(Credit To Chuck Missler Who Used Dr. Ivan Panin's Discovery Of The Below;
Myself, And Others)
See also my Bible Study: “REASONS TO BELIEVE & BIBLE CODES.” First of all, if we have to prove God exists using “science,” then that would make “science” God. But “science” properly used, as I will do below, is how we can help to explain that there is a God. Such as, when God states, “The heavens declare the glory of God,” Psalm 19:1, God Himself is using something we humans can use, which is true science, which is something that can be observed and demonstrated. Thus, the Christian faith goes beyond faith into reality, except for the things not yet demonstrated; such as the Second Coming; which is believed because every other prophecy, event, or whatever, has come true. Science cannot explain a miracle; but it can observe the effects of one.
According to Proverbs 25:2, “It is the glory of God to conceal a thing but it is the honor of kings to search out a matter.” And it was Rabbi Moses Cordevaro, in the 16th century, that discovered what he called, “The Torah Codes.” He stated, “The secrets of the Torah are revealed in the skipping of the letters.” This caused many scholars to start looking for the “Secret Codes” in the “Torah.”
Also, according to Psalm 12:6, God has “purified” His Word (the Bible) “seven times” over. Take careful note of the number “seven.”
One of the earliest discoveries of any “Code” breaker searching in the Scriptures, is called the “Equidistant Letter Sequence.” See my Bible Study: “BIBLE CODES” in order to better understand what comes next.
The reason we even have the “Torah” and the rest of the Scriptures is because of rabbinical and other “copyists” that preserved them from the originals. The “Torah” Hebrew letters were counted by the copyist, and if the copy was different in any way, letter count, misspelling, etcetera, the copy was thrown away, and even burned such that no new thoughts could be composed from this corrupted document.
In this computer age, the “Torah” has been subjected to applying each letter with a number. The computer sees 304,805 numbers in 64 rows with 4,772 numbers in each row. This is how the Biblical codes are beginning to reveal to the modern age what was hidden and known to be hidden by the Rabbis for centuries.
According to Elijah ben Solomon, in his book "Genius of Vilna,” in regards to Biblical codes, he writes: “The rule is, that all that was, all that is, and all that will be until the end of times is included in the Torah from the first word to the last.”
The word “Torah” in Hebrew is our English true equivalent of “TORH.” If we go to the Book of Genesis and find the first “T,” then you count 49 letters after that, and you will find an “o,” then 49 letters after that, you come to an “r,” then another 49 letters after that you will find your “h.” This continues on in the entire Book of Genesis, spelling out “Torh,” every 49 letters. Good luck attempting to do that with our English language for 50 Chapters. However, you very well may be able to find a four-letter-word in English in which you could do just that.
Therefore, let’s move on to the Book of Exodus. Amazingly, the same thing happens. You first find your first “T,” and move on 49 more letters to spell out “Torh.” At this point you should come to the conclusion that “Somebody” did this on purpose.
However, when going to the Book of Leviticus, the sequence stops. By contrast, keep in mind that Leviticus is considered to be the Holiest Book in the Bible. Therefore, let’s move on to the Book of Numbers. If we consider that the Book of Leviticus is in the center of the “Torah,” then when we go to the Book of Numbers, we first find the letter “h,” then count 49 letters latter to find the letter “r,” then 49 more letters to find the letter “o,” then 49 letters again and we find our capital letter “T.” In other words, “Torh” is spelled backwards towards the Book of Leviticus. The same thing happens in the Book of Deuteronomy, “Torh” spelled backwards.
Let’s get back to the Holiest Book in the Bible, the Book of Leviticus. Most Christians know that “YHWH” is the Holy Name of God. Let’s give that a try in the Hebrew. First you find your first letter, “Y.” Then, understanding that God’s Holy number in the Bible is the number “7,” we then count 7 letters from our first “Y” and come to a “H,” with seven more letters being the letter “W,” and you guessed it by now, 7 more letters brings us to the letter “H.” Of course, we have just spelled out the Holy Name of God, “YHWH.” Continuing on with every seventh letter in the entire Book of Leviticus we keep spelling out “YHWH.” And, if we count every 49th letter, we still (of course) spell out “YHWH.”
Standing back and looking at this, Genesis and Exodus spell “Torh” forward, Numbers and Deuteronomy spell “Torh,” backwards, and the Book of Leviticus places God, “YHWH,” in the middle of it all. And any reputable Rabbi in the World will tell you that “The Torah always points to YHWH [God].” What one should not deny at this point, is that this is EVIDENCE OF DESIGN.
