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Christ Jesus Is. . .








The Name “Jesus,” means (Mat. 1:21; Luke 1:31), “To Deliver; To Rescue.”  The Greek equivalent to the Hebrew “ Joshua,” is “Yeshua,” or “Iesous,” meaning, “Savior.”  The “s” determines the masculine form in the Greek.


“Christ” is a title, not a Name.  It means, “Anointed.”  “Christ” is from the Greek; “Messiah.”  In the Hebrew and Greek, both meaning, “Anointed [One].”


“For unto us a Child is born [obvious reference to Christ Jesus], unto us a Son is given:  and the government shall be upon His shoulder:  and His Name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The Mighty God [“called” WHAT], The Everlasting Father [WHO; REALLY], The Prince of Peace.”  Isaiah 9:6.


“Thus saith the LORD, thy Redeemer [that makes this personality Christ Jesus], and He that formed thee from the womb, I am the LORD that maketh all things; that stretcheth forth the heavens alone; that spreadeth abroad the earth by Myself.”  Isaiah 44:24. 


“All things were made by Him [Christ Jesus]; and without Him was not any thing that was made was made.”  John 1:3.


“. . .Before Abraham was, I Am [The “I Am” referring to the Name given to Moses in Exodus 3:14].”  John 8:58.  Meaning, Jesus is claiming to be God.


“. . .one Lord Jesus Christ, by Whom are all things,” Fist Corinthians 8:6.


“. . .God, Who created all things by Jesus Christ.”  Ephesians 3:9.


“[16] For by Him were all things created. . . all things were created by Him {Jesus], and for Him: [17] And He is before all things, and by Him all things consist.”  Colossians 1:16-17.


“God was manifest in the flesh [This could only be referring to Christ Jesus], justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory [Only Christ Jesus was resurrected].”  First Timothy 3:16.


“Hath in these last days spoken unto us by His Son, Whom [Christ Jesus] He [God the Father] hath appointed Heir [Christ Jesus] of all things, by Whom [Christ Jesus] also He [Jesus] made the worlds.”  Hebrews 1:2 (Compare with Hebrews 3:4).


And many more.  Therefore, Christ Jesus is God; the Creator of all things.






Christ Jesus is the Anointed One = Psalm 2:2.

Christ Jesus is the Almighty = Revelation 1:8.

Christ Jesus is the Alpha & Omega = Revelation 1:8.

Christ Jesus is the Amen = Revelation 3:14.

Christ Jesus is An Advocate = First John 2:1.

Christ Jesus is the Ancient Of Days = Daniel 7:22.

Christ Jesus is the Leader of the Angels = Exodus 23:20.

Christ Jesus is the Angel Of God’s Presence = Isaiah 63:9.

Christ Jesus is the Archangel. = Jude 9.

Christ Jesus is the Arm Of The Lord = Isaiah 51:9.

Christ Jesus is the Author = Hebrews 12:2.

Christ Jesus is (will be) the Avenger = First Thessalonians 4:6.


Christ Jesus is (is (was)) a Baby for you and for me = Luke 2:16.

Christ Jesus is the Beginning Of The Creation Of God = Revelation 3:14.

Christ Jesus is the Beloved = Ephesians 1:6.

Christ Jesus is the Beloved Son = Matthew 3:17.

Christ Jesus is the Bishop Of Your Souls = First Peter 2:25.

Christ Jesus is Blessed = First Timothy 6:15.

Christ Jesus is (was) Born a Child = Luke 2:34.

Christ Jesus is the Branch = Isaiah 11:1.

Christ Jesus is the Bread Of Life = John. 6:15.

Christ Jesus is the Breaker = Malachi 2:13.

Christ Jesus is the Bridegroom = Matthew 25:5.

Christ Jesus is the Bright Light = Revelation 22:16.

Christ Jesus is the Brightness of God’s Glory = Hebrews 1:3.

Christ Jesus is (is (was)) the Brother Of James And Joses, And Judah And Simon = Mark 6:3.


Christ Jesus is the Captain Of Salvation = Hebrews 2:10.

