Nostradamus is touted as the most famous predictor of future events in all of mankind. Yet, it is honestly argued that only five (5) to ten (10) percent of his predictions have been fulfilled with 100 percent certainty. And most of those have either missed the mark by a wide margin or have been somewhat subjective and open to interpretation.
First, we must understand that the way the New Testament writers used the term, Christ “fulfilled” whatever, is not used as “Predictive Prophecy.” An example being, Nostradamus prophesied that “there was going to be a flood in such a such a year.” And Wow, it happened. But that is not how the New Testament writers looked at fulfilled prophecy. When Joseph was told to return to Israel from Egypt, the Scripture was fulfilled, “out of Egypt have I called My Son.” That saying is in the Book of Hosea, Chapter 11, verse 1. However, it is speaking of the Exodus, with Hosea just recounting Israel’s history. It is not speaking of a personage that a particular person was going to fulfil (you may notice I do not sight this so-called prophecy in my chart). Then what is Matthew meaning by saying Christ fulfilled this? The meaning is that Jesus filled Israel’s history up with meaning. Just as God calls His people out of Egypt, He calls us out of Babylon (in Revelation), which in essence, is sinfulness. Keep in mind that Messianic prophecy is more art that science; and more poetry than math.
Consider yourself to be a “teller” or “foreseer” of future events. You are going to predict that ten years from now, in that specific year, an individual would be born in New York City. You predict that this individual would be from a certain family. Then you predict that the mayor of that city will kill all male babies born being 2 years or younger. At Twelve years of age, you predict that this individual, who escaped the baby killings, would speak to the leaders of New York City. This individual would then be obscure until, being about 30 years of age, this individual would perform many miracles in New York City and the surrounding areas in the State of New York. You then begin to specify each miracle and how they would take place; about 100 of them. You then specify how the leaders of New York City hate this individual and plot to kill Him. You then describe how he will be killed, where he will be killed, and when he will be killed. If you haven’t figured out I’m referencing Jesus, and there is NO WAY anyone could make these prophecies other than God, read on.
There is said to be “over 400 prophecies” made about future prophetic events concerning the Messiah’s First Coming. If you count the individual prophecies, I have found 200 (listed below). If you count all of the prophecies, with the duplications by other prophets, I have found 475 (Better displayed by seeing this Bible Study in “Chart Form,” via E-Mail; impossible in this manner). For any one person to fulfill even 10% of these would be a near impossibility. In fact, the probability of a man fulfilling 12% of these is as astronomically impossible as the “Big Bang Theory” being true; or for a needle being found in a haystack the size of Texas and four feet tall. Yet Jesus Christ fulfilled every last one of them to the letter.
The above FACT alone should convince even the stoutest of sceptics that there is a God; and silence any Biblical disbelievers. But alas, when the truth does not settle any argument, the party cannot be reasoned with no matter what.
“Christ Coming at the time and in the manner which He did was a direct and complete fulfillment of prophecy. The evidence of this, given to the world through the testimony of the apostles and that of their contemporaries, is among the strongest proofs of the Christian faith. . . The Christian world have a full and complete chain of evidence running through both the Old and the New Testament; in the one pointing to a Saviour to Come, and in the other fulfilling the conditions of that prophecy. All this is sufficient to establish the faith of those who are willing to believe.” 3SP:182.
The following are prophecies of the “Messiah,” with the Old Testament prophecy listed first (with the first time it appears alone with other Books [prophets] who stated the same prophecy) -- than its fulfillment in the life of Jesus Christ (Only a few references in the New Testament are given; not all).
ONE LAST NOTE: Without the Coming of the “Messiah,” most of these prophecies do not make sense.
(In Order Where It First Appears In The Bible)
(This Is A Poor Rendering And Can Be Better Seen On My Excel Spreadsheet; Via E-Mail))
1) That the Messiah would have a virgin birth and be called Immanuel. = Gen. 3:15; Psa. 22:9-10; Isa. 7:14; 8:8; Jer. 31:22 = Mat. 1:18 & 23; Luke 1:35; Gal. 4:4-5; 1Ti. 3:16; Rev. 12:2 & 5.
2) That the Messiah would bruise Satan’s head (ultimately destroy him). = Gen. 3:15 = Heb. 2:14; 1Jo. 3:8.
(Note: Although technically this is Christs Third Coming, it is because of His First Coming that this prophecy applies).