One might object and state, “Why 49?” Well, 49 is the square root of 7, the Holy Biblical number of God. It is the “Counting of the Omer,” in the Feast of First Fruits, or Feast of Weeks, in Leviticus 23:17. Rabbi Hearst stated that “The Jews Catechism is his Calendar.” Also, the number 49 is the prophetic Genealogy in the Book of Ruth. Exampled in Genesis, Chapter 38, Judah and Tamar gave birth to Perez and Zerach. Boaz descended from Perez. Boaz marries Ruth, who together they bare Oded, whose son is Jesse, the father of king David. What does this mean?
In Genesis, Chapter 38, these names are encrypted at 49-letter intervals, in chronological order. Keeping in mind that the Book of Ruth mentions in order of importance the names of Boaz, Ruth, Obed, Jesse, then David. Note, Jesse is “Yishay” in Hebrew. So what we have here is each personage named in 49-letter intervals, all in chronological order, throughout the entire Chapter.
At this point, the non-believing cynics, pessimists, sceptics, doubters, scoffers, detractors, and anyone else I may have missed, will state that this is all just happenstance (or whatever). Ok, let’s get back to the number “Seven” in the Bible. It occurs in nearly 700 passages in the Bible. Some are overt, some are structural, and some are hidden in what is called, the “Underlying Heptadic Structures as a Signature.”
In order to make the usage of Sevens in the Bible more visible, try this exercise for yourself. You are going to make, or better, design a genealogy chart using a number of words that must be divisible by 7 evenly.
1) So you say, “That’s easy, I’ll use 14 names in my family’s genealogy.”
2) However, the next Biblical condition is, you need to have the number of letters used to be divisible by 7 evenly. In other words, each name used must be divisible by seven, meaning also that when you have totaled all the 14 names in your list, that number would also be divisible by 7. You might be thinking at this point, “I can get the words to come out, but to get the letters to come out also I will need the help of a computer.
3) However, another component in our Biblical reckoning is, “The number of vowels and the number of consonants must also be divisible by 7.” At this point it would take a computer a few minutes to tackle.
4) But wait, there is still another component in our Biblical requirements. The number of words (names) that begin with a vowel must still be divisible by 7.
5) Tacked on to that would of course be that the number of words that begin with a consonant must remain as divisible by 7.
6) And to really complicate things, when you have a genealogical name that occurs more than once, it must occur 7 or more times, all occurrences being divisible by 7. Remember, at the end of this list all of the names shall be divisible by 7. Now you can easily see that you must use more than your originally anticipated 14 names for this list. In fact, that reality should have happened on step 3. Also, your computer can no longer keep up without a key number to your code, i.e., 7. And even if it had that number, it would take many minutes, if not hours, to form your list.
7) If by some miracle you are still playing, put your genealogical names in birth order, into a common sentence structure, with it forming a paragraph with these added qualifications. Your computer can now no longer keep up.
8) In addition, the number of words that occur more than once must be divisible by 7. This should have happened already and you may not count this as another requirement. However, in the Greek and Hebrew languages, persons with the same name can have a different spelling but be the same person, or another person with that same name.
9) The words that occur in more than one form (as mentioned in 8 above; such as our English does, i.e., Joram & Jehoram) must be divisible by 7.
10) The words that do occur in only one form must be divisible by 7.
11) Each time a noun occurs, it must happen every 7th time (example, when you are adding, Joseph begat whoever he begat, it must occur 7 times latter also).
12) Plus, only 7 words shall not be nouns. And to reiterate, the number of names shall be divisible by 7, with only 7 other kinds of nouns being permitted. Your computer now needs to be a super computer, and without the code it cannot do it; or even with the code, it most likely may not be able to do it.
13) But wait! The number of male names must be divisible by 7 (I could say female names also; but the Biblical text is reluctant at that point to use female names; you’ll see why in number 14).
14) The number of generations must be divisible by 7. And if the Christian hasn’t guessed already, this is the genealogy of Jesus Christ as found in the Book of Matthew, Chapter One, Verses 1-11. In other words, the code is in the Greek text. Keep in mind that the Greek structuring of words must meet five additional conditions in order to form a word, as compared to English words (even the Hebrew is easier to do this with than the Greek).