Christ Jesus is (was) a Carpenter = Mark 6:3.

Christ Jesus is (was) a Carpenter’s Son = Matthew 13:55.

Christ Jesus is the Chief Shepherd = First Peter 5:4.

Christ Jesus is the Chief Corner Stone = Ephesians 2:20.

Christ Jesus is Chiefest Among Ten Thousand = Song Of Solomon 5:10.

Christ Jesus is Chosen Of God = First Peter 2:4.

Christ Jesus is the Creator of Everything = Psalm 8:3; Colossians 1 15-18.

Christ Jesus is the Christ = Matthew 1:16.

Christ Jesus is the Christ Of God = Luke 9:20.

Christ Jesus is Christ Jesus Our Lord = Romans 8:39.

Christ Jesus is Christ Our Passover = First Corinthians 5:7.

Christ Jesus is the Commander = Isaiah 55:4.

Christ Jesus is the Consolation Of Israel = Luke 2:25.

Christ Jesus is the Counsellor = Isaiah 9:6.

Christ Jesus is the Covenant Of The People = Isaiah 42:6.

Christ Jesus is the Creation Of God = Revelation 3:14.

Christ Jesus is the Creator Of Israel = Isaiah 43:15.

Christ Jesus is the Creator Of The Ends Of The Earth = Isaiah 40:28.


Christ Jesus is David’s Son = Luke 20:41.

Christ Jesus is the Day Star = Second Peter 1:19.

Christ Jesus is the Daysman = Job 9:33.

Christ Jesus is the Dayspring = Luke 1:78.

Christ Jesus is the Desire Of All Nations = Haggai 2:7.

Christ Jesus is the Desire Of Our Soul = Isaiah 26:8.

Christ Jesus is Disallowed Indeed of Men = First Peter 2:4.

Christ Jesus is the Door = John 10:9.

Christ Jesus is the Door Of The Sheep = John 10:7.


Christ Jesus is the Elect = First Peter 2:6.

Christ Jesus is Emmanuel = Matthew 1:23.

Christ Jesus is an Ensign = Isaiah 11:10.

Christ Jesus is the Everlasting Father = Isaiah 9:6.

Christ Jesus is the Everlasting God = Isaiah 40:28.

Christ Jesus is the Everlasting Light = First John 1:2.

Christ Jesus is Eve’s Seed = Genesis 3:15.

Christ Jesus is the Express Image Of His Person = Hebrews 1:3.


Christ Jesus is Faithful = Revelation 19:11.

Christ Jesus is the Faithful And True Witness = Revelation 3:14.

Christ Jesus is the Faithful Creator = First Peter 4:19.

Christ Jesus is the Faithful Witness = Revelation 1:5.

Christ Jesus is the Finisher Of Our Faith = Hebrews 12:2.

Christ Jesus is First = Revelation 1:11.

Christ Jesus is the First Begotten Of The Dead = Revelation 1:5.

Christ Jesus is the First begotten = Hebrews 1:6.

Christ Jesus is the Firstborn = Colossians 1:15.

Christ Jesus is the Firstfruits = First Corinthians 15:23.

Christ Jesus is a Fountain = Zechariah 13:1.

Christ Jesus is the Fountain Of Living Waters = Jeremiah 2:13.

Christ Jesus is the Forerunner = Hebrews 6:20.

Christ Jesus is the Friend Of Publicans And Sinners = Matthew 11:19.


Christ Jesus is the Gift Of God = John 4:10.

Christ Jesus is the Glory Of God’s People Israel = Luke 2:32.

Christ Jesus is God = John 1:1.

Christ Jesus is God Almighty = Genesis 48:3.

Christ Jesus is God’s Anointed = Hebrews 3:13.

Christ Jesus is God With Us = Matthew 1:23.

Christ Jesus is the Good Master = Luke 10:25.

Christ Jesus is the Good Seed = Matthew 13:37.

Christ Jesus is the Good Shepherd = John 10:11.

Christ Jesus is the Good Shepherd Of The Sheep = Hebrews 13:20.