3) That the Messiah would die (bruised heel). = Gen. 3:15 = Mat. 27:35; Luke 24:39-40.
4) That the Messiah would Come through the line of Shem. = Gen. 9:26 = Luke 3:36.
5) That the Messiah (seed) would Come through the line of Abram (blessing all nations). = Gen. 12:3 & 7; 18:18; 22:18; 26:4; 28:14 = Acts 3:25; Gal. 3:8 & 16.
6) That the Messiah would be a Priest after the order of Melchizedek. = Gen. 14:18; Psa. 110:4 = Heb. 5:6; 6:20.
7) That the Messiah would Come through the line of Isaac. = Gen. 17:19; 21:12; 22:18; 26:2-5 = Rom. 9:7.
8) That the Messiah would be sacrificed as a Lamb. = Gen. 22:8 = John 1:29.
9) That the Messiah would be the ladder that connects us to Heaven. = Gen. 28:12 = John 1:51.
10) That the Messiah would Come through the line of Jacob. = Gen. 28:14 = Mat. 1:2; Luke 3:24.
11) That the Messiah would Come at an appointed (specific) time. = Gen. 49:10; Dan. 9:24-26; Mal. 3:1 = Mat. 1:21; Luke 2:1-7; John 1:41; 4:25; Gal. 4:4.
12) That the Messiah would come through the line of Judah. = Gen. 49:10; Isa. 9:6; Jer. 23:6 = Mat. 1:2; Luke 3:33; Heb. 1:8; Rev 5:5.
13) That the Messiah would draw all people to Him. = Gen. 49:10 = John 10:16.
14) That the Messiah is the Great I Am. = Exo. 3:13-15 = John 4:26; 8:58.
15) That the Messiah would be presented to Israel four days before the Passover. = Exo. 12:3-6 = Mark 11:7-11.
16) That the Messiah would be without blemish. = Exo. 12:5; 29:1; Lev. 1:3 & 10; 3:1 & 6; 4:3 & 23 & 28 & 32; 5:15 & 18; 6:6; 9:2 & 3; 14:10; 22:19; 23:12 & 18; Num. 6:14 (3 Times); 28:19 & 31; 29:2 & 8 & 13 & 20 & 23 & 29 & 32 & 36; Eze. 43:22 & 23 & 25; 45:18 & 23; 46:4 & 6 & 13 = John 1:29 & 36; 1Co. 5:27; Eph. 5:27; Heb. 9:14; 1Pe. 1:19.
17) That the Messiah’s blood would save sinners. = Exo. 12:13 = Mat. 26:28; 27:4; 27:6 & 24 & 25; etc.; Rom. 5:8.
18) That the Messiah is our Passover Lamb. = Exo. 12:21-27 = 1Co. 5:7.
19) That the Messiah’s bones would not be broken. = Exo. 12:46; Num. 9:12; Psa. 34:20 = John 19:32-33 & 36.
20) That the Messiah would be exalted. = Exo. 15:2 = Acts 7:55-56.
21) That the Messiah is our Spiritual Rock. = Exo. 17:6 = 1Co. 10:4.
22) That the Messiah is our sweet-smelling savor. = Lev. 1:2-9 = Eph. 5:2.
23) That the Messiah would cleanse our sins in the Most Holy Place. = Lev. 16:15-17 = Heb. 9:7-14.
24) That the Messiah would suffer (be killed) outside of the camp (Jerusalem). = Lev. 16:27; Dan. 9:26-27 = Mat. 27:33 & 50; Mark 15:37 & 39; Luke 23:46; John 19:30; Acts 3:15; Heb. 13:11-12.
25) That the Messiah’s blood makes atonement for sin. = Lev. 17:11; Isa. 53:10 = Mat. 20:28; Rom. 3:23-24; Gal 3:13; 1Jo. 1:7.
26) That the Messiah’s blood gives life. = Lev. 17:11 = Mat. 26:28; Mark 10:45.
27) That the Messiah is our Living-Water. = Lev. 23:36-37 = John 7:37.
28) That the Messiah would be called a Nazarene (Only Applicable If Considered A Dual Prophecy). = Num. 6:13; Jud. 13:5; (1Sa. 1:11?); (Psa. 69:9-10?) = Mat. 2:23; John 1:45-46; Acts 24:5.
