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The Names Of God












Abhir [Abyir] = This Deity, translated in our English Versions of the Bible as “Mighty One,” is always combined with Israel or Jacob.  Its root is “abhar,” meaning, “to be strong,” from which is derived the word “ebher,” meaning, “pinion,” used of the strong wing of the eagle in Isaiah 40:31, and figuratively of God in Deuteronomy 32:11.  It occurs in Jacob’s blessing in Genesis 49:24, in a prayer for the Sanctuary in Psalm 132:2 & 5, and in Isaiah 1:24; 49:26; 60:16, to express the assurance of the Divine strength in behalf of the oppressed in Israel (see particularly Isaiah 1:24), or in behalf of Israel against its oppressors.


Adonai [Adonay] = “LORD,” or “The Master” = Genesis 15:2.  This Divine Name is usually translated “Lord,” and signifies from its derivation, “sovereignty.”  Its vowels are found in the “Masoretic Text” with the unpronounceable tetragrammaton “YHWH;” and when the Hebrew reader came to these letters, he always substituted in pronunciation the word with “Adonai.”  Its vowels when combined with the tetragrammaton, form the word “Yahweh (Jehovah).”


Adhon, or Adhonay [Adonay] = This is an attributive Name, which in Hebrew had already passed over into a generic Name of God.  “Adhonay,” is formed from “Adhon,” being the construct plural, “Adhone,” with the first person ending “-ay,” which with this lengthening retains a characteristic of the proper Name and distinguishing it from the possessive, “my Lord.”  The “King James Version” does not distinguish the two Names, but renders both as possessive, “my Lord,” (see Judges 6:15; 13:8), and as a personal Name (see Psalm 2:4).  While the “Revised Version,” British and American also, as an example in Psalm 16:2, it is in doubt, giving “my Lord” possessive, in the text, and “the Lord,” in the margin.  Adhonay as a Name of Deity, emphasizes His sovereignty (see Psalm 2:4; Isaiah 7:7), and corresponds closely to “Kurios” of the New Testament.  It is frequently combined with “Yahweh” (see Genesis 15:8; Isaiah 7:7) and with “Elohim” (see Psalm 86:12).


Asher Hayah = Found in Exodus 3:14 as “I Am That I Am.”  The Name of the Deity given here is similar to “Yahweh,” except that the form is not 3rd person future, as in the usual form, but is in the 1st person, since God is here speaking of Himself.  The optional reading in the “American Revised Version,” in the margin, is much to be preferred:  “I WILL BE THAT I WILL BE,” indicating His covenant pledge -- to be with and for Israel in all the ages to follow.


Attiyq = As found in Daniel 7:9 & 13 & 22, and applied only to the Father.  This has reference to the fact that God is eternal.  God is often represented under some such appellation, as He that is “from everlasting to everlasting,” Psalm 90:2, “the first and the last,” Isaiah 44:6, et cetera.  There can be no doubt that the reference here is to God as a Judge, or as about to pronounce judgment.


“Despotes (or Lord)” = Five times “Lord” is a translation of “Despotes” in Luke 2:29; Acts 4:24; Second Peter 2:1; Jude 1:4; Revelation 6:10.  In each case there is evident emphasis on sovereignty and correspondence to the Hebrew word “Adhon” of the Old Testament.  The most common Greek word for Lord is “Kurios,” representing both “Yahweh” and “Adhonai” of the Old Testament, and occurring upwards of 600 times.  Its use for “Jehovah” was in the spirit of both the Hebrew scribes, who pointed the consonants of the covenant Name with the vowels of “Adhonay,” the title of dominion, and of the Septuagint, which rendered this combination as “Kurios.”  Consequently, quotations from the Old Testament, in which “Yahweh” occurrences are rendered by the word, “Kurios.”  It is applied to Christ equally with the Father and the Spirit, showing that the Messianic hopes conveyed by the Name “Yahweh” were for New Testament writers fulfilled in Jesus Christ; and that in Him the long hoped-for appearance of “Yahweh” was realized.


El = Literally meaning, “God” in Genesis 31:13; 35:1 & 3; 46:3; etcetera (230 times, still looking).  It comes to us from a derivative of a Hebrew word that means “to be strong.”  It is the MOST COMMON word for Deity.  In the Hebrew thought process, the life and character of a child was forecast by its parents in a Name carrying with it Divine implications, i.e., “Nathaniel,” meaning, “gift of God,” and “Samuel,” meaning, “heard of God,” etcetera, and so many other names containing “El” in them.  It is found throughout the Old Testament, occurring most often in the Books of Job and Psalms more than any of the Old Testament Books.  However, there is no occurrence of it in the Book of Leviticus, which is strange, as It is known to be the Holiest of the Old Testament Books.  It occurs in many of the more ancient Names; and, like “Elohim,” it is used of pagan gods.  It is frequently combined with nouns or adjectives to express the Divine Name with reference to particular attributes or phases of His being.


Elelohe-Israel [El-Elohey Yisrael] = In this Divine Name, the Name “‘El” is combined with a number of descriptive adjectives to represent God in His various attributes.  These, by usage, have become Names or titles of God.  For this remarkable phrase, see Genesis 33:20.