Christ Jesus is a Governor = Matthew 2:6.

Christ Jesus is God The Lord = Isaiah 42:5.

Christ Jesus is God’s Christ = Revelation 11:15.

Christ Jesus is God’s Servant = Isaiah 50:10.

Christ Jesus is God’s Son = First John 1:7.


Christ Jesus is the Head Of Every Man = First Corinthians 11:3.

Christ Jesus is the Head Of The Body = Colossians 1:18.

Christ Jesus is the Head Of The Church = Ephesians 5:23.

Christ Jesus is the Head Of The Corner = First Peter 2:7.

Christ Jesus is the Head Over All Things To The Church = Ephesians 1:22.

Christ Jesus is the Heir Of All Things = Hebrews 1:2.

Christ Jesus is He That Formed Thee From The Womb = Isaiah 44:24.

Christ Jesus is the High God = Psalm 78:35.

Christ Jesus is our High Priest = Hebrews 9:11.

Christ Jesus is our High Tower = Second Samuel 22:2.

Christ Jesus is the Holy Child Christ Jesus = Acts 4:27.

Christ Jesus is the Holy One = Acts 13:25.

Christ Jesus is the Holy One Of God = Luke 4:34.

Christ Jesus is the Holy One Of Israel = Isaiah 55:5.

Christ Jesus is the Holy Thing = Luke 1:35.

Christ Jesus is the Hope Of Glory = Colossians 1:27.

Christ Jesus is the Horn Of My Salvation = Second Samuel 22:2.

Christ Jesus is a Horn Of Salvation = Luke 1:69.

Christ Jesus is the Husbandman = James 5:7.


Christ Jesus is the I Am = John 8:58.

Christ Jesus is the I Am Alpha And Omega, The Beginning And The Ending = Revelation 1;8.

Christ Jesus is the I AM THAT I AM = Exodus 3:14.

Christ Jesus is the I Am The Almighty God = Genesis 17:1.

Christ Jesus is the I Am; The Lord = Isaiah 43:15.

Christ Jesus is the Image Of God = Second Corinthians 4:4.

Christ Jesus is Immanuel = Isaiah 7:14.

Christ Jesus is Immortal = First Timothy 1:17.

Christ Jesus is In All = Colossians 3:11.

Christ Jesus is Invisible = First Timothy 1:17.


Christ Jesus is Jehovah = Exodus 6:3.

Christ Jesus is Christ Jesus Christ = Matthew 1:1.

Christ Jesus is Christ Jesus Christ Of Nazareth = Acts 4:10.

Christ Jesus is Christ Jesus Christ Our Lord = Romans 6:11.

Christ Jesus is Christ Jesus Christ Our Saviour = Titus 3:6.

Christ Jesus is Christ Jesus Of Nazareth = Matthew 26:71.

Christ Jesus is Christ Jesus, The Christ = Matthew 16:20.

Christ Jesus is the Judge = Acts 10:42.

Christ Jesus is the Judge Of Quick And Dead = Acts 10:42.

Christ Jesus is Just = Acts 3:14.

Christ Jesus is A Just Man = Matthew 27:19.

Christ Jesus is the Just One = Acts 22:14.

Christ Jesus is the Just Person = Matthew 27:24


Christ Jesus is the King = John 19:14.

Christ Jesus is the King Eternal = First Timothy 1:17.

Christ Jesus is the King Of Glory = Psalm 24:10.

Christ Jesus is the King Of Israel = Matthew 15:32.

Christ Jesus is the King Of Kings = Revelation 17:14.

Christ Jesus is the King Of Saints = Revelation 15:3.

Christ Jesus is the King Of The Jews = Matthew 27:37.


Christ Jesus is the Lamb = Revelation 14:1

Christ Jesus is the Lamb Of God = John. 1:29.

Christ Jesus is the Last = Revelation 1:1.

Christ Jesus is the Last Adam = First Corinthians 15:45.

Christ Jesus is the Lawgiver = James 4:12.