29) That the Messiah’s dead body would not be left until the morning. = Num. 19:12 = Mat. 27:57-60; Mark 15:43-46; Luke 23:50-53; John 19:31.
30) That we should always look toward the Messiah (would be lifted up). = Num. 21:9 = John 3:14-18; 12:32.
31) That the Messiah would Come out of Egypt. = Num. 24:8; Hos. 11:1; Amos 2:10-12 = Mat. 2:13-15 & 19:21.
32) That the Messiah would Come through the line of Jacob (Israel). = Num. 24:17 = Luke 1:32-33; Heb. 1:8.
33) That a Star would be a sign of Christ's Coming. = Num. 24:17 = Mat. 2:2 & 7 & 9 & 10.
34) That we would behold the Messiah’s glory. = Num. 24:17 = John 1:14; Gal. 4:4.
35) That the Messiah would Come teaching like a prophet. = Deu. 18:15 & 18-19; Isa. 2:3; 48:17 = John 4:25; 7:40; Acts 3:20-22.
36) That the Messiah would be sent by the Father to speak His Words. = Deu. 18:18; Isa. 48:16 = John 8:28-29.
37) That the Messiah would not bear the sins of the people who will not harken to the Fathers Words. = Deu. 18:19 = Acts 3:22-23.
38) That the Messiah would be crucified. = Deu. 21:22-23 = Mat. 27:60; Mark 6:29; Gal. 3:13.
39) That the Messiah is the Captain of our salvation. = Jos. 5:14-15 = Heb. 2:10.
(From #28) That the Messiah would be called a Nazarene (Only Applicable If Considered A Dual Prophecy). = Num. 6:13; Jud. 13:5; (1Sa. 1:11?); (Psa. 69:9-10?) = Mat. 2:23; John 1:45-46; Acts 24:5.
40) That the Messiah is our Kinsman Redeemer (Come to Zion as a Redeemer). = Ruth 4:4-10; Isa. 59:20 = Luke 2:38; Eph. 1:3-7.
41) That the Messiah would be Israel’s Horn of Salvation. = 1Sa. 2:1 & 10; Psa. 18:2; Eze. 29:21 = Mat. 28:18; Luke 1:69-70; John 12:15.
42) That the Messiah is our Faithful High Priest. = 1Sa. 2:35; Zec. 6:12-13 = Heb. 2:17; 3:1-3 & 6; 7:24-25.
43) That the Messiah would Come through the line of David. = 2Sa. 7:12; 1Ch. 17:11; Psa. 132:11; Jer. 23:5; 33:15; Eze. 34:23-24; 37:24-25 = Mat. 1:1; 9:27; Luke 1:32; Acts 2:30; 13:22-23.
44) That the Messiah’s Kingdom would be everlasting. = 2Sa. 7:13; Psa. 45:6-7; Isa. 9:7 = Luke 1:32-33; Heb. 1:8-9; 2Pe. 1:11; Rev. 12:5.
45) That the Messiah is the Son of God. = 2Sa. 7:14 = Luke 1:32; Rom. 1:3-4.
46) That the Messiah would be whipped. = 2Sa. 7:14; Psa. 129:3; Isa. 50:6; 53:5 = Mat. 20:19; 27:26; Mark 10:34; 15:15; Luke 18:33; 23:16; John 19:1; 1Pe. 2:24.
47) That the Messiah would reign and His Kingdom (through David) would last forever. = 2Sa. 7:16; 1Ch. 17:12-13; Psa. 45:6; 89:35-36; Isa. 9:7 = Luke 1:32-33; 3:31; Heb. 1:8; Rev. 22:16.
48) That the Messiah would be called God’s Son. = 1Ch. 17:13; Psa. 2:7 = Mat. 3:17; Acts 13:33-34; Rom. 1:7; Heb. 1:5; 5:5.
49) That the Messiah would be a Mediator between God and man. = Job 9:32-33 = 1Ti. 2:5.
50) That the Messiah would rise from the dead and take some with Him. = Job 19:23-27; Psa. 68:18 = Mat. 27:52-53; Luke 24:6, 51; Acts 1:2; 3:15; Eph. 4:8-10; Heb. 4:14; 6:20; 1Pe. 3:22.
51) That the Messiah would be ridiculed. = Job 35:21; Psa. 22:7-8 & 13 = Mat. 27:39-44.