Eloah = “Eloah” in the Scriptures is sometimes used as a pagan term.  The Hebrew word for “God” is “Eloah.”  “Elohim” and “Elohei” are plural for “Eloah.”  See Deuteronomy 32:15 & 17, etcetera.  (Still looking, found 70 times).


Elohim = The first form of this Divine Name in the Bible is ordinarily translated “God.” = Genesis 1:1 (still looking, 2600 found).  It is the most frequently used Name in the Old Testament, as is its equivalent “Theos” in the New Testament.  It occurs in the Book of Genesis alone, 200 times.  It is one of a group of kindred words, to which belong also “El” and “Eloah.”  Its form is plural and best expresses the plurality of the Godhead.  But the construction is uniformly singular, i.e., it governs a singular verb or adjective, unless used of heathen divinities (see Psalm 96:5; 97:7).  In that sense, it is used of “gods” (note the small “g” and the plurality) in the ordinary sense, such as its use in First Samuel 28:13.  However, its primarily used in the plural (thus, especially with the article) of the supreme “God.”  There is the occasional use applied by way of deference to magistrates and princes (see Genesis 23:6 as an example); “gods” (small “g,” without the definite article, see Genesis 31:30 & 32; Exodus 7:1; 20:3), “judges” (see Exodus 21:6; 22:9), “mighty” (men, or strength in general, see Genesis 30:8; Exodus 9:28).  Thus, the context in which it is used is very relevant in understanding whether or not we are speaking of Deity or something else.


El-Shaddai = This Deity Name means “God Almighty,” Genesis 15:2, or “The Almighty God,” Genesis 17:1 & 2 & 4 & 6.  However, its more literal Name would mean “mountain.”  It was the Name by which God appeared to the patriarchs to give comfort and confirmation of the covenant with Abraham (see Genesis 17:1; 28:3; 35:11; Exodus 6:3; see also Genesis 43:14; 49:25; Psalm 68:14; 91:1).  The Name is also used quite extensively in connection with the chastening of God’s people in Ruth 1:2-21.


Elohiym = This word is the plural form for Deity.  The singular form, “Eloah” is used only in poetry.  “Elohiym” = Genesis 1:26.  God, as used in Genesis 1:1, means “Strong Creator.”  In relationship to His Lordship, “Elohim” is used to describe Him as the “God of all the earth,” Isaiah 54:5, the “God of all Flesh,” Jeremiah 32:27, the “God of Heaven,” Nehemiah 2:4, and the “God of gods and Lord of lords,” Deuteronomy. 10:17.  In relation to His work of Creation, He is the “Elohim” Who created all things.  See Genesis 1:1; Isaiah 45:18; Jonah 1:9.  In relation to His “judging,” see Psalm 50:6; 58:11.  In relation to His “works on behalf of Israel,” see Deuteronomy 5:23; 8:15; Psalm 68:7.


Elyon = This Divine Name means, “Highest,” or “Most High God,” “The Exalted One” (see Genesis 14:18 & 22; Numbers 24:16; Second Samuel 22:14; Psalm 7:17; 9:2; 18:13; 21:7; 46:4; 47:2; Lamentations 3:38).  When used as a derivative of “‘alah,” its meaning is, “to go up.”  First used by Melchizedek in Genesis 14:19, it also appears in Psalm 9:2; Daniel 7:18 & 22 & 25 & 27.  It is used of persons or things to indicate their elevation or exaltation.  Examples are:  of Israel, favored above other nations, in Deuteronomy 26:19; of the aqueduct of “the upper pool,” in Isaiah 7:3, etcetera.  This indicates that its meaning, when applied to God, is the “Exalted One,” Who is lifted far above all gods and men.  It occurs alone in Deuteronomy 32:8 and Psalm 18:13, or in combination with other Names of God, the most frequent method being with “El,” such as in Genesis 14:18 and Psalm 78:35.  However, it is also used with “Yahweh” (Psalm 7:17; 97:9), or with “Elohim” (Psalm 56:2; 78:56).  Its early use (Genesis 14:18) points to a high conception of Deity, an unquestioned monotheism in the beginnings of Hebrew history.


Gibbor = In this Deity Name, the ancient Hebrews, being in constant struggle for their land and their liberties, such as in the heroic days of King David in which there was developed a band of men whose great deeds entitled them to the honorable title, “mighty men” of valor, i.e., “gibborim.”  In like manner the Hebrew thought of his God fighting for him easily transferred over then, to this title “Gibbor,” as applied to God:  “The Mighty Man of War.”  Not that God wants or likes war, but that God wars against sin.  It occurs in David’s Psalm of the Ark’s triumphant entry in Psalm 24:8, and in the allegory of the Messiah-King in Psalm 45:3.  It is either alone or combined with “El” (see Isaiah 9:6; Jeremiah 32:18), and sometimes with “Yahweh” (see Isaiah 42:13).


 Hupsistos” = According to Mark 5:7 we can conclude that this Title belongs to God the Father.  The true meaning is “Highest in rank.”