Christ Jesus is a Leader = Isaiah 55:4.              

Christ Jesus is the Life = John 14:6.

Christ Jesus is the Light = Revelation 21:23.

Christ Jesus is the Light Into The World = John 12:46.

Christ Jesus is the Light Of The World = John 9:5.

Christ Jesus is the Light To The Gentiles = Luke 2:32.

Christ Jesus is the Lily Of The Valleys = Song Of Solomon 2:1.

Christ Jesus is the Lion Of The Tribe Of Judah = Revelation 5:5.

Christ Jesus is He Who Liveth And Is (was) Dead = Revelation 1:18.

Christ Jesus is the Living Bread = James 6:51.

Christ Jesus is the Living Stone = First Peter 2:4.

Christ Jesus is the Lord = Matthew 7:21.

Christ Jesus is the Lord God Almighty, Which Is (was), and Is, and Is To Come = Revelation 4:8.

Christ Jesus is the Lord Almighty = Second Corinthians 6:18.

Christ Jesus is the Lord Christ = Colossians 3:24.

Christ Jesus is the Lord From Heaven = First Corinthians 15:47.

Christ Jesus is the Lord God Almighty = Revelation 16:7.

Christ Jesus is the Lord God Omnipotent = Revelation 19:6.

Christ Jesus is the Lord Christ Jesus = Revelation 22:20.

Christ Jesus is the Lord Christ Jesus Christ = Revelation 22:21.

Christ Jesus is the Lord Christ Jesus Christ Our Saviour = Titus 1:4.

Christ Jesus is the Lord Of All the Earth = Zechariah 6:5.

Christ Jesus is the Lord Of Glory = James 2:1.

Christ Jesus is the Lord Of Heaven And Earth = Acts 17:24.

Christ Jesus is the Lord Of Hosts = Isaiah 51:15.

Christ Jesus is the Lord Of lord’s = Revelation 17:14.

Christ Jesus is the Lord Of Peace = Second Thessalonians 3:16.

Christ Jesus is the Lord Of The Sabbath = Mark 2:28.

Christ Jesus is the Lord Our God = Revelation 19:1.

Christ Jesus is the Lord Our Righteousness = Jeremiah 23:6.

Christ Jesus is the Lord’s Christ = Luke 2:26.

Christ Jesus is Love = First John 4:8.


Christ Jesus is the Man = Hebrews 3:3.

Christ Jesus is the Man Christ Jesus = First Timothy 2:5.

Christ Jesus is the Man, Christ Jesus Christ = Romans 5:15.

Christ Jesus is (was) a Man Of Sorrows = Isaiah 53:3.

Christ Jesus is the Man That Is My Fellow = Zechariah 13:7.

Christ Jesus is the Master = Matthew 23:9.

Christ Jesus is the Mediator = First Timothy 2:5.

Christ Jesus is the Messenger Of The Covenant = Malachi 3:1.

Christ Jesus is the Messiah = Daniel 9:26.

Christ Jesus is Messiah The Prince = Daniel 9:25.

Christ Jesus is the Messias = John 4:25.

Christ Jesus is Michael = Jude 9.

Christ Jesus is the Mighty Angel = Revelation 10:1

Christ Jesus is the Mighty God = Isaiah 9:6.

Christ Jesus is the Mighty One Of Jacob = Isaiah 60:16.

Christ Jesus is the Mighty One Of Israel = Isaiah 30:29.

Christ Jesus is the Minister Of The Sanctuary = Hebrews 8:2.

Christ Jesus is the Morning Star = Revelation 22:16

Christ Jesus is the Most High = Psalm 92:8.

Christ Jesus is Most Holy = Daniel 9:24.

Christ Jesus is My Defense = Psalm 94:22.

Christ Jesus is My Deliverer = Second Samuel 22:2.

Christ Jesus is My Fortress = Second Samuel 22:2.

Christ Jesus is My Messenger = Malachi 3:1.

Christ Jesus is My Salvation = Exodus 15:2.

Christ Jesus is My Strength = Exodus 15:2.