If you are not astonished yet, I will just throw this in. In the remainder of Matthew, Chapter One, Verses 18-25, there are 161 words, which equals 7 times 23. Remember, the number 7 is our code breaker. There are 105 forms of words used, which equals 7 times 15. There are 77 vocabularies, which equals 7 times 11. There are 28 words for “Angel,” which is 7 times 4, with the Greek numerical value of 52,605, which is 7 times 7,515. Within that code there is 35 forms of “Angel,” which is 7 times 5, with their Greek value at 65,429, which is 7 times 9,347. And just as remarkable, this code of the number 7, which is the Holy number of our Lord, continues on in Matthew, Chapter Two, with the Name of Jesus, i.e., “Jeshua.”
The chances of any of this happening in statistical reckoning is impossible. If I have one of these occurring, I have 6 chances of losing and one chance of winning. Las Vegas, here we come. However, when I add two rules, or a second rule, I have one (1) chance in 7 squared, or better, 1 in 49 chances to win. Now go to three rules, and it’s one chance in 343 chances to win. Here it is laid out:
For 2: 7 squared = (7 x 7) = 49 chances to win.
For 3: 7 to the third = (7 x 7 x 7) = 343 chances to win.
For 4: 7 to the fourth = (7 x 7 x 7 x 7) = 2,401 chances to win.
For 5: 7 times 5 = 16,807 chances to win.
For 6: 7 times 6 = 117,649 chances to win.
For 7: 7 time 7 = 823,543 chances to win.
For 8: 7 times 8 = 5,764,801 chances to win.
For 9: 7 times 9 = 40,353,607 chances to win. Now you are past most lottery entrances and the Scriptures have given you 14 rules to comply with.
Also, all of the above must be accomplished by statistical accident if there is no Designer, i.e., no God. Let’s be honest. The more rules there are, or the more something complies with any sense of order, the more likely that there is a Designer involved in the equation. By the way, 7 to the 14th would equal 678,223,072,849. And for the sceptics, just because we can write the number down does not mean that it is then possible.
The Hebrew alphabet has 22 letters, with numbers assigned to them. Sorry, I do not have a Hebrew keyboard.
Aleph equals 1;
Bet/Vet equals 2;
Gimmel equals 3;
Dalet equals 4;
Hey equals 5;
Vav equals 6;
Zayin equals 7;
Chet equals 8;
Tet equals 9;
Yod equals 10;
Kaf/Khaf equals 20;
Lamed equals 30;
Mem equals 40;
Num equals 50;
Samekh equals 60;
‘Ayin equals 70;
Pey/Fey equals 80;
Tsade equals 90;
Qof equals 100;
Resh equals 200;
Shin/Sin equals 300;
Tav equals 400.
In Genesis, Chapter One, Verse One, in Hebrew lettering, the middle word has two numbers. There are three (3) words on each side of the middle word. Let me break here and explain that prime numbers are important in the Hebrew numbering of letters in their alphabet. A prime number is one in which the number can only be divisible by one (1), or itself. As an example, 3 & 5 & 7, are prime numbers.
Notice that there are seven (7) Hebrew words that are used to construct Genesis 1:1. There are three (3) words on each side of the middle word. The words to the right and left of the middle word each have five (5) letters in them. If you add the numbers to the right of the middle word and the middle word together, you arrive at seven (7) for a total. The same result is seven (7) if we add the middle word to the word to the left of the middle word. There are three (3) letters in the second word, and three (3) letters in the sixth word (second words to the right and left of the center word). Again, Three, Five, and Seven are all prime numbers. Have I lost you yet?
I want to bring up an important point here; since we have been mentioning the “Center Word.” It is not translatable and is not translated in the passage. Just what are those two letters used in the passage; the center word of the seven words? The “Aleph” and the “Tav.” In other words, just as in the Greek, we know the beginning and ending letters of the Greek alphabet, “Alpha and Omega,” Revelation 1:8 & 11; 21:6; 22:13.
So in the Hebrew we have the “Aleph and the Tav.” This is an obvious reference to Jesus, The Christ. Thus, Genesis 1:1, could be translated as, “In the beginning God (“Jesus,” the Creator of everything; see Col. 1:16) created the heavens and the earth.” If we could take a closer look at the Hebrew structuring of sentences in our Bibles, I would like to know how many times the “Aleph and Tav” are in them and not translated. In other words, Jesus is in His Word more than we realize; even as much as we see Him on every page of the Bible now (if you don’t, read the page again).
Now let’s add up the seven words used to construct Genesis 1:1.
The first word has 6 letters equaling 2+20+1+300+10+400 = 913.
Our second word has three letters equaling 2+200+1 = 203.
The third word (“Elohim;” plural form of God) has five letters equaling 1+30+5+10+40 = 86.
The fourth word (our center word) has two letters equaling 1+400 = 401.
