is hanging over them; the people should not listen to their false promises; they will face ruin, as will all scoffers of true prophecy.

Jeremiah 24 - A vision after Jeconiah had been taken away captive; good figs and bad figs; the good figs symbolize those the Lord shall preserve in captivity, and the bad figs Zedekiah, his princes, the residue of Jerusalem, and those that dwell in Egypt.

Jeremiah 25 - Word comes to Jeremiah in the fourth year of Jehoiakim, and the first year of Nebuchadnezzar; because Judah has not harkened to the prophets, it will be captive in Babylon for seventy years; after these seventy years, the king of Babylon will himself be punished; all nations are made to drink of a cup of wine, become drunken, spew, fall and rise now more; the dead shall not be lamented or buried.

Jeremiah 26 - Word comes to Jeremiah in the beginning of the reign of Jehoiakim; Jeremiah makes a call to repentance in the court of the temple; this house shall be like Shiloh; the priests and people take objection to this, but the memory of Micah, who persuades Hezekiah to repent, stays their hands; Jeremiah is protected by Ahikam the son of Shaphan; another prophet, Urijah, prophesies against the city; he flees to Egypt, but Jehoiakim’s men bring him before the king and slay him.

Jeremiah 27 - Word comes to Jeremiah in the reign of Jehoiakim; the Lord tells Jeremiah to put bands and yokes upon his neck and to send them to the neighboring countries who want Judah to join in a war against Babylon; submission to Babylon is advised; do not listen to false prophets and dreamers; those who submit will be allowed to live in their own land; Zedekiah is advised not to war against the Babylonians.

Jeremiah 28 - Word comes to Jeremiah in the reign of Zedekiah; Hananiah breaks Jeremiah’s yoke and says that in the same way the Lord shall break the yoke of the Babylonians; the Lord replies that a yoke of wood may be broken, but not the yoke of iron which will be imposed; Hananiah dies as a punishment for his rebellion against the Lord.

Jeremiah 29 - Message to captives; build houses, have children and settle; the captivity will last for seventy years; Jeremiah speaks against two false prophets, Ahab the son of Kolaiah, and Zedekaih, the son of Maaseiah, who prophesied a speedy end to the captivity; he also rebukes Shemaiah the Nehelamite, who complains about Jeremiah’s message.

Jeremiah 30 - Promise of restoration; David will be restored unto Judah; peace and prosperity; they that devour thee shall be devoured; ye shall be My people, and I shall be your God.

Jeremiah 31 - The northern kingdom will be restored; Rachel is represented rising from her tomb, lamenting, but then being consoled by the thought of future restoration; Ephraim repents, and is reconciled; peace and prosperity returns to the posterity of Jacob; no more sour grapes.

Jeremiah 32 - Word comes to Jeremiah in the tenth year of the reign of Zedekiah, during the Babylonian siege of Jerusalem; Jeremiah is imprisoned, and God tells him to redeem a field in Anathoth through his cousin Hanameel; the contract is delivered to Baruch; the contract is used by God as a sign that the Jews will once more possess their land after the Babylonian captivity; an everlasting covenant will be made.

Jeremiah 33 - Word comes to Jeremiah in prison; Israel and Judah will be restored to the favor of God; all the world shall be astonished; a Lord of righteousness shall gown from the branch of David, ensuring happiness and stability under His government.

Jeremiah 34 - Word comes to Jeremiah when Zedekiah is fighting against Babylon; Judah will be given to the Babylonians, yet Zedekiah shall die in peace; a further prophecy, reproving the Jews for their conduct towards their Hebrew slaves, whom they released in times of danger, but compelled to return to bondage when they thought the danger over; God threatens them with the sword, pestilence, and famine, and with the return of the Chaldeans.

Jeremiah 35 - The Lord commends and blesses the Rechabites, who obey their father in not drinking wine, sowing seed or building their own houses; their obedience is contrasted with Judah and Jerusalem.

Jeremiah 36 - Word comes to Jeremiah in the fourth year of Jehoiakim; using Baruch as his scribe Jeremiah writes down his prophecies; Baruch reads them publicly upon a fast day in the temple; the princes hear him and resolve to tell the king; Jehoiakim has the roll thrown into the fire and orders Jeremiah and Baruch to be seized; the Lord conceals them; Jeremiah rewrites the roll and denounces the burning of the roll.

Jeremiah 37 - Zedekiah succeeds Coniah, the son of Jehoiakim, in Judah, and does evil in the sight of the Lord; the kings sends a message to Jeremiah and Jeremiah replies, foretelling the return of the Chaldean army, who will take and burn the city; Jeremiah, in attempting to leave Jerusalem, and retire to his possession in the country, is seized as a deserter and cast into a dungeon.

Jeremiah 38 - The princes of Judah, taking offense at Jeremiah on account of his predicting the destruction of Jerusalem, cause him to be cast into a deep and miry dungeon; Ebed-melech, an Ethiopian, gets the king’s permission to take him out; Jeremiah advises the king, who consulted him privately, to surrender to the Chaldeans; the king promises that he will not put Jeremiah to death and requires the consultation secret.

Jeremiah 39 - In the ninth year of Zedekiah Jerusalem is broken up by the Babylonian forces; Zedekiah is blinded and his sons killed; Jeremiah is spared and sent home to dwell among his people; Ebed-melech is also spared.

Jeremiah 40 - Jeremiah puts himself under the jurisdiction of Gedaliah, the son of Ahikam, who has been made the governor of Judah; Johanan acquaints the governor of a conspiracy against him, but he is not believed.

Jeremiah 41 - Ishmael executes his conspiracy against Gedaliah and his companions and attempts to carry away the Jews who were with him captives to the Ammonites; Johanan recovers them and proposes fleeing with them into Egypt.

Jeremiah 42 - Johanan and the remnant of the people desire Jeremiah to ask counsel of God what they should do; Jeremiah says they will be safe in Judah, but face destruction in Egypt; Jeremiah reproves their hypocrisy in asking advice they have no intention of heeding.

Jeremiah 43 - The leading men, discrediting Jeremiah’s prophecy, carry the people into Egypt; Jeremiah places stones at the entry of the Pharoah’s house and says Nebuchadnezzar shall set his throne on them; Nebuchadnezzar shall array himself with Egypt, as a shepherd puts on his garment.

Jeremiah 44 - Jeremiah reproves the Jews in Egypt for continuing in idolatry; Jeremiah rebukes their refusal to reform and declares that they will be destroyed along with Egypt.

Jeremiah 45 - Baruch is in anguish regarding the destruction of Judah, but is assured that the Lord will build what he has broken down and also that his life shall be preserved.

Jeremiah 46 - The prophet sees the preparation of Pharaoh Necho for the battle of Carchemish; in their confidence of victory the Egyptians are like a river overflowing its banks; they will be defeated, as the Lord decreed by the river Euphrates; the Egyptians will be overthrown by Nebuchadnezzar after his siege of Tyre; The Jews will be eventually returned to Divine favor.

Jeremiah 47 - Destruction from the north (Babylon) predicted for the Philistines; the Babylonians are compared to an overflowing flood.

Jeremiah 48 - Moab is destroyed; her little ones have caused a cry to be heard; give wings unto Moab, that it may flee and get away; Moab punished for its complacency and pride; how is the strong staff broken; Moab has magnified itself against the Lord.

Jeremiah 49 - Destruction prophesied for the Ammonites, Edom, Damascus, Hazor and Elam; the Lord will appoint the time; the heart of the mighty men of Edom shall be as the heart of a woman in her pangs.

Jeremiah 50 - Babylon will fall at the hands of a nation from the north, and Israel be restored.

Jeremiah 51 - Babylon will be destroyed by the Medes; all shall be broken in pieces; the daughter of Babylon is like threshing floor, it is time to thresh her; Babylon will be brought as a lamb to the slaughter; it will become a dwelling place for dragons; Jeremiah instructs Seraiah (the chief priest) to read this prophecy in Babylon, then bind a stone to the prophecy and throw it in the Euphrates to demonstrate that Babylon shall sink.