I AM THAT I AM = THIS IS THE TRUE NAME OF GOD; FOR HE SAID IT IS = Exodus 3:14.  See under “Asher Hayah.”  It is used over 6,500 times (still looking).  See YHWH or JHVH = English = “Yahweh” and “Jehovah.”


Jehovah = Meaning “Self-existing One Who Reveals Himself” in Genesis 2:4, and “Eternal One,” in Exodus 6:3; 3:14; Psalm 83:18; Isaiah 26:4.  This Name is the most distinctive of God as the God of Israel, Who is “Jehovah,” which is a combination of the Tetragrammaton, “YHWH,” with the vowels of “Adhonay” transliterated as “Yehowah,” but read aloud by the Hebrews as “Adhonay.”  It is first “made known” at the call of Moses (see Exodus 3:13-16; 6:2-8).  It was given a larger revelation and interpretation, i.e., “God,” to be known to Israel henceforth under the Name of “Yahweh.”


Jehovahjireh [Yehovah-Yireh] = “The Lord Will Provide.”  Actually, this is the Name given to God by Abraham in Genesis 22:14.


Jehovah-Shalom = Found in Judges 6:24.  With the explanation of “Jehovah” (see above), we deal with “Shalom.”  In English, “Shalom” is generally translated as “peace.”  Therefore, the entire Name would mean, “The Eternal One Who Gives [or Owns} Peace.”  However, “Shalom” has many more distinctive meanings than just “peace.”  It is translated as “full” in Genesis 15:16, “welfare” and “well,” in Genesis 43:27, “make good,” in Exodus 21:34, “whole,” in Deuteronomy 27:6, “finished,” in Daniel 5:26, and “perfect heart,” in First Chronicles 29:19.  In Jewish thought, “Shalom” is thought of in a greeting as “health, welfare, wholesomeness,” and “harmony with God.”


Kurios = See under Despotes.


Qadosh = The meaning is “holy,” and is found frequently in the Books of Isaiah and Psalms, and occasionally in the other prophets.  It is characteristic of Isaiah, being found 32 times in that Book.  It occurs often in the phrase “kÌ£edhosh yisra’el,” meaning, “Holy One of Israel.”  Note the inclusion of “el” at the end.  The derivation and meaning remain in doubt, but the customary and most probable derivation is from “Qadhash,” meaning, “to be separate,” which best explains its occasional use both of man and of the Deity.  When used of “God,” it signifies His transcendence, His separateness above all other beings, His aloneness as compared to other gods, and His peculiar relation to His people Israel, unto whom He separated Himself, as He did not unto other nations.  In the former sense, Isaiah used it of His sole Deity (Isaiah 40:25), and in the latter sense, of His peculiar and unchanging covenant-relation to Israel (Isaiah 43:3; 48:17); strikingly expressed in the phrase, “Holy One of Israel.”  “Qadosh” was rather attributive than personal, but became personal in the use of such absolute theists as Job and Isaiah.  It expresses essential Deity, rather than personal revelation.


Qanna = Frequently in the “Pentateuch,” most often in the three (3) versions of the Commandments (see Exodus 20:5; 34:14; Deuteronomy 5:9), God is given the title “Jealous,” i.e., the Divine Name “Qanna.”  Most specifically in the phrase, “Yahweh, Whose Name is Jealous,” Exodus 34:14.  This word really signifies “righteous zeal.”  It better implies to “Yahweh’s” zeal for His Own Name or glory.  Compare with Isaiah 9:7, “the zeal of Yahweh,” Hebrew, “kin’ah.”  Also see Zechariah 1:14; 8:2.


Shadday = In the Book of Job particularly, this Name appears sometimes in the compound, “ ‘El shadday,” sometimes alone (Job 5:17).  The Hebrew “Strongs” number is “H7706.”  While its root meaning is uncertain, the suggested derivation from “shadhadh,” meaning, “to destroy,” or, “to terrify,” seems most probable, signifying the God Who is manifested by the terribleness of His mighty acts.


Theos = Occurring over 1,000 times in the New Testament, this Divine Name corresponds to the Hebrew words “El,” “Elohim,” and others of the Old Testament.  “Theos” is obviously the most frequently used Name of God in the New Testament.  It is one of the only two Names used of God in the New Testament, “Elohim” being the other.  “Elohim” may be used as an accommodation of heathen gods; but in its true sense it expresses essential Deity.  As an expressive of such, it is applied to Christ as to the Father (see John 20:28; Romans 9:5).


Tsur = Five times in the “Song of Moses” (see Deuteronomy 32:4 & 15 & 18 & 30 & 31) the word “Tsur,” meaning “Rock,” is used as a title of God.  It occurs also in the Books of Psalms and Isaiah, and poetical passages of other Books.  Proper Names such as “Elizur” and “Zuriel” are derived from “Tsur.”  It is translated as “Rock” in Second Samuel 23:3 and Isaiah 44:8.


Yahh = A form of “Yahweh,” it is first used in Exodus 15:2, and is generally considered and should be translated as “God,” or “Lord,” just as “Yahweh.”