52) That the Messiah would be plotted against. = Psa. 2:1-2; 31:13; 71:10 = Mat. 26:3-4; 27:1; Mark 15:1; Acts 4:25-27.
53) That the Messiah would be Anointed (Christ). = Psa. 2:2 = John 1:41; Acts 2:36.
54) That the Messiah would break the seal of the tomb. = Psa. 2:3 = Mat. 28:2; Mark 16:4; Luke 24:2; John 20:1.
55) That the Messiah would be called a King. = Psa. 2:6; Zec. 9:9 = Mat. 2:2.
56) That the Messiah would break them with a rod of iron. = Psa. 2:9 = Mat. 21:44; Rev. 2:27; 12:5.
57) That you can put your trust in the Messiah. = Psa. 2:12; 34:22; 37:40; 62:8; 64:10; Pro. 30:15; Nah. 1:7 = Heb. 2:13.
58) That the Messiah would be praised even by babies (children). = Psa. 8:2 = Mat. 21:16.
59) That the Messiah would be made a little lower than the angels. = Psa. 8:5-6 = Heb. 2:9.
60) That the Messiah would judge the world in righteousness. = Psa. 9:8 = Acts 17:31.
61) That the Messiah’s body would not see corruption. = Psa. 16:10 = Acts 2:31; 13:35.
62) That the Messiah would be raised from the dead (would defeat death). = Psa. 16:10-11; 49:15; 118:17-18; Hos. 13:14 = Mark 16:6; Luke 24:6; John 20:9; Acts 2:27-28; 13:35; 1Co. 15:4 & 20; 1Ti. 3:16; 1Pe. 1:21.
63) That the Messiah would be forsaken by God. = Psa. 22:1; Psa. 102:10 = Mat. 27:46; Mark 15:34.
64) That the Messiah would be called upon the deliver Himself. = Psa. 22:8 = Mat. 27:43.
65) That the Messiah would be railed against. = Psa. 22:12-13 = Mat. 27:39-44.
66) That the Messiah would have water come forth from His body. = Psa. 22:14 = John 19:34.
67) That the Messiah would suffer a terrible death. = Psa. 22:15 = Mark 15:34-37.
68) That the Messiah would thirst (on the cross). = Psa. 22:15 = John 19:28.
69) That the Messiah’s body would be pierced in the hands and feet. = Psa. 22:16; Isa. 49:16; Zec. 12:10; 13:1 = Luke 24:39-40; John 19:34, 37; 20:25 & 27; Rev. 1:7.
70) That the Messiah would be looked upon as a criminal. = Psa. 22:17 = Luke 23:34-35.
71) That the Messiah’s garments would be taken by the casting of lots. = Psa. 22:18 = Mat. 27:35; Luke 23:34; John 9:24.
72) That the Messiah would not die by the sword, or be eaten by dogs or a lion. = Psa. 22:20-21 = Mat. 27:32 & 40 & 42; Mark 15:21 & 30 & 32; Luke 23:26; John 19:17 & 19 & 25 & 31.
73) That the Messiah would tell of His Father in the congregation (Synagogue). = Psa. 22:22 = Luke 4:21.
74) That the Messiah would be called a Governor. = Psa. 22:28 = Mat. 2:6.
75) That the Messiah would be the Good Shepherd. = Psa. 23:1; Isa. 40:11 = John 10:11 & 14; 1Pe. 2:25.
76) That the Messiah would put His Spirit into the hands of His Father (God). = Psa. 31:5 = Luke 23:46.
77) That the Messiah’s friends would abandon Him. = Psa. 31:11; 38:11; 88:8 = Mark 14:50; Luke 23:49.
78) That the Messiah would trust in God. = Psa. 31:14 = Mat. 27:43.
79) That the Messiah would have false witnesses testify against Him. = Psa. 35:11 = Mat. 26:59.
80) That the Messiah would be humbled with fasting. = Psa. 35:13 = Mat. 4:2.
81) That the Messiah would be hated without a cause. = Psa. 35:15 & 19; 69:4 = John 15:24-25.
82) That the Messiah would be mocked. = Psa. 35:16 = Mat. 27:42; Mark 15:31; Luke 23:35.
83) That the Messiah’s enemies would lay snares for Him. = Psa. 38:12 = Mat. 22:15; Mark 14:1.