Jeremiah 52 - An account of the defeat of Zedekiah by the Babylonians; his sons killed, Zedekiah blinded, Jerusalem looted; the way Jehoiachin is treated in his captivity improves.


Lamentations 1 - The prophet describes all of the suffering that befell the Jewish people at the time of the destruction of the Temple; Jeremiah paints a vivid portrait of a widow crying in the night, tears on her cheeks, with no one to comfort her, forsaken by all her friends; Judah has been exiled and dwells in servitude among the nations, while Zion sits in mourning and desolation, missing the myriad pilgrims who would swarm her gates; Jerusalem remembers the bitter destruction, the glorious era that preceded it and the fact that no nation came to her aid; the allies they depended on, reneged on them, and rejoiced over Jerusalem’s desolation; the prophet reveals the cause; Jerusalem did not have the foresight to contemplate the result of her degeneration; Jeremiah describes the enemy army entering the Temple and the people of Jerusalem dying of hunger; in the end we accept the Divine verdict; the enemies of Israel will experience the same bitter end.

Lamentations 2 - The prophet pictures the glory of Israel thrown from Heaven to the ground; Jerusalem is on fire; the prophet pictures children dying of hunger, begging their mothers for food, before expiring on their mothers bosom; there is no comparison in history to comfort you with, proclaims the prophet; false prophets lulled them into a false sense of security; All the nations pass by and clap and whistle in disbelief; Israel’s enemies open their mouths, whistle and gnash their teeth in satisfaction; The Jews beseech the Almighty; fellow Jews murdered (the prophet Zechariah) in the Temple courtyard (on Yom Kippur) for rebuking them about their deeds.

Lamentations 3 - Jeremiah cries over the fact that he witnessed punishment that previous prophets had only warned of; Jeremiah was chosen to express the pain of Jewish suffering; he sees his life as dark, as God has closed the windows of Heaven before his prayers; Jeremiah has been ambushed as by a bear or lion, and is now the laughingstock of his people who ridiculed his prophesies; they embittered his life and broke his teeth; he feels no inner peace; he has no future, yet he still hasn’t lost his faith; from the depth of his pain he turns to the Almighty in prayer; remember me and all of my suffering; Jeremiah is consoled; God’s kindness and mercy never ends; miracles surround us constantly in life; God is good to those who trust in Him and seek Him out; one must never give up hope and always wait for God’s salvation that will eventually come; suffering brings us to the realization that we have free will and we should cry over our mistakes and misdeeds, which is the cause of all suffering; when we make a personal introspection of our deeds and fully return to God we shall admit our responsibility; then God will hear our prayers, fight our fights, and repay our enemies all that they have done to us.

Lamentations 4 - A description of Jerusalem’s destruction; the gold was tarnished, the shine of the Temple darkened; the precious stones (the Jewish people) thrown into the streets; precious Jewish children, given over to cruel enemies; their tongues stuck to their throats in thirst and no one gives them bread; the pampered children who were used to delicacies are now picking in the garbage dump; their bodies so ravaged by hunger as to be unrecognizable; their faces darker then soot; their skin shriveled on their bones; the victims of the sword were better off than those who starved to death in agony; merciful women cooked their own children; the nations and their kings could not believe their eyes; the blind trip over corpses in the street and are covered with blood; the Jewish people waited in vain for their allies (Egypt) to come to their aid; our enemies were lighter than the eagles; they chased us from the mountains and ambushed us in the desert; the righteous king Yoshiyahu was killed as a result of our deeds; the prophesy of the Second Temple’s destruction; your sins are atoned and you will suffer no more.

Lamentations 5 - Remember what has happened to us and see our degradation; strangers have taken our inheritance; our houses are occupied by others; we must pay to drink our water and buy our own firewood; death through hunger; young and old mercilessly destroyed; our joy turned to mourning; our crown fell off our heads; a desolate of mount Zion with foxes wandering freely about her holy abode.


Ezekiel 1 - In the fifth year of Jehoiachin’s captivity, by the river Chebar, Ezekiel has a vision of the four living creatures with four winds and four faces (man, lion, ox, eagle) and of the four wheels full of eyes.  Ezekiel sees one with the appearance of a man sitting on a throne.  The vision comes from a whirlwind from the north.

Ezekiel 2 - Ezekiel will prophesy regardless of whether he is heeded or not; he is enjoined not to be afraid; a scroll is produced filled with words of lamentation.

Ezekiel 3 - Ezekiel is commanded to eat the scroll and it tastes as sweet as honey; Ezekiel is a watchman; if he does not warn the wicked and the wicked die because of their iniquity, Ezekiel is answerable for it; if Ezekiel tells them and the wicked do not heed him, he is not answerable; Ezekiel is answerable if a righteousness man commits iniquity and is not warned.

Ezekiel 4 - Ezekiel represents Jerusalem with a tile and uses an iron pan and models of a fort and battering rams to signify the forthcoming siege by the Chaldeans; Ezekiel is commanded to lie on his left side for 390 days and on his right side for 40 days; during this time Ezekiel must eat the worst kinds of grain and have only cow’s dung for fuel to denote the scarcity of provisions during the siege of Jerusalem.

Ezekiel 5 - Ezekiel is commanded to shave; he must burn a third of his hair, smite a third with his knife, and scatter a third to the wind, to indicate the judgment to be executed on the inhabitants of Jerusalem. Further judgments are then enumerated more explicitly, including famine and wild beasts.

Ezekiel 6 - Ezekiel sets his face towards the mountains and prophesies against Israel; its high places will be made desolate; then shall ye know that I am the Lord; a remnant shall be saved.

Ezekiel 7 - Judgment by sword, famine and pestilence; robbers will defile the temple; Ezekiel is directed to make a chain, as a symbol of the impending captivity.

Ezekiel 8 - Ezekiel is carried in vision to Jerusalem and shown the idolatries committed by the rulers of the Jews there; Ezekiel describes idolatrous images and idolatrous behavior, such as worshipping the sun; great punishment is promised as a result.

Ezekiel 9 - Six men come from the north with weapons of slaughter in their hands; a few pious individuals distressed at the abominations committed in the land are marked on their foreheads by a man clothed in linen; so they may be spared; everyone else is to be smitten; the Shechinah moves from the inner sanctuary to the threshold of the temple as a sign that God’s presence will soon depart; Ezekiel tries to intercede for his people, but God will not be entreated.

Ezekiel 10 - The vision from Chapter one is repeated; between the wheels are coals of fire which are scattered on Jerusalem to intimate that it was to be burnt; the glory of the Lord (Shechinah) departs further.

Ezekiel 11 - The judgments of God are delivered against those who remained in Jerusalem and mocked of the predictions of the prophets; God promises favor to those who were gone into captivity and their restoration; the Shechinah leaves the city.

Ezekiel 12 - Ezekiel is told to move his stuff from one place to another as a type of the displacement the people of Jerusalem will soon undergo; disaster will befall imminently, not in the distant future.

Ezekiel 13 - Judgments are delivered against the prophets who flatter the people with false hopes of peace and security; they are compared to a frail building which cannot stand against the battering elements of heaven; judgment also delivered against false prophetesses who practice vain rites and divinations seeking their own gain.

Ezekiel 14 - God threatens those hypocrites who pretend to worship Him while also practicing idolatry; God will stretch out His hand against the guilty nation and not listen to any intercession; not even the presence of Noah, Daniel or Job could save the land; the idolaters of Jerusalem and Judah shall be visited with four judgments; famine, wild beasts, the sword and pestilence; a remnant shall be delivered from the wrath coming upon the land.

Ezekiel 15 - The Jews are compared to a barren vine; fit for nothing but to be cast on the fire.

Ezekiel 16 - God is like a person who takes up an exposed infant, brings her up, adorns her and marries her; she repays this care with ingratitude, polluting herself with idolatry, sacrificing her children, playing the harlot with foreign nations, and departing from her husband; her nakedness will be discovered by those she has committed whoredoms with; Sodom is her sister; after correction she may again be restored to God’s favor.