The fifth word has five letters equaling 5+300+40+10+40 = 395.
The sixth word has three letters equaling 6+1+400 = 407.
And lastly, our seventh word has four letters equaling 5+1+200+90 = 296.
Our grand total is 2,701. Now we arrive at our code breaker, which is 37 (times) x 73 = 2701. Keep in mind that 37 and 73 are prime numbers.
Locking at 37 x 73 (= “3773”), we can see that added with our center word (two letters), with each word on either side of it having five letters, we arrive at 7. And our 2nd and 6th words have three (3) letters (all of this looks better on a chart). Put together we have “3773.”
37 is the 12th prime number, while 73 is the 21st prime number. Notice how these two numbers reflect each other, equaling “1221.” Thus, “3773” works out to 7 x 7 x 77. How could any of this be by accident?
Let’s look at the Genesis 1:1 passage itself. The first Hebrew word (6 letters) “reshiyth,” (I do not have a Hebrew keyboard), translates to “In the beginning.” The third Hebrew word is “elohiym,” meaning “God” (in plural form; “Elohim”). There totals are 913 plus 86, which equals “999.” Brake this into its prime numbers and we have 37 x 3 x 3 x 3, which equals “999.”
The Hebrew second, fourth, and fifth words in Genesis 1:1, translate to “created the heaven.” There totals are 203+401+395 = 999. Again equaling 37 x 3 x 3 x 3.
If we take the third, fifth, and seventh words, translating to “God, the heaven, the earth,” we have 86+395+296 = 777. That is 37 x 7 x 3.
Also, if we take words 3, 5, and 6, “God, the heaven, and,” equaling 86+395+407 = 888; which is divisible by 37 (24 times; 24 being associated with priestly duties; Chronicles, Chapter 24; no pun intended).
In a side note, the Hebrew word for “for ever” is, “aw lam.” Our first word equals 74, which is divisible by 37 twice. While our second word equals 146, which is divisible by 73 two times. Look at it this way. 2 x 73 and 37 x 2. Or, “7337” with twos on either side. If you reverse the twos (giving them power to do so) you have our prime measuring code number, 3773. God wants us all to live “for ever,” just as He does.
Lastly, if we take the Hebrew alphabet itself, using the first, middle, and last letters totals, we have 1+40+400 = 441. That breaks down to 3 x 7 x 7 x 3; which again equals our code number of “3773.” No Design Here.
More is to be discovered and will only stager our imagination and should lead us to the proper conclusion that there is a God (a Designer). Even if you choose to not discover anything more about these Biblical codes, what has been displayed should convince you that there is a Divine being (a Designer).
Lastly, that the New Testament is in a “Comprehensive Design” format, know that It consists of 27 Books. Each Book begins and ends with a word, meaning that would equal 54 words. Of those words, the total vocabulary of those words is 28, which is divisible by seven (7), four (4) times. Their total geometric value in Greek is 46,949, which is 7 times 6,707. In other words, divisible by 7. The value of the shortest of those words is 70, which is 7 times 10. And the value of the longest word is 512, which is for those familiar with the Book of Revelation, is 7 times 6, times 6, times 6 (“666”).
Not satisfied yet? The vocabulary in the Book of Matthew is unique only to It. In other words, there are words in the Book of Matthew that only appear in that Book Itself, with none of the other New Testament authors using those words. OK, you say, “So What!” Well, of those words, they occur 42 times, which is divisible by 7 (six times). They have 126 letters, which is divisible by seven (7), 18 times.
Being divisible by seven (7) is tough enough. But to then collude with the other authors of the New Testament and tell them they cannot use these specific words is outrageous! However, the only way that this could be properly attempted is to prove that Matthew wrote his Gospel after the other authors. But as we know, John the Revelator was the last to write his works.
But wait! There are also unique vocabularies in the Gospel of Mark that are not in the other Gospel writers, and those words are divisible by seven (7). That would prove that Mark wrote his last. Hold on! The Gospel of Luke also has to Its credit unique vocabularies that are not in the other Gospel writers’ renditions, and those words are divisible by seven (7) also. And would you believe it, so does the Gospel of John, along with the Books of James, Peter, Jude, and Paul’s works.
What shall we conclude now? Hopefully that there is a “Designer” and that He is “God” (that there is a God). And by the way, no computer could do this without first knowing the code number seven (7), and the chronological order (in other words, it would need a designer). Put another way, the number seven (7) is representative of the Holy God Almighty; and He designed everything.
I pray I have proved to you, the reader, what should have already been known from creation.