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The Language that Jesus spoke was most likely Hebrew, being a Jew.  However, the International language of the day was Greek (for Biblical proof, see such passages as Luke 23:38 and John 19:20); just like English would be the International language used and spoken today around the world.  Specifically, you could travel the ancient world of Jesus’ day and find the Grecian language used throughout it.  Therefore, just like today, you find the English language spoken or used (signage) in most of the nations of our world today.


Jesus used the endearing Greek word of, “abba,” in Mark 14:36, showing us that He have knowledge and command of the language.


Examples in the Bible of Jesus utilizing the Grecian language are Mark 7:26.  Here a Grecian woman -- even though the Jews called all persons “Greeks” who were not of their nation (compare with Rom. 1:14), and the whole world was considered as divided into Jews and Greeks -- though she might not have been strictly a “Greek,” yet she came under this general appellation as a foreigner and may have spoken to Jesus in Greek.  Thus, Jesus would have had to have command of the language to understand her.


Another place is found in John 12:20-23, where certain “Greeks” came to Jesus’ disciples desiring to speak with Him, although they may have, out of curtsy, spoken to them in Hebrew (as also the case may have been for our woman above).


Although the two examples above are inconclusive, one thing is for sure, that the authors (which were disciples of Jesus) of the Gospels, wrote their Manuscripts in the Grecian language; meaning that they all had command of this language, and therefore it is generally assumed that their Master did also.  By contrast, original copies of the Book of Matthew has been discovered, written in the Hebrew script.






That Jesus spoke and utilized the language of Aramaic is seen when He employed the use of it by saying “Talitka Cumi,” in Mark 5:41, when resurrecting the damsel.  Another place in is when Jesus orchestrated the Aramaic word, “ephphatha” in Mark 7:34, using it for the opening of the deaf mutes’ ears.  However, the best-known use of Aramaicby Jesus is the cry from the cross, “Eloi Eloi lama sabathani,” Matthew 27:46; Mark 15:34.  Other Aramaictranslations are found in such passages as Matthew 19:24; Mark 10:25; and Luke 18:25.


In a side note, it is argued by some scholars that “Eloi Eloi lama sabathani” is Hebrew, and that even though it “is” Aramaic, it was borrowed into, and thus became, a part of the Hebrew language.  You decide.






It would be presumptuous of us to assume that Christ did not understand nor use the language of Latin, since Roman soldiers were present everywhere in the land of Palestine.  However, to prove this from the Bible we can site no sources.  Suffice it to say, that since the Jews (Christ) had to deal with these Roman soldiers, and since Jesus spoke to Pilate in the judgment hall (Matthew 27:11), and most likely Pilate expected his prisoner to have command of the Latin language, Jesus must have used and been familiar with it.


So there you have it.  As far as we know, Jesus employed in His speaking ability four earthly languages (All-Be-It four languages if you count His Heavenly one; and more importantly, being God, ALL of them).


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