Ezekiel 17 - A riddle:  an eagle (Babylon) takes the top twigs and branches from a cedar tree, and takes it off; it also takes the seed of the land and plants it in a fruitful field; the seed becomes a vine; the vine bent to another eagle (Egypt), and is promptly destroyed by the first eagle; the Lord says He will take the highest branch of the cedar tree and set it in the mountain of the height of Israel where it shall prosper.

Ezekiel 18 - The soul that sinneth it shall die; the soul of the just shall live; a litany of just and sinful things are cited; the son shall not bear the iniquity of the father; those turning away from righteousness and away from sin shall die and live respectively; the way of the Lord is equal and the way of the house of Israel is unequal; the Lord has no pleasure in the death of him that dieth.

Ezekiel 19 - Jerusalem is a lioness; the first of her young is Jehoahaz; he is deposed by the king of Egypt; the second is Jehoiakim; brought in chains to Babylon; the Jewish nation is a vine; it flourished but was plucked up in fury and planted in the wilderness.

Ezekiel 20 - The elders of Israel come to ask Ezekiel’s counsel; God orders Ezekiel to remind them of their rebellion and idolatry; in Egypt, in the wilderness, and in Canaan; they will be restored after being purged; Jerusalem is represented as a forest doomed to be destroyed by fire.

Ezekiel 21 - The Lord’s sword is against Jerusalem; Ezekiel is ordered to sigh, cry, and howl conspicuously; Ezekiel represents the king of Babylon intent on vengeance against both Jews and Ammonites for allying themselves with Egypt; he is described standing at the parting of the roads leading to the respective capitals of the Jews and Ammonites; he divines to ascertain which to attack first and Jerusalem is picked; destruction is then predicted for the Ammonites.

Ezekiel 22 - A litany of the sins of Jerusalem (cultic, sexual, social); God promises to punish in order to purify the dross; the corruption is general, perverting prophets, priests, princes and the people.

Ezekiel 23 - Samaria and Jerusalem are denoted as two harlots; the daughters of one mother; who committed whoredoms in Egypt; then with the Assyrians and the Babylonians; they are brought low by those they doted on; the nakedness of their whoredoms shall be discovered.

Ezekiel 24 - Jerusalem is like the scum in a pot of boiling water with bones and meat in it; her scum shall be in the fire; the Lord causes Ezekiel’s wife to die; Ezekiel is not allowed to mourn to indicate that Jerusalem will not be permitted to mourn for its forthcoming calamity.

Ezekiel 25 - God’s judgment against the Ammonites, Moabites, Edomites and Philistines; because they showed hatred for His people and insulted them in their distress; I will execute great vengeance upon them with furious rebukes; they shall know that I am the Lord when I shall lay My vengeance upon them.

Ezekiel 26 - Tyre has gloated at Jerusalem; Tyre’s walls and towers will be destroyed and the city and its inhabitants laid waste to at the hands of Nebuchadnezzar; the princes will be clothed with trembling; desolation is promised.

Ezekiel 27 - Tyre’s beauty and commercial prosperity is described; a day of ruin is prophesied.

Ezekiel 28 - Tyre has said, I am a god; strangers will be brought against it; the corrupting influence of its material wealth and beauty is described; it will be devoured in fire; Sidon will be destroyed; it is no longer a pricking briar to Israel; the Jews will be restored after the Babylonian captivity.

Ezekiel 29 - The Lord will put a hook in the jaws of Pharaoh; like a fish in the river; the river (Nile) is the Lord’s, not Pharaoh’s; the Egyptians will be scattered; Egypt will be restored after captivity, but merely as a base kingdom of no importance; God promises Nebuchadnezzar Egypt after the long siege of Tyre.

Ezekiel 30 - Ezekiel prophesies the ruin of Egypt and her allies, including the Ethiopians at the hands of the Chaldeans; the principal cities are referred to specifically.

Ezekiel 31 - The Assyrian empire was like a tall and strong cedar tree; the very trees of Eden envied it; the tree was brought down; just as Egypt shall be.
Ezekiel 32 - Egypt is imagined as a large threatening animal; caught, slain, and left exposed to the elements; the sky will be darkened and surrounding nations terrified; Egypt will be left so desolate that its rivers shall run as smooth as oil with nobody to disturb them; God orders the slain Pharaoh and his host to be dragged down to the lower regions of the earth; Pharaoh will share these regions with uncircumcised tyrants and oppressors; Pharaoh’s region is for those who have been slain by the sword.

Ezekiel 33 - The duty of the watchman is reiterated; the righteous who turn from righteousness shall die; the wicked who turn from iniquity shall live; Ezekiel receives news of the destruction of Jerusalem at the hands of the Chaldeans; the hypocrisy and abominations of the people are recounted; when the Lord has destroying these hypocrites they will know that a prophet has been among them.

Ezekiel 34 - Woe to the shepherds of Israel that feed themselves and do not feed the flock; the Lord will recall the scattered sheep; David shall be their shepherd.

Ezekiel 35 - Mount Seir of Idumea (Edom) will be filled with the bodies of slain men; because of the blasphemies spoken against Israel.

Ezekiel 36 - The mountains of Judah, occupied by the Idumeans, will be rid of their alien occupants and their idolatries; the idolatries and other sins of the Jews are the cause of their dispersion and captivity; the Israelites will be restored after the Babylonian captivity.

Ezekiel 37 - Ezekiel is set in the midst of a valley full of dry bones; Ezekiel is told to prophesy to the dry bones; as Ezekiel prophesies the bones are joined together and covered with flesh; in the same way Israel shall be brought up from its grave; Ezekiel is commanded to write, Judah on one stick and Ephraim on another stick, which will become joined into one stick in his hand; at the restoration there shall be no more idolatry; David shall reign; God shall be in His sanctuary.

Ezekiel 38 - The Lord will intervene and execute furious judgment against Gog when he seems about to defeat Israel; all creation will shake at the presence of the Lord; the Lord will be known in the eyes of many nations.

Ezekiel 39 - The slaughter and burial of the forces of Gog are described; birds and beasts of pretty feast on the slain; the Lord will have mercy on the whole house of Israel and restore it to blessedness; God will no longer hide His face from them.

Ezekiel 40 - In the fourteenth year after the destruction of Jerusalem Ezekiel has a vision of a man with an appearance of brass; with a line of flax in his hand and a measuring reed; a temple is described; the exact dimensions of the east, north, and south gates are given; there is further description of the eight tables for the preparation of sacrifices, the chambers, and the porch; all measurements are given precisely in cubits.

Ezekiel 41 - The chambers and ornaments of palm trees and cherubim’s are described.

Ezekiel 42 - The priest’s chambers are described; along with the dimensions of the holy mount on which the temple stood.

Ezekiel 43 - The glory of the Lord fills the temple; the measurements of the altar are given in cubits; stipulations given for seven days of sin offerings when the altar is made; precise cultic instructions in the manner of Leviticus.

Ezekiel 44 - The east gate is to be kept permanently shut; for the Lord has entered through it into the temple; the prince shall enter and leave via the porch of that gate; strangers uncircumcised in heart or flesh are not to be admitted to the sanctuary; the Levites will minister in the sanctuary; regulations for Levites; the Levites will teach the people the difference between the clean and the unclean; the Lord will be their portion; the Levites who worked at the high places would be punished by becoming mere temple servants; only the priests at the Temple in Jerusalem could fully carry out priestly duties.

Ezekiel 45 - Portions of land appointed for the sanctuary, the city, and the prince; regulations concerning weights and measures; ordinances regarding provisions for the ordinary and extraordinary sacrifices.

Ezekiel 46 - Gate of the inner court facing eastwards is only opened on Sabbaths and new moons; the prince shall offer six lambs and a ram on the Sabbath; further stipulations for new moon offerings; the prince will leave by the gate he entered, but at the big feasts, the people will leave by the opposite gate to the one they came in by; stipulations for princely peace offerings given; stipulations for daily offerings given; ordinances prescribed for the gifts a prince may bestow on his sons and servants; a servant’s gift must be returned if the servant is set at liberty; measurements of the courts appointed for boiling or baking of the holy oblations.

Ezekiel 47 - The vision of the holy waters issuing out of the temple; starting as a shallow stream then getting deeper and fuller until it is over a man’s head; the river travels east until it reaches a sea which will teem with fish; only the marshy ground will still be salty; fruitful banks will grow on the banks of the river; a description of the division of the land shared between Jews and proselytes.