84) That the Messiah would not open His mouth against His accusers. = Psa. 38:13 = Mat. 27:12-14.
85) That the Messiah would only go about doing good. = Psa. 38:20 = Acts 10:38.
86) That the Messiah would be resurrected. = Psa. 40:2; Isa. 25:8; 26:19 = John 20:17.
87) That the Messiah would be seen resurrected by many. = Psa. 40:3 = John 20:20; 1Co. 15:6.
88) That the Messiah would be the ultimate Sacrifice. = Psa. 40:6 = Mat. 9:13; Heb. 10:5.
89) That the Messiah would keep God’s (His Own) Commandments. = Psa. 40:8 = John 15:10.
90) That the Messiah would preach righteousness. = Psa. 40:9 = Mat. 4:17.
91) That the Messiah would be betrayed by a friend. = Psa. 41:9; 55:12-14; Pro. 27:6 = Mat. 26:48; Mark 14:44; Luke 22:47-48; John 13:18 & 26; 17:12; Acts 1:16.
92) That the Messiah would speak words of grace. = Psa. 45:2 = Luke 4:22; John 1:17.
93) That the Messiah’s would have a scepter of righteousness. = Psa. 45:6 = Heb. 1:8.
94) That the Messiah would be anointed (be possessed) by the Holy Spirit. = Psa. 45:7; Isa. 11:2; 42:1; 59:21; 61:1-2; Pro. 1:23; Isa. 11:2; 42:1 = Mat. 3:16; 12:18; Luke 4:18-19; John 1:32-33; 16:7; Acts 10:38; Heb. 1:9.
95) That the Messiah’s name would be remembered forever. = Psa. 45:17 = Eph. 1:20-21; Heb. 1:8.
96) That the Messiah would ascend on high. = Psa. 68:18 = Luke 24:51; Acts 1:9.
97) That the Messiah would bring saints to Heaven with Him. = Psa. 68:18 = Mat. 27:52-53.
98) That the Messiah would be a stranger even to His relatives. = Psa. 69:8 = John 1:11; 7:5.
99) That the Messiah’s zeal would cleanse God’s house. = Psa. 69:9 = John 2:17.
100) That the Messiah would be reproached (by His enemies). = Psa. 69:9; 102:8; 109:25 = Mat. 27:39; Mark 15:30; Luke 23:37 & 39; Rom. 15:3.
101) That the Messiah would have anguish of soul. = Psa. 69:14-20 = Mat. 26:36-45.
102) That the Messiah would be given gall and vinegar. = Psa. 69:21 = Mat. 27:34 & 48; Mark 15:23 & 36; John 19:29.
103) That the Messiah would be smitten of God. = Psa. 69:26; Isa. 53:4 = Acts 2:23.
104) That the Messiah would be visited by kings with presents. = Psa. 72:10 = Mat. 2:1-11.
105) That the Messiah would be served by all Nations. = Psa. 72:11; Isa. 45:23 = Rom. 14:11; Php. 2:10.
106) That the Messiah would bless all Nations. = Psa. 72:17 = Luke 1:48.
107) That because of the Messiah all Nations will be blessed. = Psa. 72:17 = Gal. 3:8.
108) That the Messiah would teach in parables (but not be understood by all). = Psa. 78:2; Isa. 6:9-10 = Mat. 13:14 & 34-35; John 12:39-41; Acts 28:25-27; Rom. 10:16-17; 11:8.
109) That the Messiah would utter dark (authoritative) sayings. = Psa. 78:2 = Mat. 7:29.
110) That the Messiah would be called The Son Of Man. = Psa. 80:17 = Mat. 8:20; 9:6; etcetera.
111) That the Messiah would be sitting on the right hand of God. = Psa. 80:17; 110:1 = Mat. 22:44; Mark 14:62; 16:19; Luke 20:42-43; Heb. 1:13.
112) That the Messiah would be God’s firstborn (preeminent of all firstborn). = Psa. 89:27 = Col. 1:15 & 18.
113) That the Messiah would be higher than the kings (or gods) of the earth. = Psa. 89:27; 97:9; 138:1-6 = Mat. 2:2; Luke 1:32-33; Acts 1:11; Eph. 1:20.
114) That the Messiah’s seed would endure forever. = Psa. 89:36-37 = Luke 1:32-33.