Yahweh-Makke = A fearful Name for God, literally meaning, “The LORD strikes the blow,” or “the LORD that smiteth.”  See Ezekiel 7:9.


Yahweh Tsaba [Tsebaah] = Connected with the personal and covenant Name “Yahweh,” there is found with it frequently the word “Sabaoth,” or “Tsaba,” meaning, “hosts.”  Invariably, in the Old Testament, it is translated as “hosts” (see Isaiah 1:9; Psalm 46:7 & 11, etcetera).  However, in the New Testament, it is transliterated twice, both in the Greek and in the English (see Romans 9:29; James 5:4).  The passage in Book of Romans is a quotation from Isaiah 1:9, although the “Septuagint” does not translate over to Greek, but transliterates to Hebrew.  The origin and meaning are uncertain.  It is used of Heavenly bodies and earthly forces in Genesis 2:1; of the army of Israel in Second Samuel 8:16; and of the Heavenly beings in Psalm 103:21; 148:2; Daniel 4:35.  It is probable that the title is intended to include all created agencies and beings, of which “Yahweh” is “Maker” and “Leader.”


YHWH or JHVH = English = “Yahweh” and “Jehovah.”  Used over 6,500 times (still looking).  THIS IS THE TRUE NAME OF GOD (see) = “I AM THAT I AM,” Exodus 3:14.


Jehovah = This is the English transliteration of the Hebrew word, “Yahweh.”  The original spelling was just the consonants “YHWH.”  The vowels were added in the seventh or eighth century A.D.  Most scholars believe that ‘YHWH’ comes to us from “hayah,” which is the Hebrew “verb” meaning, “to be.”  If this is correct, then “YHWH” really means, “The Eternal One,” or, better, “The Self-Existing One.”


Yahweh = This Divine Name literally means “Lord” or “God” (see Genesis 22:14; Exodus 17:15; 31:13; Judges 5:3; 6:24; First Samuel 1:3; 17:45; Psalm 23:1; Isaiah 17:6; Jeremiah 23:6; Ezekiel 48:35.).  It is used primarily in the combination with “Jehovah” as in “Lord Jehovah,” Genesis 15:2.  It is the commonly known Name, “YHWH.”  Strictly speaking, this is the ONLY proper NAME of GOD.


Yeshua [Yehoshua] = This is the Aramaic word for “Joshua,” and appears in the Bible wherever “Joshua” appears.  It means, “Yahweh [Jehovah] is Salvation.”  “Yeshua” is the Name the angel told Joseph, the husband of Mary, to give to Mary’s Child when He was born.  In the Greek Bible (the “LXX”), “Yeshua” is spelled, “Lesous,” and this is where our English word “Jesus” originates from.  Thus, it is that “Jesus;” “Joshua;” “Lesous;” and “Yeshua,” are all variant spellings of the same Name in different languages.






Almighty God = Revelation 19:15.

Father = John 14:16.

God = Job 11:7.

God Almighty = Genesis 28:3.

Holy Father = John 17:11.

JAH = Psalm 68:4.

Lord Of Heaven And Earth = Matthew 11:25.

O Father = John 17:5.

O Righteous Father = John 17:25.

The Almighty = Job 11:7.

The Almighty God = Ezekiel 10:5.

The Father = First Corinthians 8:6.

The Only True God = John 17:3.






Comforter = John 14:16.

Eternal Spirit = Hebrews 9:14.

Holy Ghost = Romans 5:5.

Holy Spirit = Luke 11:13.

Spirit Of God = Genesis 1:1; Matthew 3:16.

Spirit Of Grace And Of Supplication = Zechariah 12:10.

Spirit Of Holiness = Romans 1:4.

Spirit Of Truth = John 14:17.

The Spirit = Romans 8:16.






A Buckler = Second Samuel 22:31.

A Builder = Hebrews 11:10.

Abundant In Goodness And Truth = Exodus 34:6.

A God At Hand = Jeremiah 23:23.

A God Of knowledge = First Samuel 2:3.

A God Ready To Pardon = Nehemiah 9:17.

A Great God = Deuteronomy 10:17.

A Great King Above All gods = Psalm 95:3.

A Man Of War = Exodus 15:3.

A Mighty God And Terrible = Deuteronomy 7:21.

Among You = Deuteronomy 7:21.

An Everlasting King = Jeremiah 10:10.

A Sun = Psalm 84:11.

Clothed With Majesty = Psalm 93:1.

Clothed With Strength = Psalm 93:1.

Creator Of The Ends Of The Earth = Isaiah 40:28.

Consuming Fire = Deuteronomy 4:24; Hebrews 12:29.

Deliverer = Psalm 18:2.

Everlasting God = Isaiah 40:28.

Exalted = Isaiah 33:5.

Exceeding Great Reward = Genesis 15:1.

Father = Psalm 89:26.

For Me = Psalm 56:9.

Fortress = Psalm 18:2.

Giveth Songs In The Night = Job 35:10.

God = Genesis 1:1.

God Alone = Psalm 86:10.

Good = Psalm 25:8.