Christ Jesus is My Strong Habitation = Psalm 71:3.


Christ Jesus is the Nazarene = Matthew 2:23.


Christ Jesus is the Oblation = Daniel 9:27.

Christ Jesus is the Offspring Of David = Revelation 22:16.

Christ Jesus is the O Lord God Almighty, Which Art, and Is (was)t, and Art To Come = Revelation 11:17.

Christ Jesus is the Only Begotten Of The Father = John 1:14.

Christ Jesus is the Only Begotten Son = John 3:16.

Christ Jesus is the Only True God = John 17:3.

Christ Jesus is the Only Wise God = Jude 25.

Christ Jesus is Our Guide = Psalm 48:14.

Christ Jesus is Our Peace = Ephesians 2:14.


Christ Jesus is (was) Persecuted; Smitten; and Acquainted with Grief = Psalm 69:26.

Christ Jesus is the Physician = Luke 4:23.

Christ Jesus is the Potentate = First Timothy 6:15.

Christ Jesus is the Power Of God = First Corinthians 1:24.

Christ Jesus is Precious = First Peter 2:6.

Christ Jesus is the Precious Corner Stone = Isaiah 28:16.

Christ Jesus is the Priest = Hebrews 8:4.

Christ Jesus is the Priest Of Our Profession = Hebrews 3:1.

Christ Jesus is the Prince = Acts 5:31.

Christ Jesus is the Prince Of Life = Acts 3:15

Christ Jesus is the Prince Of Peace = Isaiah 9:6.

Christ Jesus is the Prince Of The Covenant = Daniel 11:22.

Christ Jesus is the Prince Of The Kings Of The Earth = Revelation 1:5.

Christ Jesus is the Prophet = Matthew 21:46.

Christ Jesus is the Prophet Of Nazareth = Matthew 21:11.

Christ Jesus is the Prophet Of The Highest = Luke 1:76.

Christ Jesus is the Propitiation = First John 2:2.

Christ Jesus is the Purifier Of Silver = Malachi 3:3.


Christ Jesus is the Rabbi = John 1:38.

Christ Jesus is the Rabboni = John 20:16.

Christ Jesus is a Ransom = Job 33:24.

Christ Jesus is the Redeemer = Isaiah 59:20.

Christ Jesus is the Refiner = Malachi 3:3.

Christ Jesus is the Resurrection = John 11:25.

Christ Jesus is the Right Scepter = Psalm 45:6.

Christ Jesus is Righteous = First John 2:1.

Christ Jesus is the Righteous Branch = Jeremiah 23:5.

Christ Jesus is the Righteous Judge = Second Timothy 4:8.

Christ Jesus is the Righteous Servant = Isaiah 53:11.

Christ Jesus is Righteousness = First John 2:1.

Christ Jesus is the Rock = First Corinthians 10:4.

Christ Jesus is the Rock Of Offense = Romans 9:23.

Christ Jesus is the Rock Of My Refuge = Psalm 94:22

Christ Jesus is the Rod = Isaiah 11:1.

Christ Jesus is the Root = Revelation 22:16.

Christ Jesus is the Root Of David = Revelation 5:5.

Christ Jesus is the Root Of Jesse = Isaiah 11:10.

Christ Jesus is the Rose Of Sharon = Song Of Solomon 2:1.

Christ Jesus is the Ruler In Israel = Mic. 5:2.


Christ Jesus is the Sacrifice = Daniel 9:27.

Christ Jesus is the Same yesterday, today, and forever = Hebrews 13:8.

Christ Jesus is Sanctification = First Corinthians 1:30.

Christ Jesus is a Sanctuary = Isaiah 8:14.

Christ Jesus is the Saviour = Luke 2:11.

Christ Jesus is the Saviour Christ Jesus Christ = Titus 2:13.

Christ Jesus is the Saviour Of The Body = Ephesians 5:23.

Christ Jesus is the Saviour Of The World = First John 4:14.

Christ Jesus is the Sceptre Of Thy Kingdom = Psalm 45:6.

Christ Jesus is the Second Man = First Corinthians 15:47.