115) That the Messiah is from everlasting. = Psa. 90:2; Pro. 8:23; Mic. 5:2 = John 1:1.
116) That the Messiah would be tempted. = Psa. 91:11-12 = Luke 4:10-11.
117) That the Messiah would establish His kingdom on righteousness. = Psa. 93:1; Isa. 11:5; 59:17 = 2Co. 6:7; Eph. 6:14; Rev. 1:13.
118) That the Messiah is the Creator. = Psa. 102:25 = Heb. 1:10.
119) That the Messiah (is God in that), He cannot change. = Psa. 102:27; Zec. 11:11 = John 14:7; Heb. 13:8; Jam. 1:7.
120) That the Messiah would be the Light of the world. = Psa. 107:14; Isa. 9:1-2; 50:10; 60:1-3, 19; Mic. 7:9 = Mat. 4:15-16; Luke 1:78-79; 2:32; John 8:12; 12:35 & 46; Eph. 5:14; 1Pe 2:9; 1Jo. 1:5.
121) That the Messiah controls the storms. = Psa. 107:25-30 = Mat. 8:24-27; Luke 8:23-28.
122) That the Messiah would pray for His accusers. = Psa. 109:4 = Luke 23:34.
123) That the Messiah would ascend on high. = Psa. 110:1 = Mat. 22:44; Luke 20:42; 24:51; Acts 1:9; 2:34.
124) That the Messiah would be rejected as a stone which is (should have been) the head of the corner. = Psa. 118:22; Isa. 8:14; Isa 28:16; Zec. 10:4 = Mat. 21:42; Mark 12:10; Acts 4:11; Rom. 9:33; Eph. 2:20; 1Pe. 2:7.
125) That it would be said of the Messiah, “Blessed be He that Cometh in the name of the LORD.” = Psa. 118:26 = Mat. 21:9; 23:39; Mark 11:9; Luke 19:38.
126) That the Messiah would rise from the dead and sit on the throne of God. = Psa. 132:11 & 17 = Acts 2:30; 1Ti. 3:16.
127) That the Messiah would heal the brokenhearted. = Psa. 147:3 = Luke 4:18.
128) That the Messiah would lift up the meek. = Psa. 147:6 = Luke 4:18.
129) That the Messiah would cast the wicked down. = Psa. 147:6 = Mat. 21:12 & 23; Mark 11:15; John 2:15.
See Psa. 2:12 & 41:9 & 45:7 & 90:2.
130) That the Messiah is Love. = Sos. 5:16 = John 1:17; 1Jo. 4:8.
131) That the Messiah will judge all nations. = Isa. 2:4 = John 5:22.
132) That the Messiah would minister in Zebulun and Naphtali (Galilee). = Isa. 9:1 = Mat. 4:13-16.
133) That the Messiah would be born as a child. = Isa. 9:6 = Mat. 1:23; Luke 1:31.
134) That the Messiah would Come through the line of Jesse. = Isa. 11:1 & 10 = Mat. 1:5; Acts 13:22-23; Rom. 15:12; Rev. 5:5; 22:16.
135) That the Messiah would know people’s thoughts. = Isa. 11:3 = Luke 6:8; John 2:25.
136) That the Messiah will be both Executor and Judge. = Isa. 11:4 = Acts 17:31; 2Th. 2:8; Rev. 1:16; 2:16.
137) That the Messiah would judge with the sword of His mouth. = Isa. 11:4 = Rev. 2:16; 19:11 & 15.
138) That the Messiah would be sought out by the Gentiles. = Isa. 11:10; 55:5 = John 12:20-21.
139) That the Messiah would be given the key of David. = Isa. 22:22 = Rev. 3:7.
140) That the Messiah would be hung on a cross. = Isa. 22:23-25 = Mat. 27:31-59; Mark 15:21-45; Luke 23:26-53; John 19:16-40.
141) That the Messiah would have people draw near unto Him with their mouths and honor Him with their lips. = Isa. 29:13 = Mat. 15:7-9.
142) That the Messiah would save His people from their sins. = Isa. 35:2 = Mat. 1:21.
143) That the Messiah would heal people. = Isa. 35:5-6 = Mat. 11:2-6; etcetera.
144) That the Messiah would be proceeded by a messenger or forerunner. = Isa. 40:3; Mal 3:1 = Mat. 3:3; Mark 1:2-3; Luke 3:4; Luke 7:27; John 1:23.