Great = Psalm 86:10.

Great In Power = Nahum 1:3.

Greater Than All gods = Exodus 18:11.

High God = Psalm 78:35.

High Tower = Psalm 18:2.

His Memorial = Hosea 12:5.

Horn Of My Salvation = Psalm 18:2.

JAH = Psalm 68:4.

Jealous = Exodus 34:14

JEHOVAH = Psalm 83:18.

Jealous = Exodus 34:14.

Jealous God = Exodus 34:14.

Keepest Covenant and Mercy = Nehemiah 9:32.

Levi’s Inheritance = Joshua 13:33.

Longsuffering = Exodus 34:6.

Lord Alone = Nehemiah 9:6.

Lord God Of Hosts = Hosea 12:5.

Maker = Psalm 95:6.

Man Of War = Isaiah 42:13.

Merciful And Gracious = Exodus 34:6.

Mighty Man = Isaiah 42:13.

My Buckler = Psalm 18:2.

My Deliverer = Psalm 18:2.

My Fortress = Psalm 18:2.

My God = Psalm 18:2.

My High Tower = Psalm 18:2.

My Husband = Isaiah 54:5.

My Lamp = Second Samuel 22:29.

My Record = Philippians 1:8.

My Rock = Psalm 18:2.

My Strength = Psalm 18:2.

Not Slack Concerning His Promise = Second Peter 3:9.

One LORD = Deuteronomy 6:4.

Our Maker = Psalm 95:6.

Power = Second Samuel 22:33.

Reigneth = Psalm 93:1.

Rock = Psalm 18:2.

Shield = Genesis 15:1.

Slow To Anger = Nahum 1:3.

Strength = Psalm 18:2.

Strong Hold = Nahum 1:7.

The Almighty = Numbers 24:16.

The God Of Hosts = Amos 5:27.

The God Of Israel = Exodus 24:10.

The God Of The Whole Earth = Isaiah 54:5.

The Great = Nehemiah 9:32.

The Holy One Of Israel = Second Kings 19:22.

The Horn Of My Salvation = Psalm 18:2.

The King = Jeremiah 51:57.

The Living God = Jeremiah 10:10.

The Lord = Genesis 4:1.

The Lord God = Genesis 2:4.

The Lord Of Hosts = First Samuel 1:3.

The LORD The God = Nehemiah 9:7.

The Maker = Proverbs 22:2.

The Mighty = Nehemiah 9:32.

The Most High = Numbers 24:16.

The Most High God = Genesis 14:18.

The Rock Of My Salvation = Psalm 89:26.

The Terrible God = Nehemiah 9:32.

Thy Maker = Isaiah 51:13.

Upright = Psalm 25:8.






Abaddon = Revelation 9:11.

Abominable Branch = Isaiah 14:19.

Accuser Of Our Brethren = Revelation 12:10.

Adversary = First Peter 5:8.

Angel Of Light = Second Corinthians 11:14.

Angel Of The Bottomless Pit = Revelation 9:11.

Anointed Cherub = Ezekiel 28:4.

Apollyon = Revelation 9:11.

A Roaring Lion - First Peter 5:8.

Beelzebub = Matthew 12:24.

Covering Cherub = Ezekiel 28:16.

Devil = Revelation 12:9.

Dragon = Revelation 12:8.

Enemy = Matthew 13:39.

Father Of It [Lies] = John 8:44.

god = Ezekiel 28:2; Second Thessalonians 2:4.

god Of This World = Second Corinthians 4:4.

Great Dragon = Revelation 12:9.

Great Red Dragon = Revelation 12:3.

King Of Fierce Countenance = Daniel 8:23.

Liar = John 8:44.

Lucifer = Isaiah 14:12.

Man = Ezekiel 28:2.

Man Of Sin = Second Thessalonians 2:3.

Most High = Isaiah 14:14.

Murderer = John 8:44.

Mystery Of Iniquity = Second Thessalonians 2:7.

Old Serpent = Revelation 12:9.

Prince Of The Devils = Matthew 9:34.

Prince Of The Kingdom Of Persia = Daniel 10:13.

Prince Of The Power Of The Air = Ephesians 2:2.

Prince Of This World = John 12:31.

Roaring Lion = First Peter 5:8.

Satan = Revelation 12:9.

Scapegoat = Leviticus 16:8 & 10 & 26.

Scarlet Coloured Beast = Revelation 17:3.

Serpent = Revelation 12:14.

Spirit = Ephesians 2:2.

Son Of Perdition = Second Thessalonians 2:3.

Son Of The Morning = Isaiah 14:12.

Strong Man = Mark 3:27.

The Man = Isaiah 14:16.

Tempter = Matthew 4:3.

That Wicked = Second Thessalonians 2:8.

Unclean Spirit = Mark 3:30.

Wolf = John 10:12.




The Hebrew word “Mashiyach,” which is translated “Messiah,” and the Greek word “Christos,” which is translated “Christ,” both mean, “anointed.”  Some people have thought that Christ was Jesus’ sur-Name.  But the word “Christ” is actually a title that means, “The Anointed One.”



Advocate = First John 2:1.