Ezekiel 48 - A description of the several portions of the land belonging to each tribe together with the portion allotted to the sanctuary, city, suburb, and prince; the measurement of the gates of the new city; three facing north, three south, three east and three west, each named after a tribe; the city will be named The Lord is there.


Daniel 1 - Nebuchadnezzar conquers Jerusalem and king Jehoiakim; the best and the brightest of Jerusalem’s young men are chosen and taken to Babylon; Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah; given Babylonian names; Daniel decides that he will not defile himself with the king’s delicacies and wine; Daniel negotiates with a steward and is allowed to live on vegetables and water; after ten days they appear more healthy than those who have eaten the king’s delicacies so they are allowed to keep to this diet; Daniel and his companions are promoted; Daniel has understanding in dreams and visions.

Daniel 2 - Nebuchadnezzar is troubled with a dream; the Chaldean soothsayers can give no interpretation; Nebuchadnezzar orders the slaughter of all the soothsayers; God reveals to Daniel Nebuchadnezzar’s dream; Daniel gives thanks to God for the knowledge granted him and asks to go before Nebuchadnezzar; Daniel acknowledges that it was God Who revealed the dream to him; Daniel describes Nebuchadnezzar’s dream; an image appeared, having a head of gold, chest and arms of silver, belly and thighs of bronze, legs of iron, feet of iron and clay; a Stone, cut out without hands, struck the feet; the Stone became a great mountain and filled the earth; the interpretation is that Nebuchadnezzar is the golden head, and the other parts of the image’s body are subsequent kingdoms (Medo-Persia, Greece, and Rome); when the feet are destroyed, all other kingdoms will be destroyed along with it; the iron and clay of the feet indicates that the kingdom is partly strong, and partly weak; the fourth kingdom will be divided into ten smaller kingdoms, each represented by a toe; God will set up a kingdom that will never be destroyed (represented by the stone); Nebuchadnezzar praises Daniel’s God, and promotes Daniel.

Daniel 3 - Nebuchadnezzar makes a golden image; Nebuchadnezzar gives a command to worship the image or be thrown into a fiery furnace; certain Chaldeans tell Nebuchadnezzar that Daniel’s companions do not worship the statue; they calmly refuse to worship the statue and are thrown into the furnace which is heated to seven times it normal heat; those throwing them into the fire were burned up; Nebuchadnezzar sees four men, unbound, walking in the midst of the fiery furnace; the form of the Fourth is like the Son of God; the three men leave the furnace unharmed; Nebuchadnezzar acknowledges the greatness of the Hebrew God; Nebuchadnezzar makes a proclamation that nothing evil should be said against the God of the Hebrews.

Daniel 4 - Nebuchadnezzar’s makes a decree; how great are God’s signs and how mighty His wonders; Nebuchadnezzar recounts a dream of a mighty tree; a watcher from heaven orders to be chopped down; its stump bound with a band of iron and bronze; it is to be made wet with dew and be with grazing beasts; Daniel interprets; Nebuchadnezzar will be humbled and eat grass like oxen; Daniel’s interpretation if fulfilled that very hour; Nebuchadnezzar is driven from men and eats grass; his hair grows like eagle’s feathers and his nails like bird’s claws; Nebuchadnezzar is finally restored to power and praises God.

Daniel 5 - Belshazzar makes a great feast with vessels taken from the temple at Jerusalem; they drink wine and praise false gods; a hand writes a message on a wall; Belshazzar is troubled and wishes to have the writing read and interpreted; the queen recommends Daniel; Daniel says that Belshazzar has not humbled his heart like Nebuchadnezzar; The writing says mene mene tekel upharsin; God has numbered your kingdom, you have been weighed in the balances and been found wanting; your kingdom is to be given to the Medes and the Persians; Belshazzar honors Daniel; that night Belshazzar is slain; the kingdom falls to Darius the Mede.

Daniel 6 - Daniel is made one of three governors over the 120 satraps (regional rulers) in Darius’ administration; there is a plot hatched by the satraps who persuade the king to sign a decree saying that anyone petitioning a god or man other than Darius will be thrown into a den of lions; report reaches Darius that Daniel has prayed to his God; Daniel is thrown into the lion’s den; Darius tells Daniel that his God will protect him; the king fasts that night and is not entertained by musicians; Daniel is found alive the following morning; Darius calls Daniel the servant of the living God; those who accused Daniel are thrown to the lions along with their families; Darius decrees that all must honor the God of Daniel; Daniel prospers.

Daniel 7 - Daniel’s vision in the first year of Belshazzar’s reign; four beasts coming from the sea; the first (= Babylonian empire) was like a lion with eagle’s wings; its wings were plucked off, it was lifted up and made to stand on two feet like a man, and a man’s heart was given to it; the second beast (= Medes empire) is a bear with three ribs between its teeth; it is commanded to devour much flesh; the third beast (= Greek empire) is a leopard with four heads and four bird’s wings on its back; it is given dominion; the fourth beast (= Roman empire) has iron teeth and ten horns; they are replaced by a single horn; there are a man’s eyes in his horn and a mouth speaking blasphemies; this beast is then slain and burnt; One like the Son of Man comes with the clouds of Heaven; He comes to the Ancient of Days and is given an everlasting dominion; the interpretation: the four beasts are four kings; they are conquered by God and their kingdoms are given to the people of God; the ten horns of the fourth beast (which made war on the saints) represent ten kings who shall subdue three kings before being defeated by the Most High.

Daniel 8 - Daniel’s vision in the third year of Belshazzar’s reign; by the river Ulai there is a ram (=Media/Persia) with two horns; one larger than the other; it pushes in all directions and cannot be withstood; a male goat (=Greece) with a large horn between its eyes challenges and conquers the ram; the goat becomes great in power but its horn is broken and replaced by four others (= the four successors to Alexander the Great); one horn grows great towards the south, east, and Glorious Land; the horn takes away the daily sacrifices and casts down the place of God’s Sanctuary; the transgression of desolation will last 2300 days; then the Sanctuary will be cleansed; Gabriel explains to Daniel that the vision refers to the time of the end; further interpretation is given; the two horns of the ram are the kings of Media and Persia; the male goat is the Greek empire; the little horn will destroy many and then be destroyed without human means; the vision refers to many days in the future; Daniel responds to the vision with fainting and sickness.

Daniel 9 - Daniel knows from Jeremiah that the Babylonian exile will last seventy years; Daniel fasts and prays; Daniel asks that God forgive and restore Jerusalem; Daniel is visited by Gabriel; Gabriel says that in seventy weeks (meaning seventy sets of seven years, i.e., 490 years) reconciliation will be made for iniquity, everlasting righteousness will be brought in, and the Most Holy anointed; from the command to restore Jerusalem to the coming of the Messiah there will be seven weeks and sixty weeks ((7+62) x 7 years = 483 years); the Messiah will be cut off; the coming Prince will make a covenant with Israel for the final unit of seven years, completing the seventy weeks; the covenant will be broken in the middle of this final seven year period.

Daniel 10 - Daniel’s vision in the third year of Cyrus’ reign; Daniel has been mourning for three weeks; on the banks of the Tigris Daniel sees a glorious man clothed in linen; Daniel’s companions do not see the vision; but they are terrified nonetheless and flee; the glorious man says he has faced opposition from the prince of the kingdom of Persia and was helped by the prince Michael; Daniel feels overwhelmed by weakness but is reassured and told to be strong; the glorious person says he must fight the prince of Persia and then the prince of Greece; Michael assists him.

Daniel 11 - Three kings shall arise in Persia; the fourth shall be richer than them all and fight against Greece; a mighty king’s empire (Alexander’s) will be divided into four parts at his death; the southern part shall become the strongest (Ptolemy’s); Joined by a marriage the kings of the North and South will be allies for a while; the arrangement will not last (marriage between Antiochus II of the Seleucids and Berenice, daughter of Ptolemy II); from the South, an army will defeat the kingdom of the North (Ptolemy III, avenging the murder of Berenice his sister); the sons of the kings of the North will continue the battle; one of the sons will conquer the Holy Land which stood as a buffer between the kings of the South and the kings of the North; the king of the South will gain an upper hand over the king of the North who will occupy the Holy Land (Glorious Land, Antiochus III was defeated at the battle of Raphia, and forced to give back dominion over the Holy Land to Ptolemy IV); the king of the North will then occupy the Glorious Land; world history continues along with future applications for all.