145) That it would be said of the Messiah, “Behold your God.” = Isa. 40:9 = John 1:36; 19:14.
146) That the Messiah would Come with a reward. = Isa. 40:10 = Rev. 22:12.
147) That the Messiah would help the helpless. = Isa. 42:3 = Mat. 12:18-20.
148) That the Messiah would be a light to the Gentiles. = Isa. 42:6; 49:6; 60:1-3; Mal. 1:11 = Mat. 12:18; Luke 2:32; John 8:12; Acts 13:47; 26:23.
149) That the Messiah would heal the blind. = Isa. 42:7 = John 9:6-7 & 25.
150) That the Messiah is the only Savior. = Isa. 43:11; 45:21-22; 46:9 = Acts 4:12.
151) That the Messiah will send forth His Holy Spirit. = Isa. 44:3 = John 16:7 & 13.
152) That the Messiah will have every knee bow to Him. = Isa. 45:23: Rom. 14:11.
153) That the Messiah would declare the future. = Isa. 46:10 = John 13:19.
154) That the Messiah would be called The First and The Last. = Isa. 48:12 = John 1:30; Rev. 1:8 & 17.
155) That the Messiah would be called from the womb. = Isa. 49:1 & 5 = Mat. 1:18; Luke 1:41.
156) That the Messiah would be despised (rejected) by mankind. = Isa. 49:7; 53:3; Zec. 11:8 = Mat. 13:55-57; 21:42; 26:38; Mark 8:31; 12:10; 14:50-52; Luke 9:22; 17:25; 20:17; Heb. 6:8.
157) That the Messiah would be believed upon by those who would not be ashamed. = Isa. 49:23 = Rom. 9:33; 10:11; 1Pe. 2:6.
158) That the Messiah’s heavens will be clothed in blackness and sackcloth. = Isa. 50:3 = Luke 23:44-45.
159) That the Messiah would be a learned counselor for the weary. = Isa. 50:4 = Mat. 7:29; 11:28-29.
160) That the Messiah would have His cheeks smitten. = Isa. 50:6 = Mat. 26:67.
161) That the Messiah would be spit upon. = Isa. 50:6 = Mat. 26:67; 27:30; Luke 18:32.
162) That the Messiah would be beaten. = Isa. 50:6; 52:14 = Mat. 26:67; 27:29-30; Luke 18:32-33; Heb. 9:26.
163) That the Messiah’s visage would be marred more than any man. = Isa. 52:14 = Mat. 26:67-68; Luke 18:32-33.
164) That the Messiah would not be believed in. = Isa. 53:1 = John 12:37-38.
165) That the Messiah would not have any special features (no beauty). = Isa. 53:2 = Rom. 8:3; Php. 2:6-7.
166) That the Messiah would bear our griefs. = Isa. 53:4 = Mat. 8:16-17.
167) That the Messiah would take our sins upon Himself. = Isa. 53:5-6 & 8 & 10 & 11 = Heb. 9:26; 1Pe. 2:24.
168) That the Messiah would not speak when afflicted. = Isa. 53:7 = Mat. 26:63; 27:12; Mark 15:5; Luke 23:9; John 19:9; Acts 8:32 & 35; 1Pe. 2:23.
169) That the Messiah would be taken to be judged. = Isa. 53:8 = Luke 23:1-15.
170) That the Messiah would die. = Isa. 53:9; Dan. 9:26 = Acts 3:15; 1Pe. 2:22-23.
171) That the Messiah would be buried with rich men. = Isa. 53:9 = Mat. 27:57; John 19:41-42.
172) That the Messiah would be declared innocent (had done no violence). = Isa. 53:9 = Luke 23:15, 41; John 18:38.
173) That the Messiah would have no deceit in His mouth. = Isa. 53:9 = 1Pe. 2:22.
174) That the Messiah would please the Father in His death. = Isa. 53:10 = John 18:11.
175) That the Messiah would rise from the dead (“see His seed” “prolong His days”) = Isa. 53:10 = Acts 1:3 & any resurrection text.
176) That the Messiah would be considered a transgressor. = Isa. 53:12 = Mat. 27:38; Mark 15:27-28.
177) That the Messiah would be a witness to the world. = Isa. 53:14 = John 18:37.