All = Colossians 3:11.

Alpha = Revelation 1:8.

Ancient Of Days = Daniel 7:22.

Angel = Exodus 23:20.

Angel Of His Presence = Isaiah 63:9.

Anointed = Psalm 2:2.

Apostle = Hebrews 3:1.

Archangel = Jude 1:9.

Arm Of The Lord = Isaiah 51:9.

Author = Hebrews 12:2.

Avenger = First Thessalonians 4:6.


Babe = Luke 2:16.

Beginning Of The Creation Of God = Revelation 3:14.

Beloved Son = Matthew 3:17.

Bishop Of Your Souls = First Peter 2:25.

Blessed = First Timothy 6:15.

Branch = Isaiah 11:1.

Bread = John 6:58.

Bread Of Life = John. 6:15.

Bridegroom = Matthew 25:5.

Bright = Revelation 22:16.

Brightness of His Glory = Hebrews 1:3.

Brother Of James And Joses, And Judah And Simon = Mark 6:3.


Captain Of Salvation = Hebrews 2:10.

Carpenter = Mark 6:3.

Carpenter’s Son = Matthew 13:55.

Chief Shepherd = First Peter 5:4.

Chief Corner Stone = Ephesians 2:20.

Chiefest Among Ten Thousand = Song Of Solomon 5:10.

Child = Luke 2:34.

Child Jesus = Luke 2:27.

Chosen Of God = First Peter 2:4.

Christ = Matthew 1:16.

Christ Jesus = Acts 19:4.

Christ Jesus Our Lord = Romans 8:39.

Christ Of God = Luke 9:20.

Christ the Lord = Luke 2:11.

Commander = Isaiah 55:4.

Consolation Of Israel = Luke 2:25.

Counsellor = Isaiah 9:6.

Covenant Of The People = Isaiah 42:6.

Creation Of God = Revelation 3:14.


Darling = Psalm 22:20.

David = Ezekiel 37:25.

David’s Son = Luke 20:41.

Day Star = Second Peter 1:19.

Daysman = Job 9:33.

Dayspring = Luke 1:78.

Defense = Psalm 94:22.

Deliverer = Second Samuel 22:2.

Desire Of All Nations = Haggai 2:7.

Desire Of Our Soul = Isaiah 26:8.

Disallowed Indeed of Men = First Peter 2:4.

Door = John 10:9.

Door Of The Sheep = John 10:7.

Drunkard = Luke 7:34.

Dwelling Place = Psalm 90:1.


Elect = First Peter 2:6.

Emmanuel = Matthew 1:23.

End = Revelation 21:6.

Ending = Revelation 1:8.

Ensign = Isaiah 11:10.

Eternal Life = First John 1:2.

Everlasting Father = Isaiah 9:6.

Everlasting Light = First John 1:2.

Express Image Of His Person = Hebrews 1:3.


Father = Second Corinthians 6:18.

Faithful = Revelation 19:11.

Faithful And True Witness = Revelation 3:14.

Faithful Creator = First Peter 4:19.

Faithful Witness = Revelation 1:5.

Finisher Of Our Faith = Hebrews 12:2.

First = Revelation 1:11.

First Begotten Of The Dead = Revelation 1:5.

Firstbegotten = Hebrews 1:6.

Firstborn = Colossians 1:15.

Firstfruits = First Corinthians 15:23.

Foundation = Isaiah 28:16.

Fountain = Zechariah 13:1.

Fountain Of Living Waters = Jeremiah 2:13.

Forerunner = Hebrews 6:20.

Fortress = Second Samuel 22:2.

Friend Of Publicans And Sinners = Matthew 11:19.


Gift Of God = John 4:10.

Gin = Isaiah 8:14.

Glory Of Thy People Israel = Luke 2:32.

Glutton = Luke 7:34.

Gluttonous = Matthew 11:19.

God = John 1:1.

God Almighty = Genesis 48:3.

God The Lord = Isaiah 42:5.

God With Us = Matthew 1:23.

Good Master = Luke 10:25.

Good Seed = Matthew 13:37.

Good Shepherd = John 10:11.

Good Shepherd Of The Sheep = Hebrews 13:20.

God’s Anointed = Hebrews 3:13.

Governor = Matthew 2:6.

Guide = Psalm 48:14.


He = Micah 5:2.

Head Of Every Man = First Corinthians 11:3.

Head Of The Body = Colossians 1:18.

Head Of The Church = Ephesians 5:23.

Head Of The Corner = First Peter 2:7.

Head Over All Things To The Church = Ephesians 1:22.

Heir Of All Things = Hebrews 1:2.

Her Seed = Genesis 3:15.

He That Formed Thee From The Womb = Isaiah 44:24.

High God = Psalm 78:35.

High Priest = Hebrews 9:11.

High Tower = Second Samuel 22:2.

His Christ = Revelation 11:15.

His Servant = Isaiah 50:10.

His Son = First John 1:7.

Holy Child Jesus = Acts 4:27.

Holy One = Acts 13:25.

Holy One Of God = Luke 4:34.

Holy One Of Israel = Isaiah 55:5.