Daniel 12 - Michael shall stand up at a time of trouble; the Jewish people shall be delivered if their name is found written in the Book; the dead will be resurrected; some to everlasting life; some to everlasting contempt; the righteous and wise shall shine like the stars; Daniel is told to shut up his words and seal the Book until the time of the end; the time of trouble will be for a time, times and half a time (three and a half years = 1260 days = 1260 years); God will purify and preserve His people and has set a limit of days to the time of trouble; there will be 1290 days (years) from the setting up of the abomination of desolation to the final consummation of all things; blessed is he who waits to day 1335 (1335 years); Daniel is told to go his way.

Hosea 1 - Hosea is told to take a loose woman named Gomer and to have children from her; three children are born; they represent three sections of the Northern Ten Tribes of Israel who were about to go into Exile; Judah is expressly excluded; The Children of Gomer and Hosea were Jezreel (He who God Shall Scatter); Lo-Ruhama (She-who-has-not-been-shown-mercy); and Lo-Ami (Not My people);

Judah will be saved through miracles and not by force of arms; there will come a time when Lo-Ami will be called Sons of the Living God, or Angli; they will unite with Judah and return together; Jezreel will exhibit the alternative explanation of his name which can connote ingathering.

Hosea 2 - The Righteous amongst the Ten Tribes are urged to remonstrate with their mother (meaning their community); we cannot disconnect ourselves from our peoples; the tribes will have enjoyed great wealth and material prosperity, much of which will have been wasted due to idolatrous and ungodly practices; they will have worshipped Baal; the Israelites will be lured out into the wlderness and there they shall be reformed and reconciled with the Almighty.

Hosea 3 - The Prophet is told to take a woman and love her as his soul-mate; the woman however will betray him just as the Israelites betrayed God Almighty by committing idolatry; in their time of Exile a long stage will transpire when the Israelites will no longer be actual practitioners of idolatry, yet neither will they be able to worship the Almighty God of Israel as required; in the end times they will return and seek the God of Israel and the Temple Service in Jerusalem.

Hosea 4 - Sexual Immorality, violence, and disregard for the truth are the downfall of Israel; the religious leaders of Israel have been chosen for their task by Divine Providence and they have responsibility for how Israel behaves; this applies even when the religious conceptions to which they are attached are based on idolatrous sources; Judah is warned not to go in the pathway of Ephraim; sin brings its own punishment and in some degree is itself punishment.

Hosea 5 - The tribes will be wicked and sin; Judah will imitate Ephraim and suffer because of it; Ephraim will seek to buy his way into Heaven; they will have borne children to foreign women which will prevent their repentance being acceptable; Ephraim will retain a degree of Biblical awareness; Ephraim will seek the help of Assyria but this will be to no avail; Judah will return to its religion and to the Land of Israel.

Hosea 6 - The third redemption with the building of the third temple will be final and there will be no more exiles after that; religious leaders must acknowledge the truth and be respected; the people of Gilead and Manasseh have a propensity to violence; a portion of Judah will prepare the way in the Land of Israel for the rest of Judah.

Hosea 7 - Corruption amongst the leadership and violence and robbery bring about the downfall of Ephraim; the leaders are betrayed by their followers who lay in wait for an opportune moment to betray them; Ephraim will assimilate amongst the Gentiles; Ephraim will loose his strength and be betrayed by the foreign allies he trusted in; despite being visited by calamities Ephraim does not repent.

Hosea 8 - The northern Israelites abandoned the God of Israel and set up their own religion and their own corrupt rulers; the calf of Samaria will be broken in pieces and disaster come upon them; they will be exiled by Assyria and assimilate amongst the Gentiles; even the Gentiles will not want them and will cast them out; God will have mercy on them, forgive them and their sins and gather them together; they will be addicted to idolatry; this will be their undoing; they have rejected the Bible and treated it as something written for foreigners and not for themselves; Judah will also have sinned and be punished.

Hosea 9 - Special laws apply to Israelites that are not relevant to other peoples; Israel will be punished for its idolatry and wrongdoing even though other peoples are not; in Assyrian Exile the Israelites will no longer keep the Law; disastrous proportions will be committed against Ephraim

abortion brings a curse on Israel; Ephraim will have been connected to the Phoenician city of Tyre who will betray them and cause their children to be slaughtered; Ephraim will be forced to move from place to place.

Hosea 10 - Division amongst Israelite Tribes invites disaster; the cult of the Golden bull-calves at Bethel and Beth-Aven have corrupted Ephraim; this corruption will be responsible for terrible punishments; Numerous foreign peoples will sense the weakness of Ephraim and attack him; Ephraim is nicknamed Aegel, meaning bull-calf; but sometimes Ephraim acts like a little cow; if we repent and do as well as we can God will have mercy on us and redeem us.

Hosea 11 - Joseph will retain traits of his half-Egyptian origins; they will worship Baal; God raised them up like someone taking care of a baby but still they rejected Him; Ephraim rejected the Almighty while Judah remained faithful.

Hosea 12 - Ephraim going to Mitsraim and Assyria for alliance is a mistake; it will end in disaster; Ephraim was meant to be alone and subdue all adversaries; the Divine protection that was given him and the special talents he was imbued with to fulfill his destined role are misdirected when Ephraim strays from God; Ephraim quarrels with Judah concerning the nature of the Almighty and the validity of the Law; Ephraim is a devious merchant; when Ephraim returns he will dwell in tents; Ephraim links to Aram (meaning the Scythians); they will be keepers of sheep and cattle; prophecy will be restored and a Prophet will arise to lead Ephraim back.

Hosea 13 - Ephraim should be naturally feared and respected; but due to the sin of idolatry he is treated with the contempt due to a dead object; Ephraim will be devoured by foreign nations who will massacre women and children.

Hosea 14 - Israel must return to the Almighty and be reconciled with Him; there is no other choice.


Joel 1 - A plague of locusts upon Judah; what the chewing locust left; what the swarming locust has eaten; what the swarming locust left; what the crawling locust has eaten; what the crawling locust left; what the consuming locust has eaten; weep drunkards, for the nation of locusts has laid waste the vine; all has withered and Judah must lament like a virgin girded with sackcloth for the husband of her youth; there can be no grain or drink offering now; repent with wailing, sackcloth, and a fast; the brooks have dried up and the animals suffer in the drought.

Joel 2 - The day of the Lord is coming; a day of darkness and gloominess; like the morning clouds spread over the mountains; a fiery destroying nation comes; before them is like the Garden of Eden; behind them a desolate wilderness; the army are disciplined; the earth quakes before them; the Lord gives voice before His army; a command to gather the people in repentance; rent hearts are better than rent garments; the Lord is gracious and merciful and slow to anger; the Lord will be zealous for His land and pity His people; He removes the northern army to a barren and desolate land; you shall eat in plenty and be satisfied; the Lord will pour out His Spirit on all flesh; many shall prophesy and see visions; blood and fire and pillars of smoke will be seen; the sun shall be turned into darkness and the moon into blood before the Coming of the Lord; whoever calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved; in Jerusalem there shall be the deliverance of the remnant.

Joel 3 - All nations, who have scattered and cast lots for the Lord’s people, will be gathered in the Valley of Jehoshaphat (meaning, the Lord judges) and judged; God warns the nations that He will retaliate against those (Sidon, Philistia) who have mistreated His people and looted His gold and silver; the nations must prepare for war; beating their plowshares into swords and their pruning hooks into spears; the winepress is full; the vats overflow; for their wickedness is great; the day of the Lord is near in the valley of decision; the sun and the moon will grow dark; the Lord shall roar but protect His people; Egypt and Edom shall be a desolation; but Judah will be fertile and rich, flowing with wine, milk and water; Judah shall abide forever and those guilty of bloodshed will be acquitted; for the Lord dwells in Zion.