Christ Jesus is the Seed Of David = John 7:42.

Christ Jesus is a Servant = Philippians 2:7.

Christ Jesus is the Servant Of Rulers = Isaiah 49:7.

Christ Jesus is the Shepard = Psalm 23:1.

Christ Jesus is the Shepard Of Israel = Psalm 80:1.

Christ Jesus is thy Shield = Second Samuel 22:2.

Christ Jesus is Shiloh = Genesis 49:10.

Christ Jesus is the Son = Hebrews 5:8.

Christ Jesus is the Son Of David = Mark 12:35.

Christ Jesus is the Son Of God = Luke 4:41.

Christ Jesus is the Son Of Joseph = John 6:42.

Christ Jesus is the Son Of Man = Matthew 26:64.

Christ Jesus is the Son Of Mary = Mark 6:3.

Christ Jesus is the Son Of The Blessed = Mark 14:61.

Christ Jesus is the Son Of The Father = Second John 1:3.

Christ Jesus is the Son Of The Highest = Luke 1:32.

Christ Jesus is the Son Of The Living God = Matthew 16:16.

Christ Jesus is the Son Over His Own House = Hebrews 3:6

Christ Jesus is the Song = Exodus 15:2.

Christ Jesus is the Spirit = Second Corinthians 3:17.

Christ Jesus is the Star = Numbers 24:17.

Christ Jesus is the Stone = First Peter 2:7.

Christ Jesus is the Stone Of Stumbling = First Peter 2:7.

Christ Jesus is the Strong Hold Of The daughter Of Zion = Micah 4:8.

Christ Jesus is the Sun Of Righteousness = Malachi 4:2.

Christ Jesus is a Sure Foundation = Isaiah 28:16.

Christ Jesus is a Surety = Hebrews 7:22.


Christ Jesus is That Eternal Life = First John 1:2.

Christ Jesus is That Man = Acts 17:31.

Christ Jesus is a Teacher = John 3:2.

Christ Jesus is Their Redeemer = Jeremiah 50:34.

Christ Jesus is the Thief = Revelation 16:15.

Christ Jesus is Thou Son OF David = Matthew 9:27.

Christ Jesus is the Tried Stone = Isaiah 28:16.

Christ Jesus is Thy Creator = Ecclesiastes 12:1.

Christ Jesus is Thy Redeemer = Isaiah 44:24.

Christ Jesus is Thy Refuge = Second Samuel 22:2.

Christ Jesus is the Tower Of The Flock = Micah 4:8.

Christ Jesus is True = Revelation 19:11.

Christ Jesus is the True God = First John 5:20.

Christ Jesus is the True Light = John 1:9.

Christ Jesus is the True Vine = John 15:1.

Christ Jesus is the True Witness = Revelation 3:14.

Christ Jesus is the Truth = John 14:6.


Christ Jesus is the Unspeakable Gift = Second Corinthians 9:15.


Christ Jesus is the Very Christ = Acts 9:22.

Christ Jesus is the Vine = John 15:5.


Christ Jesus is the Way = John 15:5.

Christ Jesus is He Which Is = Revelation 1:8.

Christ Jesus is He Which Is To Come = Revelation 1:8.

Christ Jesus is He Which Is (was) = Revelation 1:8.

Christ Jesus is the Winebibber = Matthew 11:19. 

Christ Jesus is Wisdom = First Corinthians 1:30.

Christ Jesus is the Wisdom Of God = First Corinthians 1:24.

Christ Jesus is the Wise God = Jude 25.

Christ Jesus is the Witness = Isaiah 55:4.

Christ Jesus is Wonderful = Isaiah 9:6.

Christ Jesus is the Word Of God = Revelation 19:13.

Christ Jesus is the Word Of Life = First John 1:1.


Christ Jesus is the Young Child = Matthew 2:7.

Christ Jesus is Your Holy One = Isaiah 43:15.

Christ Jesus is Your King = Isaiah 43:15.

Christ Jesus is Your Redemption = Luke 21:28.


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