Holy Thing = Luke 1:35.

Hope = Colossians 1:27.

Horn = Luke 1:69.

Horn Of My Salvation = Second Samuel 22:2.

Horn Of Salvation = Luke 1:69.

Husbandman = James 5:7.


I Am = John 8:58.

I AM THAT I AM = Exodus 3:14.

I Am The Lord = Isaiah 43:15.

I Am The Almighty God = Genesis 17:1.

Image Of God = Second Corinthians 4:4.

Immanuel = Isaiah 7:14.

Immortal = First Timothy 1:17.

In All = Colossians 3:11.

Invisible = First Timothy 1:17.


JEHOVAH = Exodus 6:3.

Jesus = Matthew 1:21.

Jesus Christ = Matthew 1:1.

Jesus Christ Of Nazareth = Acts 4:10.

Jesus Christ Our Lord = Romans 6:11.

Jesus Christ Our Saviour = Titus 3:6.

Jesus Of Nazareth = Matthew 26:71.

Jesus, The Christ = Matthew 16:20.

Judge = Acts 10:42.

Judge Of Quick And Dead = Acts 10:42.

Just = Acts 3:14.

Just Man = Matthew 27:19.

Just One = Acts 22:14.

Just Person = Matthew 27:24


King = John 19:14.

King Eternal = First Timothy 1:17.

King Of Glory = Psalm 24:10.

King Of Israel = Matthew 15:32.

King Of Kings = Revelation 17:14.

King Of Saints = Revelation 15:3.

King Of The Jews = Matthew 27:37.


Lamb = Revelation 14:1

Lamb Of God = John. 1:29.

Last = Revelation 1:1.

Last Adam = First Corinthians 15:45.

Lawgiver = James 4:12.

Leader = Isaiah 55:4.              

Life = John 14:6.

Light = Revelation 21:23.

Light Into The World = John 12:46.

Light Of The World = John 9:5.

Light To The Gentiles = Luke 2:32.

Lily Of The Valleys = Song Of Solomon 2:1.

Lion Of The Tribe Of Judah = Revelation 5:5.

Liveth And Was Dead = Revelation 1:18.

Living Bread = James 6:51.

Living Stone = First Peter 2:4.

Lord = Matthew 7:21.

Lord Almighty = Second Corinthians 6:18.

Lord Christ = Colossians 3:24.

Lord From Heaven = First Corinthians 15:47.

Lord God Almighty = Revelation 16:7.

Lord God Omnipotent = Revelation 19:6.

Lord Jesus = Revelation 22:20.

Lord Jesus Christ = Revelation 22:21.

Lord Jesus Christ Our Saviour = Titus 1:4.

Lord Of All the Earth = Zechariah 6:5.

Lord Of Glory = James 2:1.

Lord Of Heaven And Earth = Acts 17:24.

Lord Of Hosts = Isaiah 51:15.

Lord Of lord’s = Revelation 17:14.

Lord Of Peace = Second Thessalonians 3:16.

Lord Of The Sabbath = Mark 2:28.

Lord Our God = Revelation 19:1.

Lord Our Righteousness = Jeremiah 23:6.

Lord’s Christ = Luke 2:26.

Love = First John 4:8.


Man = Hebrews 3:3.

Man Christ Jesus = First Timothy 2:5.

Man, Jesus Christ = Romans 5:15.

Man Of Sorrows = Isaiah 53:3.

Master = Matthew 23:9.

Mediator = First Timothy 2:5.

Messenger Of The Covenant = Malachi 3:1.

Messiah = Daniel 9:26.

Messiah The Prince = Daniel 9:25.

Messias = John 4:25.

Michael = Jude 9.

Mighty Angel = Revelation 10:1

Mighty God = Isaiah 9:6.

Mighty One Of Jacob = Isaiah 60:16.

Mighty One Of Israel = Isaiah 30:29.

Minister Of The Sanctuary = Hebrews 8:2.

Morning Star = Revelation 22:16

Most High = Psalm 92:8.

Most Holy = Daniel 9:24.

My Messenger = Malachi 3:1.


Nazarene = Matthew 2:23.


Oblation = Daniel 9:27.

Offspring Of David = Revelation 22:16.

Omega = Revelation 1:11.

Only Begotten Of The Father = John 1:14.

Only Begotten Son = John 3:16.

Only True God = John 17:3.

Only Wise God = Jude 25.


Passover = First Corinthians 5:7.

Peace = Ephesians 2:14.

Physician = Luke 4:23.

Potentate = First Timothy 6:15.

Power Of God = First Corinthians 1:24.

Precious = First Peter 2:6.

Precious Corner Stone = Isaiah 28:16.

Priest = Hebrews 8:4.

Priest Of Our Profession = Hebrews 3:1.

Prince = Acts 5:31.

Prince Of Life = Acts 3:15

Prince Of Peace = Isaiah 9:6.

Prince Of The Covenant = Daniel 11:22.

Prince Of The Kings Of The Earth = Revelation 1:5.

Prophet = Matthew 21:46.

Prophet Of Nazareth = Matthew 21:11.