Amos 1- The Lord roars from Zion; the pastures of the shepherds mourn and top of Carmel withers; the people of Damascus shall go captive to Kir (in Assyria), because they have threshed Gilead with iron; Judgment against Gaza and Tyre; because they delivered God’s people to the Edomites; Edom will be punished because of its pitiless anger; Ammon will be punished because it killed pregnant women in Gilead; the king of the Ammonites will be taken captive; God will not turn away its punishment.

Amos 2 - Moab will be destroyed with fire and its princes slain; because it burned the bones of the king of Edom to lime; Judah will be sent fire; because their lies have led them astray; Israel will be punished for its sins against the righteous; the most courageous of men shall flee naked in the day of judgment.

Amos 3 - The children of Israel have not fulfilled their responsibilities as God’s chosen people; a calamity in a city will be undeniably the doing of the Lord; the Egyptians and Philistines are invited to the mountains of Samaria as witnesses of the punishment of Israel; Israel will be conquered and exiled; the altars of Bethel will be destroyed.

Amos 4 - Women referred to as the cows of Bashan oppress the needy and demand wine from their husbands; they will be taken away with fishhooks; sacrifices at Bethel and Gilgal are in vain; rain will be withheld; all teeth shall be bread because of lack of bread; Israel will suffer blight and mildew; God asserts Himself the former of mountains and the Creator of winds.

Amos 5 - The virgin of Israel has fallen (its people will be taken captive); the Lord who made the stars invites Israel to seek Him; but not in the vain places of sacrifice such as Gilgal, Bathel, and Beersheba; Israel perverts justice and treads down the poor; there will be wailing and woe in the day of the Lord; feast days, sacred assemblies, and sacrifices are dismissed.

Amos 6 - Woe to you who are at ease in Zion and trust in Mount Samaria; woe to those who live lives of luxury; lying on beds if ivory; when a relative of one of the dead comes to burn the corpses, should he find one person still alive, that person will not permit him to mention the name of the Lord for fear that the Lord will turn His wrath on him; justice has been turned to gall and righteousness to wormwood.

Amos 7 - Amos sees a vision of locusts and a vision of fire; the Lord is deaf to Amos’ entreaties that Jacob may be spared; there is a further vision of a plumb line; Amaziah speaks against Amos; Amos replies that he is a mere sheep-breeder; the Lord decrees Amaziah’s punishment; his wife shall be a harlot; your sons and daughters shall fall by the sword; you shall die in a defiled land.

Amos 8 - Amos has a vision of summer fruit; the end has come on Israel; the time for summer fruit is short and so is the time left for Israel; dishonesty and cheating the poor is rebuked; the sky will be darkened and feasts turned to mourning; a famine shall afflict the land.

Amos 9 - Amos has a vision of the Lord at the temple supervising the work of destruction; judgment is totally inescapable; the Lord will sift the house of Israel as grain is sifted in a sieve; those who think they will be unaffected by the calamity will die by the sword; the tabernacle of David will be repaired and restored; the captives of Israel will be restored and fruit and wine shall be abundant; Israel will be planted in the land and no longer pulled up.


Obadiah 1 -

Edom will be made small among the nations; it shall be brought down though it ascends as high as an eagle; the judgment against Edom will be complete; Edom has exulted in the destruction of its brother Jacob; as you have done, it shall be done to you; the house of Jacob shall be a fire and the house of Joseph a flame; but the house of Esau shall be stubble; the children of Israel shall possess the land of the Canaanites; saviors shall come to Mount Zion to judge the mountains of Esau; the kingdom shall be the Lord’s; the heathen will be as though they had never been.


Jonah 1 - Jonah is told to cry against Nineveh; he flees on a ship going to Tarshish; the Lord sends a tempest; Jonah is asleep; the mariners cast lots to ascertain who it is who is responsible for the tempest; it is Jonah; Jonah suggests they throw him overboard; the mariners are reluctant to resort to this extreme measure but do so when the tempest does not abate; they pray that they may not perish because of Jonah as they throw him overboard; the sea is calmed; a great fish swallows up Jonah; Jonah is in its belly for three days and three nights.

Jonah 2 - Jonah prays within the belly of the fish; Jonah describes the waters compassing him about; the fish vomits out Jonah onto dry land.

Jonah 3 - Jonah is again told to cry against Nineveh; he does so; Nineveh immediately and wholeheartedly repents with ashes and sackcloth; God decides not to destroy Nineveh.

Jonah 4 - Jonah is upset about God choosing to not destroy Nineveh; he leaves the city and sits in the hot sun where God causes a plant to grow to provide shade for Jonah; the next day God sends a worm to kill the plant; Jonah then says it would be better for him to die; God questions Jonah’s anger about the death of the plant; God asks him why he thinks a plant should be spared from destruction but a large city like Nineveh should not be saved.


Micah 1 - The word of the Lord comes to Micah in the reigns of Jotham, Ahaz and Hezekiah of Judah; the Lord will tread down the high places; the mountains will melt under Him and the valleys will split like wax before the fire; like waters poured down a steep place; Samaria will be left desolate in judgment because of its idolatrous harlotry; Micah will wail and howl like animals going naked; the surrounding nations will know of Israel’s shame; Micah makes himself bald.

Micah 2 - Woe to those that devise iniquity; they covet property and seize it by violence; the Lord will take away the heritage of these people; God’s people reject the word of His prophets; false prophets prophesy days of wine and drink; a remnant of Israel shall be restored; gathered like sheep at the hands of one who breaks open.

Micah 3 - The heads of Jacob commit sadistic acts of violence against their own people; these heads will cry to the Lord but the Lord will not hear them; darkness will descend on false prophets; Micah declares confidently that he is a true prophet; Zion shall be plowed like a field; Jerusalem shall become heaps of ruins and the mountain of the temple like the bare hills of the forest.

Micah 4 - In the latter days Zion will be at the centre of a renewed earth; the Lord shall judge between many nations; swords shall be made into ploughshares and spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation; everyone in the restored Zion shall walk in the name of the Lord; the lame, the outcast, and the afflicted will be part of a strong nation; cry like a woman in pangs for you will be taken to Babylon; you will be restored; the nations who exult in Zion’s humiliation will be threshed.

Micah 5 - One Who is to be a ruler shall come forth from Bethlehem; He shall stand and feed his flock in the strength of the Lord; He will deliver Jacob from Assyria; the remnant is large and triumphs over its enemies; the Lord will cut off sorceries, soothsayers, and idols.

Micah 6 - Hear, O you mountains, the Lord’s complaint; the Lord reminds the people of His favor towards them and complains of their ingratitude; the people are imagined replying and complaining of the Lord’s demanding nature; will the Lord be pleased with a thousand rams, and the sacrifice of a firstborn as a sin offering; Micah retorts that the Lord has revealed to them what He wants; justice, mercy, and humility; Hear the Rod; the use of deceitful weights and measures is rebuked; you will be made a desolation.

Micah 7 - The Lord compares Himself to a gatherer of fruit who can find no ripe cluster of grapes; all have been corrupted; family and other social relationships will crumble; enemies should not rejoice; the Lord will be a light to me; a female enemy will be trampled like mud in the streets; the Lord will shepherd His people with His staff; other nations shall be brought low and lick the dust like a serpent; Who is a God like You, pardoning iniquity and passing over the transgression of the remnant of His heritage.


Nahum 1 - The burden against Nineveh; God is jealous, angry, and vengeful; the Lord has His way in the whirlwind and in the storm; the clouds are the dust of His feet; He knows those who trust in Him; the mountains quake before Him and the hills melt; a wicked counselor amongst you plots evil against the Lord; though the enemy may seem safe, yet the Lord will afflict them; the Lord will cut off idols and dig your grave; for you are vile; O Judah, keep your appointed feasts.

Nahum 2 - A call to battle is made; the Lord will restore the excellence of Jacob; chariots rage in the streets; but the Assyrians are led away captive; Assyria drains away like a pool of water; the Lord will burn the Assyrians chariots in smoke.

