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The fact that the Bible sometimes presents God as our Father (Jer. 31:9; Mat. 23:9; etcetera), while at other times compares God to a crying or compassionate mother (Isa. 42:14; 49:15), does not mean that God is an androgynous he/she Being.


It is important to see the distinction between those statements that describe the personage of God (God is our Father) and those, which describe the qualities of God (God is like a crying or compassionate mother).  The former identifies the personage of God; the latter compares the compassion of God's character to that of a mother.






Today, both liberal and evangelical feminists are clamoring for a re-symbolization of the Godhead based on impersonal or unisex categories.  This is seen as the first indispensable step to clearing the way for the elimination of sexual and functional role distinctions in the home and in the True Church.  To achieve this, they advocate dropping the masculine Names of God, adopting, instead, non-personal Names, such as, "Parent, Benefactor, Almighty," or androgynous Names such as, "Father-Mother," for God the Father, and "Son-Daughter," for Jesus Christ.


The ultimate result of such efforts is not merely switching labels on the same product, but rather introducing new labels for an entirely different product.  Biblical faith knows nothing of an androgynous Godhead, partly masculine and partly feminine.  Any attempt to introduce a female counterpart in the personage of God means to reject the God of Biblical revelation; accepting instead, the one fabricated by feminist speculations.


In light of the foregoing considerations, we reject as un-Biblical the attempts to interpret the image of God in human maleness and femaleness as indicative of sexual distinctions within the Personages of the Godhead. God transcends human sexual distinctions, yet He has chosen to reveal Himself predominantly through male terms and imageries, most likely because the male role within the family and Church best represents the role (and God's Own characteristics) that He sustains toward the human family.


The image of God in humanity must rather be seen in the rational, moral, and spiritual faculties God has given to men and women; as well as in the capacity of a man and a woman to experience a oneness of fellowship similar to the one existing within the Triune Godhead (through marriage).  The fact that God establishes male and female relationships in the human family, does not then restrict Him to one or the other.  He displays both characteristics, without being either or all.


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