Prophet Of The Highest = Luke 1:76.

Propitiation = First John 2:2.

Purifier Of Silver = Malachi 3:3.


Rabbi = John 1:38.

Rabboni = John 20:16.

Ransom = Job 33:24.

Redeemer = Isaiah 59:20.

Redemption = Luke 59:20.

Refiner = Malachi 3:3.

Refuge = Second Samuel 22:2.

Resurrection = John 11:25.

Right Scepter = Psalm 45:6.

Righteous = First John 2:1.

Righteous Branch = Jeremiah 23:5.

Righteous Judge = Second Timothy 4:8.

Righteous Servant = Isaiah 53:11.

Righteousness = First John 2:1.

Rock = First Corinthians 10:4.

Rock Of Offense = Romans 9:23.

Rock Of My Refuge = Psalm 94:22

Rod = Isaiah 11:1.

Root = Revelation 22:16.

Root Of David = Revelation 5:5.

Root Of Jesse = Isaiah 11:10.

Rose Of Sharon = Song Of Solomon 2:1.

Ruler In Israel = Micah 5:2.


Sacrifice = Daniel 9:27.

Salvation = Exodus 15:2.

Sanctification = First Corinthians 1:30.

Sanctuary = Isaiah 8:14.

Saviour = Luke 2:11.

Saviour Jesus Christ = Titus 2:13.

Saviour Of The Body = Ephesians 5:23.

Saviour Of The World = First John 4:14.

Sceptre = Psalm 45:6.

Second Man = First Corinthians 15:47.

Seed Of David = John 7:42.

Servant = Philippians 2:7.

Servant Of Rulers = Isaiah 49:7.

Shepard = Psalm 23:1.

Shepard Of Israel = Psalm 80:1.

Shepard Of Your Souls = First Peter 2:25.

Shield = Second Samuel 22:2.

Shiloh = Genesis 49:10.

Snar = Isaiah 8:14.

Son = Hebrews 5:8.

Son Of David = Mark 12:35.

Son Of God = Luke 4:41.

Son Of Joseph = John 6:42.

Son Of Man = Matthew 26:64.

Son Of Mary = Mark 6:3.

Son Of Righteousness = Malachi 4:2.

Son Of The Blessed = Mark 14:61.

Son Of The Father = Second John 1:3.

Son Of The Highest = Luke 1:32.

Son Of The Living God = Matthew 16:16.

Son Over His Own House = Hebrews 3:6

Song = Exodus 15:2.

Spirit = Second Corinthians 3:17.

Star = Numbers 24:17.

Stone = First Peter 2:7.

Stone Of Stumbling = First Peter 2:7.

Strength = Exodus 15:2.

Strong Habitation = Psalm 71:3.

Strong Hold Of The Daughter Of Zion = Micah 4:8.

Sun Of Righteousness = Malachi 4:2.

Sure Foundation = Isaiah 28:16.

Surety = Hebrews 7:22.


That Man = Acts 17:31.

Teacher = John 3:2.

Testator = Hebrews 9:16.

The Almighty = Numbers 24:4.

The Amen = Revelation 3:14.

The Beloved = Ephesians 1:6.

The Breaker = Malachi 2:13.

The Christ = Matthew 16:16.

The Creator Of Israel = Isaiah 43:15.

The Creator Of The Ends Of The Earth = Isaiah 40:28.

The Desire Of All Nations = Haggai 2:7.

The Everlasting God = Isaiah 40:28.

The Life = John 14:6.

The Lord Our God = Psalm 90:17.

The Man Christ Jesus = First Timothy 2:5.

The Man That Is My Fellow = Zechariah 13:7.

The Messiah The Prince = Daniel 9:25.

The Son Of David = Matthew 21:9.

The Truth = John 14:6.

The Way = John 14:6.

The Word = John 1:1.

Their Redeemer = Jeremiah 50:34.

Thief = Revelation 16:15.

Thine Anointed = Hebrews 3:13.

Thou Son OF David = Matthew 9:27.

Thy Creator = Ecclesiastes 12:1.

Thy Redeemer = Isaiah 44:24.

Tower Of The Flock = Micah 4:8.

Tried Stone = Isaiah 28:16.

True = Revelation 19:11

True God = First John 5:20.

True Light = John 1:9.

True Vine = John 15:1.

True Witness = Revelation 3:14.

Truth = John 14:6.


Unspeakable Gift = Second Corinthians 9:15.


Very Christ = Acts 9:22.

Vine = John 15:5.


Way = John 15:5.

Which Is = Revelation 1:8.

Which Is To Come = Revelation 1:8.

Which Was = Revelation 1:8.

Winebibber = Matthew 11:19.

Wisdom = First Corinthians 1:30.

Wisdom Of God = First Corinthians 1:24.

Wise God = Jude 25.

Witness = Isaiah 55:4.

Wonderful = Isaiah 9:6.

Word Of God = Revelation 19:13.

Word Of Life = First John 1:1.


Young Child = Matthew 2:7.

Your Holy One = Isaiah 43:15.

Your King = Isaiah 43:15.

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