prophecies in the bible
I will let you read them for yourselves, such that I do not put any meaning or fulfilment on them that you may not agree with. Nor do I believe I have listed or found them all (Let me know of one when you find it).
Also, consider that a few of the prophecies listed (given by our Lord) were not, nor will they ever be, fulfilled; because they were given under conditions to be met.
Not listed will be the prophecies of Messiah’s First Coming. You can go to my Bible Study: “CHRIST, PROPHECIES OF MESSIAH’S FIRST COMING,” for that list; which lists 469 fulfilled prophecies.
Also, not listed are prophecies of Messiah’s Second and Third Comings. You can find that in my Bible Study: “CHRIST, PROPHECIES OF MESSIAH’S SECOND AND THIRD COMING,” of which there are 106.
Here We Go:
Genesis 3:15-17; 6:7 & 13; 7:4; 8:21; 9:11 & 15-16; 12:2-3 & 7; 13:15-17; 17:2 & 6-8 & 16 & 19-20; 18:28 & 30-32; 19:21; 21:18; 21:13; 22:17; 24:7; 26:3-4; 28:13; 32:9 & 12; 35:12; 46:3; 48:4; 49:10.
Exodus 3:10 & 12 &17 & 20-21; 4:12 & 15 & 21 & 23; 6:7-8; 7:3 & 17; 8:2 & 21-23; 9:14-15 & 18; 10:4; 11:1; 12:12-13; 14:4 & 17; 15:26; 16:4; 17:6 & 14; 22:23-24 & 27; 23:7 &22-23 & 25-31; 32:10 & 13; 32:34; 33:2 & 5 & 13-14; 32:33; 33:1; 34:24.
Leviticus 20:24; 23:30; 25:21; 26:4 & 6 & 9 & 11-12 & 16-9 & 21-22 & 25 & 28 & 30-33 & 36 & 42 & 44-45.
Numbers 6:27; 11:21; 14:12 & 24 & 45; 21:16.
Deuteronomy 1:36; 2:4-5; 7:24; 28:36 & 64; 9:14; 11:14-15 & 20; 18:18; 31:17-18 & 20; 32:20-21 & 23-24 & 41-42; 34:4.
Joshua 1:5; 3:7; 8:18; 13:6.
Judges 2:1 & 3; 4:6-7; 20:28.
First Samuel 2:30-31 & 35; 3:11-13; 9:16; 23:4.
Second Samuel 7:12-14; 12:11-12.
First Kings 3:14; 5:5; 6:13; 9:5 & 7; 11:11-3 & 31 & 34-35 & 37-39; 12:11 & 14; 14:10; 16:3; 18:1; 20:13; 21:21 & 29.
Second Kings 9:8-9 & 26; 19:7 & 28 & 34; 20:5-6; 21:13-14; 22:16 & 20; 23:27.
First Chronicles 14:10; 16:18; 17:9-14; 22:9-10; 28:6-7.
Second Chronicles 7:18 & 20; 33:8; 34:24 & 28.
Nehemiah 1:8-9.
Psalm 60:8.
Isaiah 2:2; 5:6; 10:6 & 12; 13:11-13 & 17; 14:23 & 25 & 30; 15:9; 16:9; 19:2-3; 22:19-21 & 23; 26:19; 27:3 & 6; 29:2-3 & 14; 37:7 & 24 &29 & 35; 38:5-6 & 8; 41:10-15 & 17-19 & 27; 42:14-16; 43:5-6 & 19; 44:3 &26-27; 45:1-3 & 13; 46:11 & 13; 47:3; 49:6 & 8 & 11 & 22 & 25-26; 51:3-4; 54:7 & 11-12; 55:3; 56:5 & 7-8; 58:14; 63:6; 65:9; 66:12 & 18-19 & 21-22.
Jeremiah 1:15-16; 3:14-15; 4:6 & 27; 5:14-15 & 18; 6:19 & 21; 7:3 & 15-16; 8:13 & 17; 9:7 & 11 & 15-16 & 25; 11:8 & 11 & 22-23; 12:14-15 & 17; 13:13-14; 14:12-13 & 16; 15:3-4 & 7 & 9 & 11 & 14 & 20-21; 16:9 & 13 & 15-16 & 18; 17:3-4 & 27; 18:17; 19:3 & 7-9 & 11-12 & 15; 20:4-5; 21:4 & 6-7 & 14; 22:6-7 7 25-26; 23:2-5 & 12 & 15 & 33-34 & 39-40; 24:6 & 8-10; 25:9-10 & 12-14 & 16 & 27 & 29; 26:6; 27:8 & 11 &22; 28:3-4 & 11 & 16; 29:14 & 17-18 & 21 & 32; 30:3 & 8 & 11 & 16-20; 31:4 & 8-9 & 13-14; 31:31 & 37; 32:3 & 28 & 37 & 41 & 44; 33:6-7 & 11 & 15 & 22 & 26; 34:2 & 17; 20-22; 35:17; 36:31; 38:16; 39:16-18; 43:10 & 12; 44:11-3 & 27 & 29-30; 45:4-5; 46:8 & 25-28; 48:35 & 44 & 47; 49:2 & 6 & 8 & 11 & 15-16 & 19 & 27 & 32 & 35-39; 50:9 & 18-19 & 32 & 44; 51:1 & 14 & 20-25; 51:39-40 & 44 & 47 & 52 & 57 & 64.
Ezekiel 4:12 & 16; 5:2 & 12-14 & 17; 6:8; 11:16-17; 15:6; 16:53; 28: 25; 29:10-16 & 19-21; 30:19; 32:4; 34:13; 35:15; 36:9-11 & 24; 37:12; 39:25.
Daniel 2:38-44; 7:17-27; 8:14; 9:24-27; 10:20; 12:1-2.
Hosea 13:14.
Amos 9:11-15.
Micah 4:1-8; 5:14.
Zephaniah 3:20.
Zechariah 8:7-8. 11:8 & 11; 12:3 & 6.
Matthew 7:23; 10:32-33; 24:2 & 4-31.
Mark 13:2 & 6-27.
Luke 21:6 & 8-28.
Acts 2:17.
First Corinthians 15:22 & 51-54.
First Thessalonians 4:14.
First Timothy 4:1-2.
Second Timothy 3:1-5 & 13; 4:3-4.
Second Peter 3:3-5.
Jude 1:18.
Revelation 2:7 & 17; 3:12 & 21.