Nahum 3 - Woe to the bloody city; there is a further description of the chaotic bustle of battle; Nineveh is punished because of its harlotries and sorceries; Nineveh’s nakedness will be shown to the nations; as the Assyrians destroyed No Amon (Thebes) in Egypt so Assyria itself will be destroyed and humiliated; as ripe figs fall from a shaken tree so will the strongholds of Nineveh fall before the judgment of God; the inhabitants of Nineveh are as numerous as locusts; destruction shall still ensue and all who hear of Nineveh’s defeat shall clap their hands.


Habakkuk 1 - Habakkuk asks God why He seems to delay judgment against the wicked; the Lord is raising up the Chaldeans; their horses also are swifter than leopards and more fierce than evening wolves; they gather captives like sand scoffing at kings and princes; when the Babylonians overwhelm the land of Judah they will wrongly give the credit to their false gods; Habakkuk wonders why God would use a nation more wicked than Judah to bring judgment on Judah; Habakkuk will stand his watch and wait for God’s reply.

Habakkuk 2 - The Lord tells Habakkuk to write the reply down; the proud are not upright; the just shall live by faith; Babylon has an insatiable desire for conquest; they shall be plundered by the remnant of those they plundered; woe to the greedy, the violent, the drunk, and the idolatrous; the Lord is in His Holy Temple; let all the earth keep silence before Him.

Habakkuk 3 - Habakkuk pleads for revival; there is a song of praise glorifying God’s power over the earth and the nations; Habakkuk is afraid; he resolves to rejoice in the Lord; the Lord God is my strength; He will make my feet like deer’s feet; He will make me walk on my high hills; to the Chief Musician; with my stringed instruments.


Zephaniah 1 - Zephaniah was the great-great grandson of Hezekiah; he prophesied in the days of Josiah; the Lord says He will utterly consume everything from the face of the land; judgment is promised to idolaters; the day of the Lord is at hand; in the day of the Lord’s sacrifice He will punish the princes and the king’s children; those who wear foreign apparel and those who practice violence and deceit; the merchants will be cut down and will be complacent; the day of the Lord will be characterized by darkness, gloominess, cloud, trumpet, and alarm; the Lord will make a speedy riddance.

Zephaniah 2 - Gather yourselves; seek righteousness and humility while there is still time; you may be hidden in the day of the Lord’s anger; God promises to destroy the cities of the Philistines and give their land as pasture for the remnant of the house of Judah; Moab shall be like Sodom and Ammon like the people of Gomorrah; the Lord will reduce all the gods of the earth to nothing; people from all shores shall worship Him; Ethiopians will be slain by the sword and the Assyrians will de destroyed on account of their pride.

Zephaniah 3 - Jerusalem is rebellious and polluted; the Lord is righteous in Jerusalem’s midst; having poured His indignation on nations the Lord will give the world a common language with which it will worship Him; Israel will no longer be haughty on God’s Holy mountain; the outcast and needy will be marginalized no more and Jerusalem will be given fame and praise among all the peoples of the earth when the captives are restored.


Haggai 1 - In the second year of Darius the Word of the Lord comes via Haggai to Zerubbabel (governor of Jerusalem) and Joshua (the high priest); the Lord complains that the people say it is not time for the temple to be finished; the Lord criticizes the procrastination and lack of progress; the houses of individuals are in working order but the House of the Lord is not; go up to the mountains and bring wood; the people act on God’s Words via Haggai.

Haggai 2 - The Lord confronts the anxiety that the current Temple is far less impressive than Solomon’s; Haggai questions the priests; will food touched by a garment that carries holy meat be made likewise holy; if a dead body touches any of these will it be rendered impure; holiness is not contagious; but impurity is; living in the holy land and offering sacrifices does not make one holy so long as they are unclean through neglect of the Lord; a recent drought is seen as a consequence of the people’s refusal to build the Temple; God sees their change of heart and promises a harvest of blessing to come; the Lord speaks to Zerubbabel via Haggai; the gentile nations will be overcome; Zerubbabel will be made the Lord’s signet ring.


Zechariah 1 - The word came to Zechariah in the second year of Darius; God orders his people to return to Him and not to follow the example of their fathers; Zechariah has a vision of a man on a red horse among myrtle trees in a ravine; behind him were red, sorrel (off yellow), and white horses; they are a patrol which has found that the earth is at peace; God is angry with the nations at ease because they assisted in Judah’s and Jerusalem’s suffering; the Lord’s House will be built in Jerusalem and comfort Zion; Zechariah has a vision of four horns symbolizing the four nations that scattered God’s people; craftsmen are coming to terrify them and cast them out.
Zechariah 2 - Zechariah has a vision of a man with a measuring line going to measure out Jerusalem; the Lord will provide a wall of fire around Jerusalem and be the glory in her midst; exiles are exhorted to return from the north; he who touches God’s people touches the apple of His eye; sin and rejoice, O daughter of Zion; when the Lord dwells in the midst of Jerusalem many nations shall be drawn unto Him.

Zechariah 3 - Joshua the high priest stands before the Lord; Satan also stands before the Lord to oppose Joshua; the Lord rebukes Satan; Joshua’s filthy garments are removed and he is given clean garments; Joshua is told that if he walks in the Lord’s ways he will judge His house; the Lord says He is bringing forth His servant The Branch; a stone is laid before Joshua which has seven eyes; the iniquity of the land will be removed and everyone will invite his neighbor under his vine and under his fig tree.

Zechariah 4 - Zechariah has a vision of a lamp-stand; next to which there are two olive trees that supplied the seven lamps with oil through seven pipes; Zerubbabel will accomplish the work of rebuilding the temple through the Lord’s Spirit; encouragement is given; the two olive trees represent the two anointed ones who stand beside the Lord of the whole earth.

Zechariah 5 - Zechariah has a vision of a flying scroll; twenty cubits by ten; on it are written curses against thieves and perjurers; wickedness is personified as a woman sitting in a basket; an angel thrusts down the woman and places a lead covering over the top of the basket; two winged women take the basket to Babylon.

Zechariah 6 - Zechariah has a vision of four chariots coming between two mountains of bronze; they go before the Lord; those who go toward the north country have given rest to the Lord’s Spirit in the north country; Joshua receives a crown of gold and silver; The Branch shall build the Temple of the Lord; the crown will be a memorial in the temple.

Zechariah 7 - Zechariah explains a proper fast to the Lord.  In the fourth year of Darius the people ask if they should weep and fast in the fifth month to commemorate the destruction of the first temple; the Lord rebukes the practice of fasting for being perfunctory; justice, mercy, and compassion are more important; this is why the people were scattered.

Zechariah 8 - The Lord says He is zealous for Zion with great zeal; the Lord will return to Zion and dwell in the midst of Jerusalem; Jerusalem will be a thriving, safe place; more people will return from the east and the west; encouragement is given to finish the Temple; Judah was a curse; but it shall become a blessing; the Lord is as determined to bless now as He was to punish in the past; act righteously to one another; feasting is now more appropriate than the appointed fasting times.

Zechariah 9 - Burden against the cities of Lebanon and the Philistines; a lowly King riding on a donkey shall come into Jerusalem; He shall speak peace to the nations; His dominion shall be from sea to sea; the blood of the covenant will set prisoners free from the waterless pit; Judah and Ephraim are the bow and arrow to be drawn against Greece; grain shall make the young men thrive and new wine the young women.

Zechariah 10 - The Lord will grant showers of rain; the people of God will conquer; while idolaters will be led astray like sheep; the houses of both Judah and Jerusalem will be brought back; Israel will be gathered into the land from across the earth.

Zechariah 11 - Creation mourns because of the coming judgment; Zechariah is told to ready a flock of sheep for slaughter as the Lord will do with His people; particularly those who are rich and complacent; Zechariah’s two staffs are called Beauty and Bonds; Zechariah dismisses three shepherds and breaks the staff called Beauty; playing the role of a shepherd Zechariah is paid what he sarcastically calls a princely sum of thirty pieces of silver; which he gives to the potter; Zechariah breaks the staff called Bonds to symbolize the severance of Judah and Israel; Zechariah is told to take the implements of a foolish shepherd to indicate that the Lord will raise up a shepherd in the land who will not care for those who are cut off; woe to the worthless shepherd who leaves the flock.