178) That the Messiah would be given over to a senseless and lawless mob. = Isa. 59:14 = Mat. 27:24; Mark 15:15; Luke 23:24; John 19:6.
179) That the Messiah would be an intercessor between God and man. = Isa. 59:16; 63:5 = Mat. 10:32.
180) That the Messiah would receive gold, frankincense, and myrrh of the Gentiles. = Isa. 60:5-6 = Mat. 2:11.
181) That the Messiah would preach the Good News. = Isa. 61:1 = Luke 4:18-19.
182) That the Messiah would be known as the “living water.” = Jer. 2:13 = John 4:10.
183) That the Messiah would be called, “THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS.” = Jer. 23:6 = 2Co. 5:21.
184) That the Messiah would generate Rachel weeping for her children. = Jer. 31:15 = Mat. 2:17-18.
185) That the Messiah would be purchased for thirty pieces of silver. = Lam. 27:2-7; Zec. 11:12-13 = Mat. 26:14-15; 27:3 & 7-10.
See 1Sa. 2:1 & 7:12.
186) That the Messiah would be the Stone that breaks the kingdoms. = Dan. 2:44-45 = Mat. 21:44.
187) That the Messiah would make an end to sins. = Dan. 9:24 = Gal. 1:3-5.
188) That the Messiah would be raised from the dead after three days. = Hos. 6:2; Jon. 1:17 = Mat. 20:19; 27:63; Mark 9:31; 10:34; Luke 9:22; 18:33; 24:7; 1Co. 15:4.
(From Number 28) That the Messiah would be called a Nazarene (Only Applicable If Considered A Dual Prophecy). = Num. 6:13; Jud. 13:5; (1Sa. 1:11?); (Psa. 69:9-10?) = Mat. 2:23; John 1:45-46; Acts 24:5.
(From Number 184) That the Messiah would be raised from the dead after three days. = Hos. 6:2; Jon. 1:17 = Mat. 20:19; 27:63; Mark 9:31; 10:34; Luke 9:22; 18:33; 24:7; 1Co. 15:4.
189) That the Messiah would be struck by another nation other than Israel. = Mic. 5:1 = Mat. 26:67; 27:30; John 18:22; 19:3; Acts 23:2.
190) That the Messiah would be born in Bethlehem. = Mic. 5:2 = Mat. 2:1 & 5; Luke 2:4 & 15; John 7:42.
(From Number 56) That you can put your trust in the Messiah. = Psa. 2:12; 34:22; 37:40; 62:8; 64:10; Pro. 30:15; Nah. 1:7 = Heb. 2:13.
191) That the Messiah would Come (First Coming) filling the second Temple with more glory than the first. = Hag. 2:7-9 = Mat. 1:21; Luke 1:68-71; 2:11; 19:47; 20:1; 21:38; John 2:13-17; 10:23-24; Gal. 4:4; 2Ti. 1:9-10; 1Jo. 4:14.
192) That the Messiah would be a descendent of Zerubbabel. = Hag. 2:23 = Mat. 1:12; Luke 3:27.
193) That the Messiah would be sent by God. = Zec. 3:8 = Php. 2:6-8.
194) That the Messiah would enter Jerusalem riding upon an ass. = Zec. 9:9 = Mat. 21:4-7; Mark 11:7; Luke 19:35 & 38; John 12:14-15.
195) That the money paid for the Messiah’s betrayal would buy a potter’s field. = Zec. 11:13 = Mat. 27:7-10; Acts 1:18.
196) That the Messiah would be seen alive again by those who pierced Him. = Zec. 12:10 = Rev. 1:7.
197) That the Messiah would be a fountain of water. = Zec. 13:1 = John 4:10 & 14.
198) That if the Messiah is killed the sheep (followers) would be scattered. = Zec. 13:7 = John 11:50; 18:14; Acts 5:39.
199) That the Messiah would return to the Mount of Olives. = Zec. 14:4 = Acts 1:11-12.
200) That the Messiah would cleanse the Temple. = Mal. 3:1 = Mat. 21:12-13; Mark 11:15-17; Luke 19:45-46.
Although the total is 200, if you add up the total prophecies in all, regarding the fact that another prophet made the same prophecy, then the true total is 475.
DON’T FORGET, only the duplicate prophecies can be properly displayed on my Excel Spreadsheet, via E-Mail: “PROPHECIES OF MESSIAH’S FIRST COMING CHART.”