Zechariah 12 - Jerusalem will be protected from attack by the Lord; it will be a cup of drunkenness and a heavy stone to surrounding peoples; the feeble shall become be like David and the house of David shall be like God; the spirit of grace and supplication will be poured on the house of David and on the inhabitants of Jerusalem; they will look on Me Whom they pierced; all Jerusalem will humbly repent.

Zechariah 13 - A fountain shall cleanse sin; idolatry and false prophets will not be tolerated; the man accused of being a false prophet insists the scars on his body are not the self-inflicted wounds often associated with false prophets but merely the result of a brawl in his friend’s house; the Lord calls for the swords to be struck against His Shepherd Who is His companion; Israel will be scattered, smitten, refined, and saved.

Zechariah 14 - The Day of the Lord is coming; when Jerusalem will be attacked; half of the city will be taken off into captivity; the remnant shall not be cut off; the Lord will fight against the nations that attack; the Mount of Olives will be split in two; allowing escape; living waters shall flow from Jerusalem which will be safely inhabited; the enemies of Jerusalem and their livestock will be stricken with plague; all nations shall come to Jerusalem for the Feast of Tabernacles; plague and no rain will be the punishment for those families who do not attend; Holiness to the Lord shall be engraved on the balls of the horses and every pot in Jerusalem shall become like the bowls before the altar; the profane becomes holy.


Malachi 1 - I have loved you, the Lord says to Israel; Jacob has been loved, Esau hated, Edom has been laid waste; despite resolving to return and rebuild Edom will become known as the Territory of Wickedness; sacrifices of defiled and blemished food are condemned; the Lord’s name shall be great among the gentiles.

Malachi 2 - God will curse the wicked priesthood and its descendants; the good example of Levi, with whom a covenant was made, is cited; there is a woeful failure to live up to Levi’s good precedent; the priests offend by marrying foreign wives; the neglected and divorced wives of the priests come and weep at God’s altar; when their priestly husbands then offer sacrifice at the same altar it offends God; there is grumbling that the wicked prosper more than the Godly.

Malachi 3 - A messenger will come to prepare the way; then another messenger will come to His Temple; who can endure the day of His Coming; He will purify the sons of Levi; the offerings of Judah and Jerusalem will once more be acceptable to the Lord; sorcerers, perjurers, and other sinners will be witnessed against; return to the Lord; God has been robbed by the withholding of tithes and offerings; the people have grumbled that the proud and the wicked prosper and that it is therefore useless to serve God; a Book of Remembrance is written for those who fear the Lord; they will be the Lord’s jewels; the distinction between the righteous and the wicked will become evident.

Malachi 4 - The day is coming which will burn like an oven; The Sun of Righteousness shall arise with healing in His wings; the wicked shall be trampled; remember the law of Moses; Elijah will be sent before the Day of the Lord; he will turn the hearts of the fathers to the children and the hearts of the children to their fathers.




That Jesus Christ should be found on every page is a fact.  If you do not find Jesus on any page, attempt to read the page again.


The Book of Genesis = The account of the first Adam and his fall and the consequences of that fall.  While Jesus represents the second Adam and how He will redeem the errors of the first Adam.


The Book of Exodus = The account of Moses redeeming his people from Satanic influences and slavery, by reason of a man who was drawn out of waters, moved to the wilderness for 40 years, and then returns to deliver his people.  Jesus was baptized in water, is tempted for 40 days in the wilderness, then begins the process of redeeming His people.


The Book of Leviticus = This Book is about the high priest cleansing his people from their sins.  Jesus is our High Priest Who cleanses His people from their sins.


The Book of Numbers = This Book is about Moses leading the 12 tribes of Israel and calling the 70 elders.  Jesus leads the 12 disciples and ordains 70.


The Book of Deuteronomy = This Book is about Moses’ final sermon, in which he calls together all of the 12 tribes, repeats the covenant, goes out into the wilderness to die by himself, and then he dies, is buried, and then is resurrected.  Jesus, before He is to die, calls together the 12 apostles at what is called “The last supper,” then He repeats the covenant, goes out to die alone, and He does die, is buried, and is resurrected.


The Book of Joshua = This Book is the account of Israel pushing out Satan from the promised land, starting with a loud shout.  Jesus kicked Satan out of Heaven and now it is time to kick Satan out of control of the earth with His loud shout, “It is finished.”


The Book of Judges = This Book is about the 12 tribes of Israel going out to conquer the promised land without the physical leadership of one man.  Jesus, being resurrected, is no longer physically leading the 12 apostles; but they go out to conquer by spreading the Gospel to the known world.


The Book of Ruth = This Book is about a gentile woman with a Hebrew mother-in-law.  And this Gentile woman is working in the field, bringing in the sheaves.  And Boaz, who is a type of Christ, watches over her.  And by the way, Ruth says to her mother-in-law, “Your God will be my God.”  Jesus watches over His Gentile converts who are spreading the Gospel.


The Book of First Samuel = This Book is about the nation of Israel rejecting the priesthood (Samuel), and wanting an earthly king to rule over them instead.  As it turns out, this became a joining of Church and state.  By the time of Constantine (about 300 A.D.), the church joined its forces with the state.  Note:  But there has always remained a remnant Church somewhere throughout history.    


The Books of Second Samuel; First & Second Kings and Chronicles = All these detail Israel’s apostacies.  Which lead them to be captured by a nation called, “Mystery, Babylon,” i.e., pagan Rome, then Papal Rome.  Note:  This chronicles the 1260-year period of earths history, i.e., 538 A.D. to 1798 A.D.


The Book of Ezra = This Book contains three decrees that were issued on Israel’s behalf.  The first decree brought attention to the Sanctuary.  In 1844 A.D. Jesus leaves the ministry in the Holy Place of the Heavenly Sanctuary, moving into the Most Holy Place of the Heavenly sanctuary.  The second decree was pronounced against the enemies of God’s people.  This correlates to the Second Angels message against Babylon.  The third decree was for Israel to become its own nation with its own laws and religious system under protection of the ruling nation.  This correlates to the Third Angels message when the Seventh-Day Adventist Church was formed under the protection of the United States of America.


The Book of Nehemiah = In this Book is found the fourth decree.  Under the work of the Third Angels message much has been done.  But many have fallen and Christ has not come.  Nehemiah was sent to finish what was started but not finished.  And under the sounding of the Fourth Angle (of Revelation 18), a “loud cry” will be given and the work will be finished.


The Book of Esther = This Book is about a “Death Decree” given against the people of God, during the “Time of Trouble,” who refuse to keep the laws of the government, just before the Coming of Christ.  Note:  Since Mordecai would not bow to Haman, he went after Mordecai’s people.  And since Jesus would not bow to Satan, Satan is going after Jesus’ people.


The Book of Job = This Book covers the “Time of Trouble.”


The Book of Psalms = This Book is the One most referred to Book that people go to read when they are going through a “Time of Trouble.”


The Books of Proverbs & Ecclesiastes = These Books are about obtaining “wisdom.”  And “wisdom” is what God’s people will need in order to go through till the end of time on earth.


The Book of Song of Solomon = This Book is about the bridegroom coming for his bride.  Jesus will Come for His bride.


The Books of the Major Prophets = All relate the Comings of Christ and the setting up of His millennial Kingdom.


The Books of the Minor Prophets = All relate the “justice” of God throughout this entire process, and the judgments that will be discussed during the millennial period and eventually carried out after that period.  Thus, ending with the wicked being “ashes under the souls of the redeems feet.”


The Books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, & John = These Books talk about how that then Christ will truly be with us (Mat. 1:21) throughout eternity.


The Book of Acts = This Book talks about the people of God being united into one Church.  The people of God will be united in one language in Heaven.


The Books of the Churches = These Books speak about Jews, Gentiles, rich, poor, different nations and nationalities, tongues, whatever, all are united into one big happy family.


The Book of Revelation = This Book is to be studied throughout all eternity, for it is about and for all eternity.

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